
Zoya Kazi (zoyakazi) Quotes & Sayings:

Zoya Kazi

Experience on OwnQuotes: 9 Years 6 Months

Zoya Kazi Quotes

1-6 of total 6 Quotes
Pursue the passion that you believe in and above all, the one that makes you believe in yourself. Pursue the passion that you believe in and above all, the one that makes you believe in yourself...


Believe Passion
Don Don't find happiness in what you do. Do what you find happiness in...


Find Happiness
Don Don't be like the iceberg that is responsible for submerging the ship, Be like the lighthouse that..


No matter how loud the other noises are, Let your heart always hear its own voice. No matter how loud the other noises are, Let your heart always hear its own voice...

Happiness Heart Short

Heart Matter
If it doesn If it doesn't make your heart smile, It is not worth it...

Heart Inspirational Short smile

Heart Smile Worth
Someone who has always chosen to see the ocean from the shore will never know what lies inside Someone who has always chosen to see the ocean from the shore will never know what lies inside ..

Inspirational perspective
