I Want To Quotes Pictures

I don't want to die even though I can't help it. I want to live, and while I live, I want to impact..Want Die Help

I want to think outside the box because it's crowded in there....
Confidence Courage Creativity Funny Imagination
Want Think
Give me the swaggering braggart, the fierce warrior, the lone wolf with a fearsome bite. I want to..Know Want Give Success Run

I am sad when I want to go to bed because I can never have the oppurtunity that I have in the day..Want Day Sad

On my birthday I can see the happiness on your face for me, but on your birthday I want to see how I..Want Feel Happy Happiness Face

Every time I want to be better, people remind me of my past and I get back to the old place..People Time Want Past Place

I don't want to defend human rights, I want to create a world where human rights don't need..World Want Need Human Rights

I do not want to accept challenge, I want to become a challenge...
Change Confidence Courage Inspirational Optimism
Want Acceptsometimes, I like to look up at the sky and dream about what I want to be. While others, I look down in disgust at what I have become. While in rare..
-Cainon J Neal Want Look Dream Sky
-Cainon J Neal Want Look Dream Sky
I want to be the one you think of first thing in the morning, and before you go to bed. I want to be the reason you smile on a daily basis. The one..
-Gabby Ramos
-Gabby Ramos
Change Confidence Faith Hope Life
Love Want Think Future Smile
I want to rent a Big Room for a whole day, lock the door And Cry my eyes out and after that just..Life Want Day Cry Door

Hold my hand tightly so that a trace of our fingerprints are ingrained.. fingerprints don't fade....Know Want Hold Hand

I want to live this life for others as I would have plenty of time to live for myself in heaven...Life Time Want Heaven
Hey. Could we do that again? I know we haven't met, but I don't want to be an ant. You know? I mean, it's like we go through life with our antennas..
-Twenty Twelve Life Know Want Give Change
-Twenty Twelve Life Know Want Give Change

I loved you twice.. now it is three times but my heart and I can't take it anymore. It hurts but I..Heart Want Keep Hurt Loving
Top 10 I want to Quotes
You're the only one who I wouldn't mind losing sleep for, the only one who I can never get tired of talking to, and the only one who crosses my mind constantly throughout the day. You're the only one who make me smile without trying. You're the one I want to keep in my life, you're so special to me.- Tshepho Nchabeleng
"One thing I want to leave my children is their human rights fulfilled."- J B
I want to host a meeting where none of us wouldn't be in attendance due to one or two circumstances..- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
They want to be sexy but I want to succeed- Parvej Nijam Mujawar
Why are you thinking what I want to guess when I'm reading your mind?- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
I want to make a GRAVE of my Memories and visit it everyday- Farhad Dastoor
I thank God for many things. There are three things I want to mention here. The first is the music. The other is books. The third is the writing. All three of these leads to something good and make life more positively- Benjamin Moeller
I want to show you that I'm not like the others and that I have something that makes me different, I want to show you I'm going to be there for you when no one else is, I want to show you the love I can give, I want to show you that you are the only girl in this world for me and no one will ever replace you, I want to show you- Ashton Taylor