
Matter Quotes, Matter Picture Quotes & Image Quotations, Sayings

Matter Quotes Pictures

Clicking selfie is matter of seconds.. .. building the image takes years. Clicking selfie is matter of seconds.. .. building the image takes years...

Age Life Short Time Wisdom

It doesn It doesn't matter what you were, it matters what you aspire to be..

Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Success

Son.. Son.. 'if you really want something go for it no matter the pain it puts you through because..

Inspirational Life pain

It doesn It doesn't matter how rich, how poor, how cool or how nerdy you are, what really matters is how you..

Change Life Philosophy Wisdom

Red, blue, Black , white .. Doesn't matter what color is your life like. Always be blue like the sky, colossal and fearless. Always be white like a..
-Alex omidvar

Hope Inspirational Life Philosophy Poems

Your Life
No matter how big the tear is, keep the smile on No matter how big the tear is, keep the smile on..

Short Positive

No Matter How
No matter how much tough the situation is, our No matter how much tough the situation is, our 'intent' must be positive...

Confidence Imagination Peace Time

No Matter How
If you are happy with your life, that If you are happy with your life, that's the definition of a successful man, no matter where & how..

Desire Dreams Happiness Life Success

Your Life
It doesn It doesn't matter how hard things might seem, you just have to keep trying and not to have 'giving..

Goal Optimism Patience Success Positive Attitude

No matter how much one has, there will always be something missing which can only be fulfilled by No matter how much one has, there will always be something missing which can only be fulfilled by..

Inspirational Love Philosophy Wisdom

No Matter How
Never make the same mistake twice, no matter how tempting it may be Never make the same mistake twice, no matter how tempting it may be..

Desire Failure Funny Optimism Patience

No Matter How
It doesn It doesn't matter if you are handsome, When you have 'handy sum'...

Funny Short Witty

Success is always a relative matter. One person Success is always a relative matter. One person's success may even be the failure of another person...

Failure Philosophy Success

Look around you, are you happy? We all have different definition of happiness. It doesn Look around you, are you happy? We all have different definition of happiness. It doesn't matter..

Happiness Inspirational Truth

Friendship is a sacred thing. No matter who you are or where you are, a friend will always be Friendship is a sacred thing. No matter who you are or where you are, a friend will always be..

Friendship Friends

Who You Are
No matter what you say. No matter what you do. No matter what you think. Remember this: Everyone D No matter what you say. No matter what you do. No matter what you think. Remember this: Everyone D..

Truth Wisdom

No Matter What
Money is a matter of chase. Not having it, makes you chaser. Having it , makes you chased Money is a matter of chase. Not having it, makes you chaser. Having it , makes you chased..

Funny Life One liners money

Get serious about who you allow to influence you. Relationships matter and the roles people play in Get serious about who you allow to influence you. Relationships matter and the roles people play in..

Life Philosophy Relationship Truth Wisdom

Your Life
No matter how hard the moment is. Never forget you are someone important in that moment. No matter how hard the moment is. Never forget you are someone important in that moment...

Inspirational Success

No Matter How
Keep faith and move forward with confidence no matter what you Keep faith and move forward with confidence no matter what you're going through in life..

Confidence Faith

No Matter What
It is not a matter if you fail, but how well you fail. It is not a matter if you fail, but how well you fail...

Failure Success

Let Let's learn to love, for every man is gifted with this currency, no matter how much you spread out,..


No Matter How
Life is like math. It doesn't matter the answer isn't what you think it should be. The only thing that matters is the truth. If you change the answer..
-Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S


Life Is Like
No matter how flexible you are let your decision be always rigid.. No matter how flexible you are let your decision be always rigid....

Confidence Courage Goal Philosophy Truth

No Matter How

Top 10 matter Quotes

No matter how fast you go in life, there is always someone ahead of you.- NDI DEREK GIYOHIt doesn't matter whom you love; It does matter how you love.- Dharaneesh sonuLife doesn't matter how much you have given now, it only matters about how strong you are to go through what lies ahead of you..- glint selormNo matter what you have, no matter your experience level, sometimes you just need a hand.- Oscar Auliq IceNo matter how loud the other noises are, Let your heart always hear its own voice.- Zoya KaziThe key to holding a logical argument or debate is to allow oneself to understand the other person's argument no matter how divergent their views may seem.- Oscar Auliq IceIt is no matter to be an optimist or a pessimist. Importantly, it is to be 'adaptist'.- mohdmustafa99Life is a game where, no matter how hard you try, Death always wins at the end.- Vincent YuNo matter the situation, we Always have a choice, whether insignificant or not.- Paddick Van ZylBy attending to a matter you give it credibility- Donald Lynn Frost

Life + Matter Quotes

Life Quotes People should be conscious about what they are doing, mentally. No matter who they are. - rakeshbabuIt doesn't matter what people say about you only what you say about your self. - bryce diasThe only kind of hero is the one who will always be there, no matter what. - Elijah McKinleyNo matter the situation, loss will always be felt by one person more than the other. - Timmy BorbaEvery Christmas I feel something special, really special that when I'm gonna share, I just give it all. Last Christmas and it was morning, after eating my breakfast I went outside my house to drink coffee, I was now going to drink my coffee with my new expensive mug while an old man approached me and he reached out his right hand and looked at me with sadness and after that I gave him my coffee and he walks away drinking it with that very expensive mug. It doesn't matter because its Christmas. That was what I said. Last Christmas and it was after I ate my lunch, I went and waited outside hoping for the old man to come back and return my very expensive mug and while waiting I decided to open the big box chocolates my aunt gave me for Christmas but there was an old lady who approached me while I was going to open it and she reached out and opened her left hand to me and when I look at her I saw saliva coming out of her mouth, after that I gave her that big box of chocolates. It doesn't mat - Criz JordanReading my diary of teenage years made me laugh at myself for I cared too much about the things that didn't matter and cared less for the things that did. - shiza shahidDoesn't matter how big you are when life turns back you have to face the reality - Anuj TiwariNo matter what you have, no matter your experience level, sometimes you just need a hand. - Oscar Auliq IceNo matter what happens, shed your skin and fly that plane, so you can live again. - moises santaLife is a free world, No matter what humans try to make it, nature says it's free - Joshua Aaron GuilloryKnowledge is the matter that we can't pretend , nor hide. - mohdmustafa99Everything comes full circle, No matter where you travel, You will always end up, Where you started - home. - Miranda ChangGet serious about who you allow to influence you. Relationships matter and the roles people play in your life will affect you significantly, directly or indirectly. - Germany KentI doesn't matter how sad I am,I wouldn't forget to make at least someone happy in a day, because that's what makes life good.. - Ikulabi Anikulapo IkuforijiWhen you have risen up or succeeded in life, it doesn't mean that you have to look down to those who are still trying, it's just a matter of time hence their time will come. Life is all about endeavouring till you achieve - Raymond TivaneA good man is always a good man no matter how he is. - ENGR ABAH SULE

Inspirational + Matter Quotes

Inspirational Quotes No matter how much one has, there will always be something missing which can only be fulfilled by giving not taking. - Lokesh giriNo matter what you do, someone will always be with you. - JamesonBy attending to a matter you give it credibility - Donald Lynn FrostNo matter the situation, we Always have a choice, whether insignificant or not. - Paddick Van ZylIt is no matter to be an optimist or a pessimist. Importantly, it is to be 'adaptist'. - mohdmustafa99Life is like math. It doesn't matter the answer isn't what you think it should be. The only thing that matters is the truth. If you change the answer to fit your feelings the rest of answers to the problems you encounter will always be false - Candi Taylor Jeter Ed SBe positive, avoid negativity, make yourself a person who can be positive in every situation, doesn't matter how hard it is to be.. and keep distance from negative people.. - Aayushi vermaThe end of a circle is the nearest point to its beginning, and the farthest from. The matter depends upon the direction of the movement from where you started. - mohdmustafa99Son.. 'if you really want something go for it no matter the pain it puts you through because tomorrow might be too late.. - glint selormNo matter how hard the moment is. Never forget you are someone important in that moment. - Cristian VillanuevaWhether the allegations are true or false doesn't matter, because people will never stop looking down or insulting for the rest of your life. - Shaila TouchtonWhen people mock or mistreat you, always remember there is a light at the end of tunnel no matter how long it takes to shine through! - Monica J. YoderIt doesn't matter what you were, it matters what you aspire to be - DanielIt matters not why you write, how you write, or, when you write, because, no matter what you write, someone will love it. - Mac McGovern

Love + Matter Quotes

Love Quotes Love is true. no matter if you are ugly or hot, someone out there will always love you just the way you are and love you no matter what - katherineI love the way your brown eyes shine, the way you laugh, the way that no matter what you are by my side, I love you and never forget that! - Megan MarsI love you, but no one else. You are in my heart no matter what. You are the one that makes me laugh when i'm upset or you make me cry of pure laughter. I'll tell you once I love you i'll tell you twice I love and i'll tell you three times I THINK I LOVE YOU. - sparkleyes131If I fall then let me fall hard, but at least now I know I can pick myself up no matter what! - Lisa BumgarnerNo matter how much I try to hate you. I always end up loving you. - Gaurav NayalThat one person, where no matter how long you don't speak for you always fall for them over and over no matter how much they've hurt you, in the past - lauren bellWhat love means in the dictionary: To have a strong liking for. What it means to me: Something that will always be there even if you don't know. Also someone who will protect and care for you no matter what. - Sally Caroline JosephsGirls are like Pokemon, it doesn't matter how good you are, you can't catch any if you don't have any balls. - Oscar Auliq IceNo matter how many years go by, I know one thing to be as true as it ever was. - tshepang edgar septemberLet's learn to love, for every man is gifted with this currency, no matter how much you spread out, it can't be exhausted. - Uwagbae Nosa LuckyO my love, I give you a lot, With love, and that I mean! (But) It doesn't matter what you got, If you don't keep it clean - Joshua Aaron Guillory

Peace + Matter Quotes

Peace Quotes Human rights obligations apply no matter the people, and irrespective of the location. Acts of violations are criminal and unjustifiable, wherever and whenever, and by whomsoever commits them. - J BLet's be clear: defending human rights is not a matter of generosity. It is a matter of self-interest. - J BHuman rights are indeed a matter of life and death. They must be an absolute priority in everything we do. - J BIt is my strong belief that human rights are a matter of life and death. - J BIt is imperative that respect for human rights is assured throughout our communities so that all people, no matter our differences, can participate freely in society and develop one's full potential. - J BDefending human rights is not just a matter for governments and political leaders; it is a matter for each one of us. - J BFulfilling human rights is not a matter of charity. In fact, it is of self-interest. - J BNo matter who you are, no matter where you come from, you have human rights. - J BOur actions matter, and they can bend history in the direction of human rights. - J BHuman rights matter. The rest is noise. - J BNo matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for defending human rights, or surrender yourself to self-chosen adversity. - J B

All matter Quotes

It does not matter if you kick a good person out of your life, but be sure you never, even by mistake, keep a bad person close to you. The later can ruin your life- Sarad S DhungelWho cares what people say, You are beautiful and we should live life to the fullest. No matter how long you're here for. Life is wonderful. Remember that everyone's beautiful on the inside and out. Including you.- Rachel AshleyNo matter how you look, you always face consequences- Farhad DastoorIt doesn't Matter how many times you say 'i hate you' it doesn't hurt Nearly as bad as when you say 'i don't love you' for even just once- nina dandreaThe dreams that matter the most cannot be dreamt or remembered, but instead they should be lived- david mataIt's a great courage to step in the marriage no matter how you love someone.- Tra LalalicNo mater who wins in the war, that victory no matter how big it is, doesn't matter at all compared to the all lives lost and the suffering it caused.- Tra LalalicIf your brain is your vehicle to success than your fuel is self-motivation. No matter how intelligent you are going nowhere without it.- Bill GibbsA country that does not value education will never be able to develop no matter what.- Dr. Patricia GhannThere are only two options available after testing something, to swallow it or to spit it out. It doesn't matter how well it was cooked, what matters is its final output taste.- David HaindongoSometimes things don't change no matter how hard we try. We have to change our attitude towards them. You can't expect to push a wall open. You have to look for the door.- Bafferh MohammedHigher education has rendered graduates dumb on continental issues that matter. They fear to comment so as not to sound irrelevant.- Kenton Mutethia MuthauraNo matter how clearer truth might be it would kinda blurry in the face of critic..- success songIf you think you matter, then yes darling you are just a matter..- RVD RichiNo matter what circumstances life brings you will always be the best person.- PromilaParents should never stop loving children and showing affection no matter how old the children are. Parents should never turn their back on them when the children are facing any issues.- Shaila TouchtonDo any work with positive confidence no matter how tough it is.- J K SASMALIf you believe in what you create being art, then it is art, no matter what it is. Art has no right or wrong form.- Austin James LelievreWhen you are hungry for knowledge, age doesn't matter.- Ravi SathasivamInjustice is injustice, it does matter where, how, why and who perpetrate it- Daniels Adudu Darlintine UcheTo give advice is not a matter of age. It's a matter of trust.- mohdmustafa99Justice, as a very important matter , should not be only the affair of justice administrations- mohdmustafa99Money does not matter; integrity, ethical and moral practice is of paramount importance than anything else in the world.- EBINEZAR GNANASEKARANWhy are you astonished by finding me different? Your similar attitudes are the astonishing matter.- mohdmustafa99The truth must always be known no matter the cost.- Zac OchsenbineYou wish to be a grantee , but if the matter is wishing , then wish to be a grantor.- mohdmustafa99What is the matter that is neither imported nor exported? Isn't it nationalism ?- mohdmustafa99The veranda of my heart must be afraid in the labyrinth. All alone. Only if feelings knew that the walls of this maze are nothing but grey matter.- Saugato AdhikaryNo matter how hard life might be, never surrender to poverty, get rich..- Ikulabi Anikulapo IkuforijiLosing my son is the hardest thing in the world it's like a part of me has died, part of my heart has shattered, doesn't matter how many pieces I try to put together, i'm always missing that one Piece in my heart that I will never be able to put back together RIP de'von- Nashonite hackmanStay strong no matter what happens, good or bad life goes on..- Kayode Seyi TayoEveryone is born a genius but not all live genuinely. No matter how gifted you are, without character you will be drifted- Marshall kaluNo matter how big and powerful a rat might be it doesn't play in front of the little cat..- Kayode Seyi TayoThe difference of submission and perseverance is just a matter of perspective or the correct mindset.- Alfonso LagazonTruth is absolute, no matter what your truth says it is.- Dr Travis J HedrickNo matter how difficult life is, He will surely make a way. Just believe.- Eseka JerryAlways be yourself. No matter what anyone says. It's the little things that make you who you are. Your passions, beliefs, and personality make you, you. It doesn't matter what life brings never lose yourself for anyone.- Hannah G. GreerIt doesn't matter if a plane is ascending or descending. A plane always points up. Be a plane my friend.- Omran JamalNo matter how extirpated you may feel, Give nothing the power to kill you- Gomolemo MaucoNo matter what I look like or what size I am, people will always judge me by it, what really matters is my personality, my knowledge, and being myself.- safaI am a bad man, I am a bad person, my whole life my mother asked that I never become like my father, nonetheless I failed her, I failed everyone in the worst way, for no matter how I've tried I've become all that I've strived not to be, I am my father, I've become my father and so much more, I will no longer bother with trying to beat it, for fighting it is like fighting quicksand, the more I struggle the deeper I am swallowed by the shadow of him, I will no longer try to love or live life, because I know I am my father, I have become what I hate most through some sick twist of fate, a card i've been dealt of which I cannot discard, like a sickness tied to my very soul, I am toxic poisoning everything in my path, like King Midas if his touch had been like the fangs of a viper rather than that of the golden touch. I now truly believe that the proverbial Apple does not fall far from the tree, almost all men are destined to grow into their father's shadows and sometimes even grow darker- chad daniel thomeWhile marrying a woman, her complexion or her structure does not matter. what matters most is a woman with a good character, who will always support you- JuniblazeThe best attribute of knowledge is its sovereignty. You can choose to be an expert in any given subject or the biggest idiot in the world. It's just a matter of predilection.- Felipe Castro QuilesEveryday when I wake up . I see things that have happened in my life. it does not matter what I was in my past .. but it matters what I will be in my future. - Ubaid hassan MubarikiNo matter what came before, the book of time is quick to be written, so make what you do now count..- Jamie Sean CallaghanIf you love someone, you should fight for him no matter what.- Meg PerezThere's something we all can't change no matter how we try. It's worse to hear the truth because the truth we can't deny.- Amanda thorntonA mirage is a mirage, no matter how closely or brightly it is seen.- Avhidipta MondalAsking money for every single small work from anyone.. doesn't bring out your bad image. It's just a matter that people should understand that you're a good business man. A real one.- Arvinder SinghNo matter how hard the situation is, no matter how hard life is, always be thankful. Think of it as a challenge and have faith that God will never give us problems we can't handle. So always keep your head up and keep smiling. Don't lose hope. Don't ever give up. For every trials that come our way , we can grow and learn each day and that we should be always grateful.- Lovely Grace BactolMusic Will Connect Us All, No Matter What Language It Might Be, Music Is Music.- David James DiccionLoving someone with a white heart, no matter what they do to you no matter how they treat you, is that unconditional love? If not, what is unconditional love??- MacmillanRather than weighing yourself down with constant stress and depression, try to think of the more positive things to help you get by day by day, no matter how little they may be- Brandon SeedorffYou don't ever have to feel bad about removing toxic people from your life. It does not matter who that person is; a relative, an old friend, an acquaintance, someone you once trusted, etc. you do not need to make room for anybody who disrespects you or tries to make you feel small in their own ways. You set boundaries for a reason, whether its for you & your child, your job, etc & anyone who disregards your feelings & try to step over your boundaries needs to go. It does not matter what they think or feel, it is YOUR boundaries & they need to be respected.- Ashley NicoleNo matter how much one has, even a petty thing that one doesn't have is enough to cause unhappiness- Lokesh giriWhen the storms of life come against you, and you flat up against the wall of futility, there will always come the bright sunlight of tomorrow, and in the interim, no matter how broken you may become, there will come a beauty from humility and greater appreciation for life, God, family, and the value of friendships.- Dr. Duane A MartinNo matter how many bad people there are in the world.. good people always outnumber them- Malina Marin BakerI love you. I can't live without you. I feel so incomplete without you. You are a part of me and I can't live if I don't have that part. I am not asking you to love me forcefully or something. However, I'll never be able to stop loving you, it's like breathing to me and if I stop breathing I'll die. I know that I really love you because loving you hurts a lot. And I read somewhere that the things that really, really hurt are the right things to do. Now I can say that the things that really, really hurt are real. No matter how hard I try to ignore you, I can't. And I couldn't just get away with this feeling, I had to tell you because I had to give it a try. I still don't know whether you love me or not, but here I am telling you how I feel without even knowing anything about your feelings. I think it is worth taking the chance and trying again and again in love, no matter what happens.- nadia khanNo matter how much sweetness and bitterness you taste in life, there will be a new menu every day.- diya ahmed azzonyLife is short no matter if you live a hundred years;  it is still short in length.  But the greatest thing of all; is that in a lifespan one lives only but good memories. So let's cherish those memories because good things are the purpose of life.- Alejandro AguirreThe truest friends I've had in my life can withstand a distance and still embrace our closeness; Make memories with me while always moving forward; and no matter how many days, months, or years we've been apart still hold me true to their hearts and naturally the time we share is never measured by length but my meaning!- chelsea rae powellI'm sorry, sometimes I get a little jealous, thinking that someone else could make you happier than I could. I guess it's my insecurities acting up. But I do know that no matter how hard and long you look. You will NEVER FIND SOMEBODY THAT LOVES YOU LIKE I DO.- Rebecca Ann TottenPromises to me mean a lot and I try to keep them no matter what.- CrispinIf loving you is wrong.. then I don't want to be right! I will love you no matter how wrong it is!- DaKi KCKnowledge is infinity.. no matter how much a person gains it.. it is never enough..- shiza shahidNo matter how many times people hurt you and ignore the good deeds and instead dwell on all the negatives they can find in you and others.. God knows your heart so keep on keeping on for Him.- Lisa Ebersole DempseyDreams are always something above your high expectations, something that probably you need to reach out for. If it's too high up, then jump higher! Just keep going for that dream, no matter how hard you try just don't let it die out.- anonymousYou are really educated if you are a good listener no matter you have a degree or not- A MehtaTrue commitment toward relation is the key for it to be a SUCCESS; and 'Understanding' is just a matter of time - Naresh DhimanNo matter you are at a wrong place at the wrong time, you always can find good friends- Farhad DastoorWhy does it matter our skin color.. ? Why does our heritage have to determine our friendship? How come ants can live together in their society? That just shows how screwed up society could be. Maybe instead of looking down at ants, maybe WE should be the ones to look UP at THEM. They sure deserve it.- ConnieI want to grow with my age no matter how long I live- A MehtaIf destiny has it for you, it shall be delivered unto you, no matter what.. whether you are hiding in a cave in Afghanistan or while just being carried to the grave..- saikiranHate is such a ugly word , it makes matter even worst.- Cynthia SandersNo matter what you don't have now or what you won't ever have again, you'll always have your past. Your memories are yours forever to keep, and that's something no one can ever take away from you.- Shaina RossNo matter what people say about you being the worst, God will only see the best in you.- Jovonta Battle Privileges can be lost in a matter of seconds, if you don't read the fine print - Raven Nicole JonesYou take granted of the things you have, but when they matter the most they just aren't there- Alex GaddiniLet's be real, beauty does matter.- Tra LalalicA person who lacks direction and drive in life will tend to blame the next person for his failures! Your success is yours no matter what or who is in your life.. take ownership of your failures and give thanks to your accomplishments!- Christine ArringtonToday I'm Playing the cards I'm dealt. For me that means Praying only for his will for me and the power to carry that out and maybe I'll get a glimpse at which ones to throw back and no matter what the cards are this reassures me that the cards are for me.- Bill GibbsEngineer/ scientist can never earn more than a business man, no matter whatever they do.- aftabkhanNo matter how poor your parents are, they invested in your name. It will last you a lifetime!- Meshack SeweA superior manager must know every minor matter before he/ she gets responsible for only super affairs.- mohdmustafa99To be a billionaire is not a matter of wish, not a matter of planning, not a matter of endeavor, not a matter of offense, but a matter of all of these.- mohdmustafa99Human rights matter for sustainable development.- J BMore than a matter of intellectual discourse, the idea of human rights influences how - and how well - people live.- J BDefending human rights is a matter for each one of us.- J BHuman Rights. They matter.- J BHuman rights are a matter of urgency and absolute necessity.- J BNo matter what you do, who you become, where you live, one should always stay rooted to their own culture, religious beliefs and virtues.- Suyog PotdarDon't worry, you are loved. You are SO SO LOVED! Never doubt that I will stick to you like glue the whole way through. No matter what crap idiots throw at you, what names they call you, what rumors they spread about you. I just don't care. I will hold your hand while you dangle off a cliff and I will not let go. I'll fall with you first. YOU ARE LOVED!- JohannaImagination can take you anywhere you want to go, to a place where anything is based by you, to a place where the story is made by you and to a place where YOU can be YOU To the realm of fantasy To the realm of dreams and wishes To the realm where anything is possible But no matter what you do.. You will end up to the place where you originally are.. In reality- No OneFriendship is hard to define sometimes because as individuals we do not characterize or rather perceive friendships in the same sense. One may see friendship as a brief day to day contact with someone and another may see it as having monthly or yearly associations with someone. I realized that I do not have to communicate with you on a day to day basis to have that reassurance that you care. I do not have to sit and wonder if you will always be there because through time, you have silently ingrained in me the assurance that no matter what challenges we have and will face our friendship was built to last forever and always.- Minetre MartinWe all get upset sometimes, we all cry a little. But that is a part of life, that is a part of being human. You are all amazing whoever reading this, you are all beautiful no matter what anyone says. Don't listen to those bullies, you are amazing. no, I don't even have to see you to know that yous are beautiful because everyone is beautiful in their own way.- hey guys.I just wanted to say that I care a lot about you, I am so happy to have you in my life, I never want to lose you no matter what, I will always be here for you, thanks for being my friend- Jacquelin A mother, by the virtue of being a woman, brings you into this life. Thus, she creates you. She gives you the chance to live a life. She looks after you, every breathing moment of her life, thus imbibing the meaning of love and care. Her unconditional love, transient to tough love, helps you understand your flaws and strengths, thus, teaching you to understand your limits and your capabilities. A mother, is someone, with whom you make your first bond. The father is someone, who is always around and knows how to fix every problem. He may not be in most of the photographs taken at family picnics, because, he is the one taking the shot. He provides the financial support and the emotional support too. The role play of a father, teaches diligence, responsibility, dedication and dependability. Through his actions, he teaches the children the meaning of hard work and perseverance. Siblings are the indispensable part of your life. No matter how much you fight with them, get angry with- fatimah plairWhether you like it or not you will always need to rely or lean on someone, but no matter how hard you try you can't resist, but that's what friends and family are for, aren't they? so affect them in a positive way as you would want to be treated, and show the colors of light that make everything - Nike Hawk