Hand Quotes Pictures
The best things in life are the nearest: Breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of right..
-Darab Imteyaz Your Eyes
-Darab Imteyaz Your Eyes

No matter what you have, no matter your experience level, sometimes you just need a hand...No Matter What

If life is just like the small hand and big hand of clock, it would have been better because they..Each Other

It's up to you to be responsible for how you feel, if you are not happy your happiness lies in your..
Top 10 hand Quotes
I will love you If you promise To hold my hand As we walk together Through hell and heaven And never doubt That we are meant to be together- Johanna
He didn't hold my hand, saw me growing up, crying or smiling and I, once conceived with love, I no longer exist.- Chris Peters
He always followed her, Always held her hand, never leaving her alone, never letting her go and at night when she lay there.. he wrapped his arms around her until she fell asleep. What was his name you ask? Pain. His name is pain.- Margaret McCrudden
Peace and happiness are like Left and Right hand of a human. Right hand is always seeking the harmonious support from Left hand. If either of the two is missing the person becomes a handicapped entity.- Chandrababu V S
When I saw your face across the room, so many years ago, I knew you'd be the one to reach the corners of my soul. Now here we are, decades past, still walking hand in hand, knowing all along the path, that this was life's most perfect plan.- Butterflydreams
Why ask your past about your future if your present is at hand? - James Okeze
Hold my hand tightly so that a trace of our fingerprints are ingrained.. fingerprints don't fade.. and I want to know you like the back of my hands- Minetre Martin
Some saudi men don't seem to like saudi women because of what they see in them, on the other hand, some saudi women don't seem to like saudi men because of what they don't see in them.- diya ahmed azzony
Action and ambition should go hand in hand- Rizwan Jamil
Making a difference is not about being a big hero. It is about lending a helping hand to those in need, lifting someone's spirit to those who feel down, giving hope to those in despair, putting a smile to those in tears and for just being there in times of need.- lulu topacio
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The lord has a deck of cards and we are all dealt a specific hand and the hand that is dealt to you, might not be the best, but we have to deal with that hand in our way. And the way to make yourself happy about the cards you were dealt, is to arrange them in the order that makes us happy!- Timothy Robert Williams Jr.
If the truth hurts you, there's no nurse to hold your hand. Gotta take it!- Jovonta Battle
Know the evil same way like your loved ones. only then you can gain the upper-hand against evil.- Juha Samuel Saukko
Courage is found in everyone. When some one doubts themselves they lose the gift of courage and become cowards. True courage is obtained by removing all the fear in your mind and all the doubt in your soul and disregarding your safety for the protection of others, only then can one become a true symbol of courage and face the task at hand and become a hero.- Christopher Joesph Agruso
I'm longing for.. a kiss on my forehead, a stare while I am sleeping, a hand to hold on tightly, warm shoulder to sleep on, an all night hugs and cuddles, laughter to share with, an endless heart to heart chat, being with someone, you..- indah mayang indriyani
If you want sagacity, handle this life in your left hand.- Linda Usman
Whenever things get out of hand, one thing that rings on my mind is, God never forsake his people- ease berry
Your are always addicted to the hand you are used to- Tijani Kehinde John
Authority is in the hands of God and out of Man's hand- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
You have me fetch and catch your love, Although you've already given it to me, But that's the beauty of playing with thee, As if to catch my hand with a glove! As with my hand, it is with thee, Together forever are we- Joshua Aaron Guillory
You have me fetch and catch your love, Although you've already given it to me, But that is the beauty of playing with thee, As if to catch my hand with a glove! As with my hand, it is with thee, Together forever are we- Joshua Aaron Guillory
We must work hand in hand for an inclusive and constructive human rights dialogue.- J B
Don't worry, you are loved. You are SO SO LOVED! Never doubt that I will stick to you like glue the whole way through. No matter what crap idiots throw at you, what names they call you, what rumors they spread about you. I just don't care. I will hold your hand while you dangle off a cliff and I will not let go. I'll fall with you first. YOU ARE LOVED!- Johanna
Read me my hand palm. Am I the rock or the dust ?- mohdmustafa99
Every Christmas I feel something special, really special that when I'm gonna share, I just give it all. Last Christmas and it was morning, after eating my breakfast I went outside my house to drink coffee, I was now going to drink my coffee with my new expensive mug while an old man approached me and he reached out his right hand and looked at me with sadness and after that I gave him my coffee and he walks away drinking it with that very expensive mug. It doesn't matter because its Christmas. That was what I said. Last Christmas and it was after I ate my lunch, I went and waited outside hoping for the old man to come back and return my very expensive mug and while waiting I decided to open the big box chocolates my aunt gave me for Christmas but there was an old lady who approached me while I was going to open it and she reached out and opened her left hand to me and when I look at her I saw saliva coming out of her mouth, after that I gave her that big box of chocolates. It doesn't mat- Criz Jordan
Thinking can conflict with imaginary thoughts such as both the possible and impossible.. Beliefs on the other hand, can lead you to where, what, and how you want to be in the future - Mohanad
A simple prayer that you have to bring at work: Dear God, 'Let me work in accordance to your hand, decide in accordance to your heart, and think in accordance to your mind'.. Amen..- zindy
If I wiped away your tears, Would you remember my name? If I kissed your red cheeks, Would you try to do the same? If I held your trembling hand, Would you hold my cold hand too? And If I asked for a little love, You'd say no 'cause it's all about you.- Muze
You grabbed my hand, whispered in my ear and said those words I wanted to hear- Vanessa Murillo
My motherland, how on the earth can I put you in my hand?- Linda Usman