Chance Quotes Pictures
Time is precious, Time is cruel. Time makes new memories, Time makes us crazy with thoughts. Time gives us love and laughter, Time gives heart ache..
-Candace Easton Move On
-Candace Easton Move On

The chance of not winning is not an excuse for a failure to start; however, the failure to start is..

A simple way to be grateful is to close your eyes for a minute and think of those who never got a..Your Eyes
When you are given the opportunity to help others, take that opportunity and grow from it. You will not only feel grateful and fulfilled. You will..
-Gladys Gallentes Without You
-Gladys Gallentes Without You

You may be standing in front of a huge stack of firewood. Without a spark it doesn't have much of a..

The grass is not always greener on the other side, but even if that yard is bigger that just means..

Never ever give a chance to anyone breaking your heart. A broken heart makes a person dead in..Your Heart

I wanted my life to Change, so I made the Choice, I knew it wouldn't happen just by chance...
Change Life Success Truth Wisdom
My LifeTop 10 chance Quotes
Do not stop giving love chance, whenever it knocks the door of your heart..- Aye Aye
If in some point of your life you get stuck and there is 79% chance of failure and 21% chance of success, don't think about that failure think about the 21% success. It's just like nitrogen and Oxygen, there is 79% of Nitrogen and 21% of oxygen still we are surviving. Look life from a different angle you will always succeed- Karan Mali
I love music and sleeping because we get a chance to forget the things and people who hurt us.- Tej
Life sucks so much that you are a prisoner of society, I don't have a chance to choose what I become, well I guess that is just the reality of life- William Garcilazo
If you don't ever take a chance in life you will regret it for ever!- Wendy Mercedes
Some people don't deserve a second chance because they didn't even deserve the first one.- Mohammad Alalem
By chance we survive, by decision we thrive- Dennis James Deegan CTM
Instead of using that second chance, she kept asking for it.- Daleen Irshaid
I love you. I can't live without you. I feel so incomplete without you. You are a part of me and I can't live if I don't have that part. I am not asking you to love me forcefully or something. However, I'll never be able to stop loving you, it's like breathing to me and if I stop breathing I'll die. I know that I really love you because loving you hurts a lot. And I read somewhere that the things that really, really hurt are the right things to do. Now I can say that the things that really, really hurt are real. No matter how hard I try to ignore you, I can't. And I couldn't just get away with this feeling, I had to tell you because I had to give it a try. I still don't know whether you love me or not, but here I am telling you how I feel without even knowing anything about your feelings. I think it is worth taking the chance and trying again and again in love, no matter what happens.- nadia khan
Life is a game which needs continuous focus, until last moment we have a chance to win..- mahendrasinh zala
All chance Quotes ⇑
You have one chance to live, so why not live it well? you can, because at the end you won't have the chance!- Courtney
Dear Life, is it possible that one day I might have the chance to understand you?- Daleen Irshaid
When you don't take a chance in a situation you'll always wonder what if I did, but when you take the chance you never wonder what would have happened if you did nothing- Matt Allen Jones
Yes I cried over you. Do I regret it? NO WAY! This is life, when you cry, cry your hardest, when you laugh, laugh like it's the last chance you get, when you love, love with everything you have, Don't look back and don't regret, don't waste your time on second-chance guys. Live your life to the end, after all, you only get one life to live- Lindsey Kaufman
A customer complaint is often a second chance in disguise.- Michael Costello
Your heart searches beneath the skin and goes deeper than your eyes can see, your eyes will judge but the heart is never wrong just give people a second chance..- Bethany Hope Skinner
Where there is a gap, there is a chance- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
Everyday there is a chance you will step on a battlefield, so always fight to the death!- Dominique Jerald Williams
Most people search for miracles, leaving no stone un-turned, but never find them. Therefore, losing faith in God. But miracles are defined all around us whether it's through chance or a deep desire of hindrance. Like the miracle of new life; the innocence of a baby in a world full of madness.- Meagan Lynn Gervais
Do you want me to give you a chance to want to make you happy, or is that something I can't do?- Freaky
When we invest in human rights, we invest in each other and in ourselves, ensuring a future where no one is left behind - a future where everyone has the chance to reach their full potential, where you have a chance to reach your full potential.- J B
Gone Phishing with a chance of viewing your emails- 0rc
Should I be given the chance to live another day like today, I will live like there is no tomorrow because my yesterday came and went with its own troubles, I know not of what awaits me tomorrow but for today, certainty is my assurance and I will live it to the fullest.- Tangwa Livinus Acha
Coming here to read quotes is a chance, a chance to learn new things, once a chance is lost, it may never come back again.- Allen
A mother, by the virtue of being a woman, brings you into this life. Thus, she creates you. She gives you the chance to live a life. She looks after you, every breathing moment of her life, thus imbibing the meaning of love and care. Her unconditional love, transient to tough love, helps you understand your flaws and strengths, thus, teaching you to understand your limits and your capabilities. A mother, is someone, with whom you make your first bond. The father is someone, who is always around and knows how to fix every problem. He may not be in most of the photographs taken at family picnics, because, he is the one taking the shot. He provides the financial support and the emotional support too. The role play of a father, teaches diligence, responsibility, dedication and dependability. Through his actions, he teaches the children the meaning of hard work and perseverance. Siblings are the indispensable part of your life. No matter how much you fight with them, get angry with- fatimah plair
If there is no love, there is no revenge. If there is no faith, there is no god. If there is no dumb, there is no wisdom. If there is no events, there is no forgiveness. If there is no heart, there is no romance. If there is no prison, there is no freedom. If there is no impatience, there is no patience. If there is no decisions, we know what will happen. If there is no difference, there is no jealousy. If there is no parents, there is no chance of learning love right after you are born. If there is no wrong, there is no right. If there is no sadness, there is no happiness. If there is no failure, there is no goal. If there is no death, there is no life. If there is no war, there is no peace. If there is no lies, there is no truth. If there are no effect, there is no cause. If there is no darkness, there is no light. If there is no imagination, there is no fear. If there is nothing scary, there is no courage. If there's no life, there is no world. If there is one person, just one, miss- Karen Kuran