
Anthony T Hincks (anthonyt_hincks) Quotes & Sayings:
Anthony T Hincks

Anthony T Hincks

Occupation:Quotinist, Author, Quotist
Experience on Earth:64 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 3 Years 11 Months
Short Bio: When I write my books, I call myself a 'raw-writer' because I write with both emotion and not so much grammar. But when I write my quotes, I am an entirely different person. My quotes may be straight forward, but most times they have hidden meanings which means that they can be taken in a variety of ways. I also write quotes from looking at photographs and not the other way around and that is when you can see the true me.

Anthony T Hincks Quotes

1-50 of total 5372 Quotes
Know that whatever you do it alone until others see the wisdom in what you Know that whatever you do it alone until others see the wisdom in what you've done...

Inspirational Life Philosophy Wisdom

Do not walk near water if you are afraid of getting wet. Do not walk near water if you are afraid of getting wet...

Inspirational Life Philosophy Wisdom

Only the poorest people in the world can say that they are truly rich. Only the poorest people in the world can say that they are truly rich...


Only the richest person in the world can say that he is truly poor. Only the richest person in the world can say that he is truly poor...

Happiness Wisdom

Suits only make you dictate your own importance. Suits only make you dictate your own importance...


A picture can only be seen through your own words. A picture can only be seen through your own words...


Emotions will leave you searching your own feelings to find out the reasons why. Emotions will leave you searching your own feelings to find out the reasons why...


Tears are the waterfall that you have to suffer. Tears are the waterfall that you have to suffer...


Sometimes, love is just too beautiful for words. Sometimes, love is just too beautiful for words...

Love Wisdom

Photographs bid me welcome with their intent. Photographs bid me welcome with their intent...

Strangers are the family that cares. Strangers are the family that cares...

Family Happiness Love

Yours are the music that plays in heaven. Yours are the music that plays in heaven...

Music Philosophy Wisdom

You are the music that plays in heaven. You are the music that plays in heaven...

Inspirational Music Philosophy

I don I don't remember him being a dwarf with rock sense...

Philosophy Wisdom

Listen to what isn Listen to what isn't said, and you may just learn what was truly said...

Philosophy Wisdom

See the movie in order to write the words. See the movie in order to write the words...

Philosophy Wisdom

Don Don't recount your failures. Recount what you learned...

Failure Philosophy Success Wisdom

Your life is the story that I don Your life is the story that I don't need to write...


Books and movies don Books and movies don't need logic. They just need a good story...


In our haste we lose sight of what is in our heart, but in our sorrow we remember what we have lost. In our haste we lose sight of what is in our heart, but in our sorrow we remember what we have lost...

Heart Philosophy Wisdom

A light will always be a beacon of safety, even for a moth. A light will always be a beacon of safety, even for a moth...


You must know that the facade is all lies when it comes to politician You must know that the facade is all lies when it comes to politician's promises...


Don Don't let your shadow have all the fun...

Inspirational Philosophy Wisdom

Morning sets us apart. Morning sets us apart...

Philosophy Wisdom

The longer you wait, the more that you The longer you wait, the more that you're left in the dark...

Philosophy Wisdom

Society prides itself on knowing everything. Trouble is, it really knows nothing. Society prides itself on knowing everything. Trouble is, it really knows nothing...


Man is the jungle that encroaches on nature. Man is the jungle that encroaches on nature...


Man is truly invisible to what goes on in this world. Man is truly invisible to what goes on in this world...

Philosophy Wisdom

How much time do you have left to truly see yourself? How much time do you have left to truly see yourself?..

Philosophy Time Wisdom

Are you prepared for the road ahead? Are you prepared for the road ahead?..


Heaven won Heaven won't wait forever so you better not keep it waiting...

God Religion Wisdom

You should always be aware of a politician You should always be aware of a politician's smile...

Inspirational Philosophy Wisdom smile

Beware the camel on whose back you sit. Beware the camel on whose back you sit...


Not all antelope jump through hoops. Not all antelope jump through hoops...

Inspirational Wisdom

Society will always exaggerate its own worth. Society will always exaggerate its own worth...

Philosophy Wisdom

Not all people in high society turn their noses up at other people. Not all people in high society turn their noses up at other people...


Sometimes you need to be the wrong way up to see things the right way up. Sometimes you need to be the wrong way up to see things the right way up...

Inspirational Philosophy Wisdom

I think he I think he's wearing a toupee...

Philosophy Wisdom

We can We can't all be snakes...

Truth Wisdom

I may be the one stuck in a cage, but you I may be the one stuck in a cage, but you're the one who's imprisoned by their phone...

Philosophy Wisdom

Animals go to the zoo because they have no choice. We go to the zoo because we long to see the Animals go to the zoo because they have no choice. We go to the zoo because we long to see the..

Philosophy Wisdom

Your hand is but the puppet of choice. Your hand is but the puppet of choice...

Philosophy Wisdom

It may be raining, but the sun is still shining. It may be raining, but the sun is still shining...

Wisdom heart break

Emotions are what form the mists across your eyes. Emotions are what form the mists across your eyes...


I may sit alone in my room, but you sit alone within a society of gnomes. I may sit alone in my room, but you sit alone within a society of gnomes...

Loneliness Wisdom

Drops form rivulets of rain. Drops form rivulets of rain...

Inspirational Wisdom

God is the illusion that is real. God is the illusion that is real...

God Philosophy Religion Wisdom

The nastiness of the world, is carried by mouth. The nastiness of the world, is carried by mouth...

Anger Wisdom

Every time that you compete, you win. Even if it Every time that you compete, you win. Even if it's against yourself...

Inspirational Sports Wisdom

Jealousy makes you sink beneath a mountain of waves, but acceptance lets you climb a mountain and Jealousy makes you sink beneath a mountain of waves, but acceptance lets you climb a mountain and..

