
Paul Swearingen (swearinp) Quotes & Sayings:

Paul Swearingen

Experience on OwnQuotes: 10 Years 9 Months

Paul Swearingen Quotes

1-22 of total 22 Quotes
Never and can Never and can't are failures before trying...

Confidence Courage Life Optimism Truth

A glass half empty will be completely empty much faster than a glass half full. A glass half empty will be completely empty much faster than a glass half full...

Heart Inspirational Life Witty Wisdom

If you follow water drank from a cup long enough, eventually it would end up back in that cup. If you follow water drank from a cup long enough, eventually it would end up back in that cup...

Life Truth Wisdom

We can only be certain of one thing - that nothing is ever certain. We can only be certain of one thing - that nothing is ever certain...

Philosophy Truth Wisdom

In an unpredictable universe, the only certainty can come from the choices we make. In an unpredictable universe, the only certainty can come from the choices we make...

Life Philosophy Wisdom

Live each moment as you intend to - for those moments are lost forever in time. Live each moment as you intend to - for those moments are lost forever in time...

Age Inspirational Life Time Wisdom

Speaking in absolutes is like speaking to only part of the truth. Speaking in absolutes is like speaking to only part of the truth...

Life Philosophy Truth Wisdom

True self is only realized when all except self is stripped away. True self is only realized when all except self is stripped away...

Beauty Confidence Courage Philosophy Wisdom

The thought of living forever is as scary as the thought of not living at all. The thought of living forever is as scary as the thought of not living at all...

Age Death Wisdom Fear

Having faith is equivalent to having cancer and believing it will not eventually kill you. Having faith is equivalent to having cancer and believing it will not eventually kill you...

Faith God Religion Wisdom

Religion is an institution built by faith but faith is a weak foundation. Religion is an institution built by faith but faith is a weak foundation...

Faith Religion Wisdom

Where there is a will there is a way; where there is no will, the way does not yet exist. Where there is a will there is a way; where there is no will, the way does not yet exist...

Life Wisdom

Good and evil thoughts are only so if acted upon and judged by society as such. Good and evil thoughts are only so if acted upon and judged by society as such...

Life Philosophy Truth Wisdom

People are not born innately good or evil, they are born with tendencies only brought out by others. People are not born innately good or evil, they are born with tendencies only brought out by others...

Life Philosophy Wisdom

Peace can only triumph violence when love conquers hate. Peace can only triumph violence when love conquers hate...

Inspirational Leadership Life Love Peace

Good and evil are relative terms and only relative to the majority. Good and evil are relative terms and only relative to the majority...

Philosophy Wisdom

The world is already full of enough evil; let that be sufficient motivation to do as much good as The world is already full of enough evil; let that be sufficient motivation to do as much good as..

Goal Peace Philosophy Wisdom

Music is a doorway to undiscovered corners of the mind. Music is a doorway to undiscovered corners of the mind...

Imagination Music

The notion of life after death is a selfish one. The notion of life after death is a selfish one...

Faith Philosophy Religion Wisdom

Life Life's fragile, don't go through it like a wrecking ball...

Funny Life

Let all of the hatred, violence and indifference in the world be motivation to do just the opposite. Let all of the hatred, violence and indifference in the world be motivation to do just the opposite...

Change Hope Inspirational Peace Truth

The universe does not care for humankind one way or the other - that is why we must care for each The universe does not care for humankind one way or the other - that is why we must care for each..

Faith Philosophy Science Truth Wisdom
