War Quotes Pictures

Millions of dollars are spent every day to prepare for war. How much to prepare for peace?..
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Every Day
War is only War if the enemy has the ability and means to defend itself for without the ability and..
Living in harmony with one another is absolutely possible. It is going to take a lot of effort, grace, and MANY personal boundaries. It may seem..
-Amelia Goode Living In
-Amelia Goode Living In

No mater who wins in the war, that victory no matter how big it is, doesn't matter at all compared..No Matter How

Keep true to you! You know who you are! Shining like a star! These words I give you! These are your..
Freedom Happiness Love Peace Truth
Who You AreTop 10 war Quotes
It is individual war, before general war- Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
The end of peace is beginning of war, the end of war is beginning of peace- Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
War wastes blood- Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
War is not a disaster but disaster may take place in war- Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
No nation can pay for war, many souls are wasted in war- Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
Found a huge contradiction between two Sacred phrases 'Do not shed blood on earth' and 'Do holy war in the name of God'. It took time to realize that's not about a war between people, but it's about a fight which must be done by every individual against the evil force inside them - FEROZ KHAN LAMIR
Little victories lead to bigger victories that affect the battles that eventually win the war. Winning begins small!- Dr Travis J Hedrick
There she's managing a war of heart and mind. And me admiring her smiling heart piercing my ocean of emotions.- niraj
Why is war so easy to start but so hard to finish?- Alexander Ethan Smith
Wars always leave more casualties, and cause more destruction than the problem or misunderstanding that lead to the war- Sunday Adelaja
All war Quotes ⇑
War and abortion have one thing in common, left over body parts.- Joe Cervantes
There will be wars between humans as long as we find someone equally worthy to fight with. There can't be peace, until there is war- Henry Michalec
There is no war crime, because war is the biggest crime.- IRFAN ALI
No war will stop unless allies change - mohdmustafa99
The reality of war. A lot changed when the war began. It took only four years to destroy our homeland. War was declared and armies were mobilized. Young men were drafted and civilians were ostracized. Bombs were dropped and buildings collapsed. Enemies charged in and our soldiers fought back. Tanks rolled in and fighter jets flew by. Children were crying and mothers screamed 'OH God why' When the war dragged on and there was no end in sight. The presidents and the generals knew It was time to bring out the mushrooms and the very bright lights. With a quick push of a button and with one last 'may god help us all' The green light was lit and the bombs began to fall. The bombs rain down and the children were told to cover their eyes. The parents knew that they weren't going to escape alive. The sky became bright and ground began to shake. I knew at that moment, the blast killed millions in its wake. Dropping atomic bombs did end the war But there were no victors, no survivors, and no form- Jonathan Avalos
There is no such thing as a holy war.- Christopher Patrick Fisher
War is never won by a Soldier or a Country.. At the end of the Day, War is Always Won by Tragedy, Pain and Death- Yash Tomar
War is not an art. It is a rat.- mohdmustafa99
War was never lead by hard muscles, but by intelligent strategies..- RAMY RACHID
When politicians wage 'war on terror', people die. When the people wage war on terror, politicians die.- Anonymous
War is the cause of a million deaths, death just cleans up the mess, fear is what kills you, have no fear and death will have fear of you- juan duarte
Why prepare for battle when you are built for War?- James Okeze
Peace is a lie and will never exist unless we burn humanity, and then restart. There will always be war, for human nature requires for at least one person to want to rule over it all. The only 'peace' is safety which may only be attained by people who are to willing risk their own life for others. All soldiers 'good, bad, Nazi, ally' , they all are heroes in a way.- Payton Vaughn
We all say we want to live in peace, but we're still at war. Is peace so important, that you fight for it until one or the other falls? After the fighting stops, did you really won back peace? The costs you paid are your people, and their lives.- Sierra Airey
War: The ultimate form of non-natural selection in overpopulated world ruled by monsters genetically addicted to betrayal and social-economic greed.- Tonyx
Your fight for freedom to have your own voice and choice is never over, but it is those who abuse their actions that make our life like an endless war of graphic conflict waiting to unleash it's wrath upon our empty souls of either sorrow or completion of the body and soul, but not to mention the ignorant foolishness of the sinister in which no escape can be made until life is but a little plaque of criticism.- Nike Hawk
The Art of War is Priceless, in a textbook it can be seen as paintings of great men, doing great things. It is common knowledge that not all these things are morally correct. History has a way of Making even the not so great things look great.- Demetrius
If one makes war his destiny, he is destined to make his heart the war zone.- larona Mokoti
How are you winning a war by losing lives?- maurice boone
Politics is war between two parties- kubhendra
Those who give purpose to starting a war are only giving excuses to hide the truth that those who believe in peace will never accept because of their lack of will, the truth being mankind will always wage war on one another because it is in our nature. As long as man exists war is inevitable and therefore peace does not exist. For peace to exist man must perish.- Christopher Joesph Agruso
Intervention is necessary when war is not an option.- Anonymous
People go to war to show who is powerful, but people who go to war peacefully will be the most powerful- Razvan Sterbling
Gods like war, it keeps us from thinking.- Jack Brown
Love, Ecstasy, self pity, Pain, war are all drugs. and there are more.- Lokesh giri
I'm not sure what a war kills, men or humanity? fear or courage?- Lokesh giri
Human rights are the first casualties of war.- J B
The river of war is red, blood river, war river- Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
Hereafter, there is no war but benefit and punishment- Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
Human rights are both an instrument of peace, as well as war.- J B
If human rights are the problem, then war is not the solution.- J B
My spiritual orientation is different from yours in terms of religion politics and humanitarian because I prefer peace not to be war.- Kayode Seyi Tayo
After war the children suffer.- Joe Cervantes
No war on earth will ever destroy or conquer God's holy people, and their King!- Joe Cervantes
There is always a war. The war continues above your head. The war is about temptation. The sides are God and Satan. You can't see it, though, the choice of the war lies in your hands.- Eric Scott Tolman Jr
If there is no love, there is no revenge. If there is no faith, there is no god. If there is no dumb, there is no wisdom. If there is no events, there is no forgiveness. If there is no heart, there is no romance. If there is no prison, there is no freedom. If there is no impatience, there is no patience. If there is no decisions, we know what will happen. If there is no difference, there is no jealousy. If there is no parents, there is no chance of learning love right after you are born. If there is no wrong, there is no right. If there is no sadness, there is no happiness. If there is no failure, there is no goal. If there is no death, there is no life. If there is no war, there is no peace. If there is no lies, there is no truth. If there are no effect, there is no cause. If there is no darkness, there is no light. If there is no imagination, there is no fear. If there is nothing scary, there is no courage. If there's no life, there is no world. If there is one person, just one, miss- Karen Kuran
The greatest act a man can do to be a hero in war is not to kill another.- Anon