Keep Quotes Pictures

Keep the ice in your mind and fire in your heart....
Confidence Faith Inspirational Leadership Short
Your Heart
Life is like climbing a stair case and while you are climbing the steps of life, you are required..Life Is Like

It doesn't matter how hard things might seem, you just have to keep trying and not to have 'giving..

We want to do many things in life, but instead of taking initiative we keep on waiting for the..
Inspirational Life Opportunity Truth
We Want
The path is always difficult when your destination is really far.. Keep it short.. take a break and..
Top 10 keep Quotes
Success is a stimulant, keep stimulated!- Arutyun Karapetyan
Be tough and keep pushing even when the dots don't completely connect, yet. Trust the process.- Germany Kent
Keep faith and move forward with confidence no matter what you're going through in life- Carly Steeve B. Augustin
If you keep putting someone on the back burner. Eventually they will go cold- Eliza Keating
Failed attempt is just one step closer to finding a solution. Keep working through the failure, it will just be one step closer to success.- Oscar Auliq Ice
We are a voicing phenomenon, but when we keep silent we become an overthrown phenomenon.- mohdmustafa99
A lie is like boiling water; keep it a while to find it evaporated.- mohdmustafa99
When you overlook the little fault in front of you it will keep growing to a point where it cannot be handled by you again- Abasiofon Fidelis
White hair are enough to keep me reminded that journey of this luxurious life has a certain end - Malik Ahsan Ali
Cinderella, She never asked for anything, She just helped a needy woman with a glass of milk And The god mother did the rest, Keep your heart pure and be kind, God will help you find a way that will Lead to treasures of life. - Shivank Bharadwaj
Life + Keep Quotes ⇑
Life Quotes
Life is a game, those who keep winning get more interested in it. - Lokesh giri
There are too many things to keep up with nowadays and it's all too much of a struggle, but if there is anything worse than doing too much, it's not doing anything at all. - Meagan Lynn Gervais
Keep riding your life like a bicycle. you've never realized that life is riding bicycle on your back. - Linda Usman
Don't hold the brake till you reach the end of your life, keep driving. - Linda Usman
Find your reason, or just make one. Because its freaking hard to keep living without one. - Ogie casimiro
The heart's job besides to keep you alive is to make you experience strong feelings about important people in your life. Your gut is there to give you the final say on whether that's good or bad. And finally, the mind is there to make sure you don't show those true feelings as best you can, to protect those exact people you love in the first place. - Paul Kaiser
It is better to keep an open mind than one that is closed and concentrated on the things that don't need any attention in life. - nervis
Hey. Could we do that again? I know we haven't met, but I don't want to be an ant. You know? I mean, it's like we go through life with our antennas bouncing off one another, continously on ant autopilot, with nothing really human required of us. Stop. Go. Walk here. Drive there. All action basically for survival. All communication simply to keep this ant colony buzzing along in an efficient, polite manner. 'Here's your change. ' 'Paper or plastic?' 'Credit or debit?' 'You want ketchup with that?' I don't want a straw. I want real human moments. I want to see you. I want you to see me. I don't want to give that up. I don't want to be ant, you know? - Twenty Twelve
Life is not a gift you get to keep, so make every second memorable - Karrella Jones
Making a U-turn Is necessary if the signs keep appearing. - Alejandro Aguirre
God created every creature, including human, with a definite purpose. In a sense, every life is as significant as any other life. Consequently, everyone of us is destined to play the unique role scripted individually for us by the creator. The play is always through as at the present time, but the oncoming scenarios are yet to be played, and they are never revealed in advance.. it's shrouded in suspense. Life, and its mysterious state of affairs keep going along with the passage of time. - Chandrababu V S
I'm tired of life.. enough is enough, I keep trying to sleep, but life is too damn annoying with the problems and everything, I just want to sleep.. - Abandoned Zombie
Baseless, false accusation can prove to be a tricky business.. And will always come back to bite you in the end.. Keep your facts straight or shut your blabbering hole.. - Archita arora
We all have secrets that we keep from ourselves. - Michiel Bester
Keep in mind the path to love is ALWAYS a straight line.. ALWAYS, then we choose to step off the road. It is not the road we are on it is the time we spend off, we find our self alone - Randal Lewis
Your ladder of success has no limits, keep climbing. - Tamara Williams
When you overlook the little fault in front of you it will keep growing to a point where it cannot be handled by you again - Abasiofon Fidelis
We are a voicing phenomenon, but when we keep silent we become an overthrown phenomenon. - mohdmustafa99
If you keep putting someone on the back burner. Eventually they will go cold - Eliza Keating
The world is too busy to care what you say or do. Sometimes you just have to keep everything to your inner being. Not all who will listen to your story, are willing to assist you. Some people are only gonna listen to your story just to pass time. Know who you share your issues with. - Azwihangwisi Nematswerani
You don't have to keep trying if you're the only one that keeps trying to make it work. You're wasting your time, it'll never work. - Marie Yolande Pierre
At times you need to keep a small social circle, it's socially healthy. - Previledge Tafadzwa Makaza
When all is lost and all hope is gone just keep on praying. Something is bound to happen whether it was God's doing or not. - John Guedes do Nascimento
To be successful in life you have to keep off from negative people, surround yourself with positive people - ease berry
Keep fighting, the better day might come, else it might never come. - ease berry
The pages of an open book keep turning, the days keep turning. - Mohammad nadeem parray
Inspirational + Keep Quotes ⇑
Inspirational Quotes
We want to do many things in life, but instead of taking initiative we keep on waiting for the perfect time which never comes then we dump our ideas. - harbinderjit singh bajaj
Life is like climbing a stair case and while you are climbing the steps of life, you are required to stop and rest at the landings then build your momentum and keep climbing - El Haji Nero
The Burden is nothing but an Inverse of the Strength you possess to keep going.. - Dom Precious
Anyone can be a writer, but it takes talent to keep an audience. - Krystle Nicole Martin Nea
Be positive, avoid negativity, make yourself a person who can be positive in every situation, doesn't matter how hard it is to be.. and keep distance from negative people.. - Aayushi verma
Life is the miniature of all happenings , it's your strength which keep it in right alignments. - Mahima garg
If you want to get success in life Simple rules Follow universal facts and keep learning from them. - Tadu chada
Be tough and keep pushing even when the dots don't completely connect, yet. Trust the process. - Germany Kent
You can keep on judging and condescending while I keep moving forward - Liz Kassim
My enemies should keep up, cause I keep on stacking, got no problem cause I will keep on going. - Mariam Paul Obiozo
The best lesson life taught me was, to shut up and keep going. Life doesn't wait for anyone. - Allen Lazar
Because We don't know that WE ARE Happiness, We keep seeking it! - AiR Atman in Ravi
A magician might mentor his follower to full capacity, but he'll always keep 1 or 2 secrets to himself - Pistis Balu
All keep Quotes ⇑
You can keep your dresses new , but you didn't buy them for this purpose.- mohdmustafa99
Keep your love for life close! And let it not slip away! It is the lovely rose That refreshes every day - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Try holding yourself accountable to yourself. If you had to give yourself a daily, weekly, or monthly report, would you be proud to talk about what you had done, or would you need to be prettying up things, bullshitting, or lying to keep your job?- Loren Weisman
Mind is sacred, keep it pure.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Hope gives us wings to keep lifting us off the ground- Scott A Kimble
Looking back blocks you from seeing ahead.. the key is to keep the past in your peripheral IF you don't wanna repeat it- Mekedes Endale
Keep calm, and let the success come..- Ankit Kedia
If you rest your chin on your hand when you think, it will help you keep your mouth shut.- vikrant
If your life is going through hell.. just keep going, because that is called experience and it is painful, but gives you motivation for survival. !- harsh prabhune
In every lesson, there is something scheduled to be taught. Life is full of tests you have to keep passing through to upgrade your wisdom.- Issac boateng
It does not matter if you kick a good person out of your life, but be sure you never, even by mistake, keep a bad person close to you. The later can ruin your life- Sarad S Dhungel
You know how we light up when we talk about our dreams? Keep that light burning & it'll take you to your dreams. Believe & persevere.- Sheils
The mountain is high and stands above all, but it is the trees that keep it up!- Anonymous bitch
Money doesn't make us grow it can keep you from growing.- talena ball
The game of love is not always fair because some players keep their cards too close to their chests.- Malo
Keep your eyes open, your nose clean, and ears free of those friends that are dark cryptic enemies within.- ajith CHEMPARATHY
Running away won't solve anything, face the truth and keep going strong- George Cordova
Keep the positive energy when you let your head hanging- Patrick
I'm hard to find, hard to get, hard to keep, and hard to forget- alycia laray
Don't give up on your dreams. Keep dreaming, Keep believing, Keep trying- Joshua Muasa
Water is nature's cure all. Need to lose weight? Drink water. Complexion problems? Keep that skin hydrated. Drink water. Tired of your spouse? Drown him/ her.- The Quoted Iris
Keep sharpening the axe for an unknown day- success song
If you have dreams, don't keep excuses, if you have excuses, forget about the dreams.- Tahir Danish
Don't let the barrel roll down the hill! Get a tight grip on your own special life! And keep moving it lightweight - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Don't let the deceitfuls knock you down, Keep climbing the stairway of heaven - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Don't grab the rope, keep living with hope - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Wherever you are, never forget to keep your soul in a clean place.- Sipho P Nkosi
I love music but music hates me, what should I do than to accept fate and keep writing lyrics as songwriter..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
Great nations want to keep us laughter, to keep having something to laugh at.- mohdmustafa99
Love what others hate; and hate what others love , but keep arguments away from these choices- mohdmustafa99
Keep me in your memory or in your heart and never let me escape.- mohdmustafa99
Good health helps promote our thought processes to keep our minds highly tuned.- Luke Shen Tien Chi
The definition of modern day genius is mastering a set of skills rather than knowing everything in your area of specialization. Keep focused!- Murungi Nathaniel Muthomi
Keeping learning, keep exploring what you have learned- Anand gill
If you want to heal the traumas and hurts of your past, just keep Loving. Love lives inside of you. Know that Love reigns all existence, Love Yourself, Love others, Love the living, Love the dead, Love yourself by forgiving yourself, Love others by forgiving others, spread Love, dream of Love.- Amelia Goode
You never have a positive life with a negative mind, you should keep your mind as much positive and active- Anand gill
The more we keep pronouncing the freedom and peace the more oppressor ringing the bell of war- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
Are you a carnivore? keep a newborn lamb as a pet in your home for one year then try to slaughter and eat it!- Boghos L. Artinian
Keep true to you! You know who you are! Shining like a star! These words I give you! These are your words, too! You know what to do Wherever you are! Keep the peace, no war! - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Why should we keep birds in cages? They need us to feed; they are noisy, they contradict with our attitude toward freedom, they make us fear cats, and they are not edible.- mohdmustafa99
If you keep accepting your defeat then you remain a loser to those who feel they can bring you down- Abasiofon Fidelis
If you keep on thinking about your loss, you are a loser, but if you keep thinking about your wins, you are the winner who will win what you've lost.- xRev
As I grow older, depression tries to seep into every part of my life. I keep moving. I let it try to find me and when it does.. I give it a swift kick in the you-know-what.. and I move to another place.- Ms P Quotes
To keep your identity, don't compete- Simba Mujuru
Keep the momentum while you are moving to guarantee additional motion and momentum.- Loren Weisman
Before you make fun of someone else's flaw in front of others, Keep in mind yours has not come yet- Mad Jaya
If you give up once, you'll keep giving up.- Ramone Wilburn
Its like they created lights only to keep you in the darkness- 0rc
Keep your heart clean with love for all.- Habibullah Khan
To keep the database of Life, always Up and Running Happily.. EXTRACT good People from the crowd. TRANSFORM them into Friends and LOAD them into Life forever. #ETL Do not forget to COMMIT- Suyog Potdar
Keep your head high and smile, forget those who have screwed you over, and live life to it's fullest, because even in the darkest of times there is light and when that light presents itself you'll feel better because you didn't dwell.- Katlynn Fay
Ego, Head weight, arrogance and jealousy are plague, always love to stick to you. Keep them away and set yourself free from Pain and Stressful life.- Sadashivan
The things you keep wasting most will keep coming back to you- BANKOLE OLAMILEKAN
No matter how hard the situation is, no matter how hard life is, always be thankful. Think of it as a challenge and have faith that God will never give us problems we can't handle. So always keep your head up and keep smiling. Don't lose hope. Don't ever give up. For every trials that come our way , we can grow and learn each day and that we should be always grateful.- Lovely Grace Bactol
It's ok to fight for the SOUL of a man to keep him from going to a REAL hell, but it's NEVER ok to fight for his HEART.- Johnette Lithera Moss
Keep your head held high princess, your tiara's falling - Courtney Horan
When I am alone please stay with me, when I feel upset please comfort me, when I get sick please keep me healthy, when I cry please cheer me up, when I feel broken please love me- lengthaiangtlumang
Aim high, follow your dreams, reach your goal but always keep your feet on the ground.- Princess Landicho Nohay
Trees, they keep us alive and they are homes to millions of species, but the are getting cut down just for paper and bags that we just throw away like the are nothing, even though trees are keeping us alive, keeping us breathing- Todd Gerrmann
It starts with light, and it ends with light. And in between, there is darkness .. so keep hoping and dreaming- jaque zoldaique
Promises to me mean a lot and I try to keep them no matter what.- Crispin
Every time I try to chase my dreams I keep on getting hurt- andy abad
To keep an idea in your head, it'll either stop you from achieving something or it'll give you the push to achieve it.. It depends whether the thought was negative or positive- Daleen Irshaid
I bealive anybody can do a little something to keep this world alive.- Austris Vansovics
No matter how many times people hurt you and ignore the good deeds and instead dwell on all the negatives they can find in you and others.. God knows your heart so keep on keeping on for Him.- Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
You know what? We are lucky enough to be loved by God, EVEN IF WE DON'T FEEL IT. So, keep on loving, for loving somebody is loving God also.- Gregorio Santos
Dreams are always something above your high expectations, something that probably you need to reach out for. If it's too high up, then jump higher! Just keep going for that dream, no matter how hard you try just don't let it die out.- anonymous
Just keep chasing your wish and truth will follow.- diya ahmed azzony
My dad once told me that he didn't put me on this earth to kill.. I told him, 'I have to do what is necessary to keep him safe'- Gage Lee Moore
Keep fresh stay spicy- Carlos Bourgy
A lot of obstacles have been thrown my way lately.. God help me to have the resolve to overcome them and keep it moving..- Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
If you love somebody, don't let them go, keep them as close to your heart as possible- poso define
Stay true to the truth and the truth will keep you true!- Steven W Baran
Just keep going or you will never make it to the end to claim your prize!- Ashley Groh
No Girl or guy should ever bring you down, just keep your head up and know there is someone better waiting for you..- Ashton Taylor
Keep check on your hunger before it starts eating your mind.- harbinderjit singh bajaj
Everything in my life that is humanly possible to do is easy, but loving someone takes hard work that sometimes isn't humanly possible, but as long as you can love me back, I can keep trying..- Elijah McKinley
If you keep moving on up in life, eventually you will not be able to climb any higher, that's when you know it's time to come back down..- Elijah McKinley
Keep dreaming, because our dreams keep us alive and dreams are the language of God.- Adnan Ali
Love is like a story you can't keep up.- sparkleyes131
Life keeps changing every second, every minute, every hour, every day, every month, every year.. so keep improving- J K Amar Narayan
You don't need love to be happy. sometimes it is better to be single and happy, than being with someone and keep thinking you want to be with someone else!- Taylor DeGeus
No matter what you don't have now or what you won't ever have again, you'll always have your past. Your memories are yours forever to keep, and that's something no one can ever take away from you.- Shaina Ross
I knew I loved you when you looked me in the eyes and I already knew I would keep you locked in my head until we meet again- ladygaga
All it takes is one person, at one time, to have one bad moment, and your customer service will be flawed. We must keep striving for perfection.- Michael Costello
Hold back the tears of your fallen soldiers and keep fighting for what you deserve- louis bakewell
When motivation failed or just wasn't there and on the many days I just wanted to give up.. it was perseverance, determination and faith in God that gave me the strength to never give up to keep moving forward and prevail.- Bonnie L. Wright
Criticism always comes to those who don't follow the normality and guidelines set for them by society. They are always hated and and shunned until society admits its mistake, but by that time the greats are dead and the whole world mourns. Even when shunned, the greats keep going, remember this when you are being hated.- Christopher Reaves
Drums are the heart of the music. Bands can't perform without someone to keep a steady beat. Guitars are one thing, but drums keep the music alive.- Mike M.
Life is full of disappointments but you just have to put your head down and keep going.- Randall Carley
I loved you twice.. now it is three times but my heart and I can't take it anymore. It hurts but I can't keep loving you even if I want to.. I don't want to get hurt even worse again- Gladys Maria
World as a whole has enough food and wealth to keep everyone on it warm and healthy, still there is hunger and poverty. Are those marked boundaries on the globe that we have between states, countries and continents stopping us from not helping our brothers and sisters? Is our love only restricted to watch them in movies and weep, when they desperately need love? God is certainly playing a joke.- Lokesh giri
You will never lose sail, if you keep living well - Joshua Aaron Guillory
From the CBD to the THC, find the right TAX professionals with authority and know how to help you with the IRS It will take more than a simple accountant to keep you accountable, in compliance and up to date with the rules and regulations of this exploding industry.- Loren Weisman
Baby, you are my wedding cake! You are my birthday party! You are the love I bake! You keep it hearty! Baby, you are my wedding cake! You are my birthday party! You are my ice cream shake! You're never tardy - Joshua Aaron Guillory
If there's a promise my heart bleeds about, it's those made to my mom. I just need to keep her hopes living. I do Love her- Justice Appiah Boateng
You don't keep your curriculum vitae at home and seek for a job when your application letter should be everywhere..- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
O my love, I give you a lot, With love, and that I mean! (But) It doesn't matter what you got, If you don't keep it clean- Joshua Aaron Guillory
Ovalie, she too doth make springrings of love! And allow the sphering trelubes to amingle! And so of them Herof, too, keep all asingle! - Joshua Aaron Guillory- Joshua Aaron Guillory
To keep the peace of light In the air of life Will help the world breathe right And prevent all strife - Joshua Aaron Guillory
If you got me, keep me safe. I am a virtuous man and very rare to find- Samkelo Ngese
Keep the baby crawling since s/he is not crying.- mohdmustafa99
Expect one event, and keep further expectations for the forthcoming occurrence.- mohdmustafa99
Let's keep showing people that we care. Let's keep proving the worth of human rights through action.- J B
Let's keep showing people that we care. Let's keep proving the worth of human rights through action.- J B
Keep human rights in sight.- J B
Learning the game isn't enlightenment, learning yourself is! And only those who are enlightened know what I truly mean! That real, initial enlightenment will separate you from the bull crap of everyone! You don't need bad and evil in the world to live an enlightened life, though in your enlightened journey that may be around you! In truth everything is perfectly beautiful, happy and loving! Nobody can ever take my enlightenment away from me! I'll never forget it! and I'll never forget me! If you don't embrace the kid inside you, the peaceful innocence inside you, you won't know what it's truly like to be enlightened. The initial enlightenment contains the full enlightenment! People who say the world has to keep being evil are crazy [yes, I called you crazy] [you can call me crazy and I'm still at peace] and they're just repeating what they think enlightenment is! I know the joy and peace I experienced and experience by myself! That's truth! That's enlightenment - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Sometimes when life is testing you and you have no answer. The best way to pass the test is to write down every little detail you have around you. Then write the life's questions because later on you might be able to answer them one by one. Don't keep asking yourself why these questions apply to me. Just write.- Marie Yolande Pierre
As the days keep getting shorter we can only eat one small meal.- Joe Cervantes
The world was made to turn, our heads were made to turn, our lives were made to turn; so you can turn like everything else or keep going straight at the end you will have realized That you also come up to a turn.- Alejandro Aguirre
Mother, if only you knew how much your hug gives me strength to keep moving forward, only then you would know why I owe it all to you.- Daleen Irshaid
Don't Let The Haters Stop You From Doing You. Keep It Moving! LIVE YOUR LIFE!- Sabina Nelson