
Mhlongo Ndumiso Julius (mhlongonj) Quotes & Sayings:
Mhlongo Ndumiso Julius

Mhlongo Ndumiso Julius

Location:Mpumalanga(langeloop), South Africa
Occupation:Computer Programmer
Experience on Earth:31 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 8 Years 8 Months

Mhlongo Ndumiso Julius Quotes

1-50 of total 88 Quotes
Don Don't be stuck at what you know. Always explore..

Inspirational Philosophy Success

The point is to know how to do it, Not just to get it done. The point is to know how to do it, Not just to get it done...

Short One liners

While I was still in IT school I thought that the internet had a lot of money, kanti nooo maarn, While I was still in IT school I thought that the internet had a lot of money, kanti nooo maarn,..

Inspirational Success Truth

I finally stopped trying to prove that I am as intelligent as the people who are much more I finally stopped trying to prove that I am as intelligent as the people who are much more..

Life Philosophy Wisdom

Even in FRANCE there are people who have dreams of going to PARIS one day, Kodwa wena UseMzansi Even in FRANCE there are people who have dreams of going to PARIS one day, Kodwa wena UseMzansi..

Inspirational Life Success

Took me a very long time for me to accept that my parents actually had sex for me to be around Took me a very long time for me to accept that my parents actually had sex for me to be around..

Life Love Relationship falling in love

Just because I came into this life through sex, does not mean that I have to live my entire life by Just because I came into this life through sex, does not mean that I have to live my entire life by..

Inspirational Life Love

I just got banned from a cooking group. like WTF I just got banned from a cooking group. like WTF..

Short Truth One liners

I just want to make sure that when I make it out of poverty, I don I just want to make sure that when I make it out of poverty, I don't owe anyone shit..

Short Poverty

You do realize that your phone can do the job of the thermometer you are buying You do realize that your phone can do the job of the thermometer you are buying..

Short One liners

Not every lion enjoys life in the jungle, some just want to be left on that cage in peace Not every lion enjoys life in the jungle, some just want to be left on that cage in peace..


Why is there only one cake at a wedding?? Why is there only one cake at a wedding??..


Even if you don Even if you don't have sex with your woman, she would still fall pregnant, it's in the bible..

Short One liners

To tell you the truth there To tell you the truth there's no such thing as Data Bundles, you're just paying for electricity wena..

Short One liners

We live in a world where six inch is not enough We live in a world where six inch is not enough..

Short One liners

The only Industry without racism in the world is porn, I guess that The only Industry without racism in the world is porn, I guess that's why I always loved porn..


Sexually I Sexually I'm tired..

Short One liners

You could see through the violence protests in America that people are not fighting against what You could see through the violence protests in America that people are not fighting against what..

So the real Cyber Criminals in this world Is Google and Facebook So the real Cyber Criminals in this world Is Google and Facebook..

Short One liners

They lied to you, and now you They lied to you, and now you're lying to us, so we could lie to others, its an endless lie..


Life was pretty much fine before Dogs, Cats and your Grandmother took over social media Life was pretty much fine before Dogs, Cats and your Grandmother took over social media..

Life Short

I finally found the trick to Forex Trading, You first have to make a profit of $5 and then you I finally found the trick to Forex Trading, You first have to make a profit of $5 and then you..

Short One liners money

I now officially accept friend request from everyone, and then I flood their DMs with scams I now officially accept friend request from everyone, and then I flood their DMs with scams..

Short Friends

I realised anything was possible. The day I watched porn with my family. I realised anything was possible. The day I watched porn with my family...

Short One liners

The second Biggest lie in the world "Messages you send to this chat and calls are now secured with - The second Biggest lie in the world "Messages you send to this chat and calls are now secured with -..

Truth lie

I don I don't have a problem with the Americans, its the Europeans I have a problem with..

Short Truth Wisdom One liners heart break

98% of the people who contact me are not calling to help me, they need my help 98% of the people who contact me are not calling to help me, they need my help..

Short One liners

I finally found a problem to my solution I finally found a problem to my solution..

Inspirational Success One liners

Electric shock cures corona virus, It works I tested it Electric shock cures corona virus, It works I tested it..

Short Work

Today I don Today I don't have any motivational quotes. Just give up if you want..

heart break

Dear : Future Wife
Please bring your own kids, I don Dear : Future Wife Please bring your own kids, I don't have time for stupid things..

Love Relationship falling in love

I invested so much in knowledge. In such a way that I have no idea why I I invested so much in knowledge. In such a way that I have no idea why I'm still poor..

Inspirational Philosophy Truth heart break

I owe a lot of people sex...  I I owe a lot of people sex... I'm not even sure if I will deliver..

Love Relationship

If you cheat on your boyfriend and he forgives you,  he If you cheat on your boyfriend and he forgives you, he's also cheating. Loyal niggas like us have..

Love Relationship heart break falling in love

I write my sentences with comma splice errors, Just to confuse those who think they know English I write my sentences with comma splice errors, Just to confuse those who think they know English..

Funny Inspirational Short One liners

There are no limits to what I can do There are no limits to what I can do..

One liners

The most beautiful people in the world are porn stars The most beautiful people in the world are porn stars..

Beauty Inspirational One liners

The richest people in the world are unknown The richest people in the world are unknown..

Short Belief One liners

Before you correct someone Before you correct someone's mistakes please be insured that they really made a mistake because you..

Inspirational mistake

Do not make the mistake of advising the person you should be taking notes from Do not make the mistake of advising the person you should be taking notes from..


I don I don't take advices from people who come to me when they have problems.I mean those people don't..

Inspirational Life Success Truth Trust

God is hallucinated God is hallucinated..

Life Short Truth One liners

The things I imagine when a couple say we The things I imagine when a couple say we're trying to make a baby..

Funny Inspirational Relationship Success falling in love

Inkinga yetfu kutsi sitfule nje sinibhekile kan Inkinga yetfu kutsi sitfule nje sinibhekile kan' ngabe sitfule sinake tindzaba tetfu ngabe siya..

Funny Inspirational Life Philosophy Success

I will work day and night up to a point where killing me would be declared as assassination I will work day and night up to a point where killing me would be declared as assassination..

Funny Inspirational Success Truth Wisdom

Its funny how the Gurus that are making it aren Its funny how the Gurus that are making it aren't sharing it. And those that are sharing it aren't..

Funny Inspirational Life Philosophy Truth

There There's a certain innocent face I pull when I meet people for the first time, works like a charm..

Funny Life Philosophy Short Truth

Whenever I get myself into anything, things get messy and they don Whenever I get myself into anything, things get messy and they don't work out anymore..

Funny Life Philosophy Truth

I would like to thank God that i was born stupid and i don I would like to thank God that i was born stupid and i don't make the same mistakes that geniuses..

God Inspirational Life Short mistake

Money cannot buy happiness but it can buy the things that makes you happy and that Money cannot buy happiness but it can buy the things that makes you happy and that's pretty much..

Happiness Inspirational Life Truth money
