
Michael Costello (mcostello) Quotes & Sayings:

Michael Costello

Experience on OwnQuotes: 13 Years 11 Months

Michael Costello Quotes

1-4 of total 4 Quotes
If you are having a hard time finding the good in people, it If you are having a hard time finding the good in people, it's most likely because you are not..

Success Time

People Time Looking
A customer complaint is often a second chance in disguise. A customer complaint is often a second chance in disguise...

Chance Second
Success is one of the few things that should always be assumed Success is one of the few things that should always be assumed..


All it takes is one person, at one time, to have one bad moment, and your customer service will be All it takes is one person, at one time, to have one bad moment, and your customer service will be..


Time Keep Bad Moment Perfection