Run Quotes Pictures

Give me the swaggering braggart, the fierce warrior, the lone wolf with a fearsome bite. I want to..I Want I Want To

If you put all of your business out on social media don't be surprised when the general public..Your Life

It takes two wings to fly; it takes two people to run a relationship; it takes two feet to walk; it..

You cannot run away from things you hate. Because it is all inside you. As long as you are there..Move On

To let go, is probably difficult but it will bring you happiness in the long run. Holding on to the..
Hope Inspirational Love Optimism Relationship
Let Go
Don't run after a person who doesn't respect you and love you. If so it may be most harmful for you...Love You

Never run after a girl who doesn't appreciate you and love you, if so there is great danger to..Love You

Do not confide in anyone. you may be able to set your clock by them; but, in the long run, that 'ol..

Girl, I will never leave you, I mean that! Everything I do for you I don't regret! A home run hit..
Freedom Happiness Love Peace Truth
Every Day Don’t Regret
Learn to run your life using good life experiences from other people to avoid you ruining your life..
Inspirational Leadership Relationship Wisdom
Your LifeTop 10 run Quotes
By letting go we no longer crawl, we walk, by letting go we no longer walk, we run, by letting go we no longer run, we fly. Let go!- Joe Cervantes
To run out of love leaves no other option than to hate.- Joe Cervantes
The success of one's political struggle depends largely on how fast one can run and to what extent one can run- Abdullateef Taiwo G
Choose to ignore the bad and embrace the good. There are others who just simply have issues who enjoy making others suffer.. RUN.. they are energy zappers and a complete waste of your time. It makes a huge difference in how your day will go!- Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
The time will run the way it runs. You cannot make it stop. You cannot reverse it- Ankit Nandan
Women nor men run the world - professionals do- Chiquita Bowleg
Today will always run faster than yesterday in search of tomorrow.- vikrant
Respect both what you need to know and what you don't need to know. Respect mystery, for mystery is still needed to run the universe.- Carew Papritz
These are the days I will never forget ! They will run wild in my soul like the first light that enters a new born's eyes- Kim Robyn Abrahams
I run to jog my memory- Beverley Azevedo
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There has been times when we could run miles for fun; but when it comes to walking a mile for that one true love, we hesitate, realize that fun is only temporary and love is forever- Alejandro Aguirre
I believe a person should be who they are because in the long run, this life is going to pass over, and you will never discover who you are, if you don't.- David Figueroa
Easy come, easy go! Nothing in this life that is worth having is EASY. Especially in relationships and LOVE. Getting to know someone takes time! Jumping into things (from personal experience) is unhealthy and shows lack of self-discipline. Your 'feelings' are not what should dictate a relationship. Rather patience, understanding, and building a friendship above all. It's like building a house! Yo you wouldn't wanna just move in to a house that took a couple of weeks to build.. why? The foundation isn't sturdy enough and sooner or later it will start to break apart. It takes TIME to build something that is long lasting! Seriously ladies, marriage can wait.. it's better to BUILD THAT FOUNDATION so you can have a happy and fulfilling marriage in the long run, putting GOD first above all.- Alejandra Hernandez
No longer will I be anchored in old memories, but run towards the horizon with an open mind and wary heart.- Tiffany Louisa Richardson
What happens when your heart becomes cold? What happens when your eyes run out of tears? What happens when your smile becomes fake? What happens when you say, 'I'm Sorry, ' but you are not forgiven? What happens when one day they wake up, and you're not there?- Rena Eepling
When people 'really' get to know me, they either fall in love, or run away screaming - jaime Foster
Life is an inspiration waiting to happen. Once it presents itself, One must take it, and run, For it only lasts the ride one is destined to take. Time it right, And they might just take it to a new height, Where the inspired become the inspiration, Of the next generation. This be the foundation of our greatest nation- Tgui
If time is of the essence, why have we wasted millions of years getting this far. If in 100 years humanity can look back at its faults, its lies, its betrayal and learn so much about why we are here. Why not NOW can we make things right. Or has time run out on us. ??- Twenty Twelve
Freedom: A horse running wild, a bird being let out of a cage to freedom , a run-away teenager deathly in love, a little girl saying 'I have had enough of you bossing me around'- Schaely
Life seems to be a man who is walking at the park with his dog. Our desires tightly coupled with collar and try to run away from us.. we try to hold it tight and try to give a right direction.. some of us have the small desires like a 'terriers' , calm and easy to manage.. some of us have naughty desires like a 'pit-bull' , insurgent and clumsy.. :) - MELIH OZGUL
You can chase your dreams, but you can't run forever.- Mohammed
Never run away from your childhood memories because they form part of shaping your future! Invite the younger you through the memories to direct and lead you into the future.- Thabiso Matsietsa
If you don't have self-confidence, you run and hide.- NaGa RaJ D
Perfectionism and completing a project run in reverse direction.- Gbolabo Adetunji
Start slowly to run fast.- mohdmustafa99
I don't know what is in store for me. I don't know what I have yet to store. I don't know how it would be tomorrow.. or the very next second. What I do know is I will be the same soul throughout and that I will have to live with myself as long as I live even.. and that I can't run from me. So it's better to be good and make peace with myself so that I am happy. because what matters most is whether I am comfortable with me or not :)- Purva
If I were to never live on my own I wouldn't be able to breathe, live my life to my full expectation's, walk, run, see because we experience most of those things after we are born but not by ourselves until we are free.- kamia holly