
Mistake Quotes, Mistake Picture Quotes & Quotations

Mistake Quotes Pictures

Not everyone smiling around you, is your friend.. Some of them are your enemies, hiding behind the Not everyone smiling around you, is your friend.. Some of them are your enemies, hiding behind the..

Hate Philosophy Truth Wisdom Friends

Never get mistaken between Never get mistaken between 'being patient' and 'being passive; One makes you wise whereas other..

Philosophy Wisdom

Opening an unknown door with a bunch of keys is like life. Once one of the key is unable to open a Opening an unknown door with a bunch of keys is like life. Once one of the key is unable to open a..

Life Wisdom

Life Open Mistake Door
It's normal to make a mistake, but if you haven't learn from it, you will make it again and again. Until you will realize that all you did was..

Confidence Life

Learn Realize Mistake
Once we start being brutally honest with ourselves we found we had mistaken bad decisions for bad Once we start being brutally honest with ourselves we found we had mistaken bad decisions for bad..

Change Courage Happiness Wisdom

Being Bad
Moving forward after a mistake, a wrong decision or a personal disaster can make you a better person or it can make you a bitter person.. One letter..
-John Bonds

Confidence Courage Failure Life Success

Life Wrong Difference Mistake Decision
The biggest mistake is not learning from it. The biggest mistake is not learning from it...

Failure Witty Wisdom

Mistake Learning
A man is liable to make a mistake if he loves two women. A man is liable to make a mistake if he loves two women...

Love Relationship Short Women

Women Mistake
Easier than to speak about mistakes, is to commit them. Easier than to speak about mistakes, is to commit them...


The greater your position , the greater your trifle mistakes. The humbler your position the trifler The greater your position , the greater your trifle mistakes. The humbler your position the trifler..

Politics Short One liners

Children do not correct adults Children do not correct adults' mistakes because children do not want to be responsible for them...

Short children

Want Children Correct
Repeating the same mistake again and again is a clear sign of you fooling yourself. Repeating the same mistake again and again is a clear sign of you fooling yourself...


Mistake Sign
You think you know me, no you don't. How can you know me when I don't know myself. I know my goals, my capabilities and worth. Most of the time I..


Mistake Sign
A big mistake is a big opportunity to transform. A big mistake is a big opportunity to transform...

Life Opportunity Short

Mistake Opportunity
Nothing can forgive you for your known mistake, nothing can punish you for your unknown mistake. Nothing can forgive you for your known mistake, nothing can punish you for your unknown mistake...

Life Opportunity Short

Mistake Opportunity
Biggest mistake in the world is to hurt others. Biggest mistake in the world is to hurt others...

Heart Short One liners

World Hurt Mistake
We learn from our mistakes, but if we had never made those mistakes where would we be now! We learn from our mistakes, but if we had never made those mistakes where would we be now!..


we all make mistakes but only a few are willing to be corrected. We all make mistakes but only a few are willing to be corrected...

Forgiveness Life Short One liners

Here is the thing about mistakes, Sometimes, even when you know something is a mistake, you got to Here is the thing about mistakes, Sometimes, even when you know something is a mistake, you got to..


Life Know Mistake
I feared making mistakes, but then I realized perfection is just a well-polished error. I feared making mistakes, but then I realized perfection is just a well-polished error...

Life Wisdom

Life Know Mistake
"You are not your past. You are not your mistakes. You are not the sum of your regrets. You are the possibility of what comes next, the spark of what..
-Jop Helm

Inspirational Life Philosophy Relationship Truth

Life Know Mistake
You are now who you were before, only now you have the
option to do better than you did. It is not You are now who you were before, only now you have the option to do better than you did. It is not..

Inspirational Philosophy Truth Wisdom

Life Know Mistake
A mistake is a taking off point to be better, to learn, and to grow! A mistake is a taking off point to be better, to learn, and to grow!..

Inspirational Life Short Success Wisdom

Life Know Mistake
I've wandered so far into the depths of my own mistakes that no matter how much I try to fix what's broken, it feels like I'm only scattering the..
-kristin borgohain

Life Philosophy Sad

Life Know Mistake

Top 10 mistake Quotes

Never blame yourself for your past mistakes. Blame your past.- Nkwachukwu OgbuaguEugenics is the arrogantly insane voice of men informing God that He made a mistake- ralph harlowI don't make mistakes so that I can become perfect. I make mistakes so that I can learn.- Anthony T HincksDear God, let us not, while trying to correct the mistakes of our children, make our own mistakes.- Nkwachukwu OgbuaguSociety is full of its own mistakes.- Anthony_T_HincksIn the end, since it has become easier than ever to make anything popular and appear to be more than it truly is, the time you take to prove and research that popularity may help you avoid mistakes and missteps while keeping you from being fooled by the fools.- Loren WeismanOnly as free as you perceive the length of your personal chains to be. Make no Mistake, there is something to which each & every one of us is bound.- LYGASIf it is an important work or meeting, accomplish a person with you. That doesn't mean you are scared, but the person can correct your mistakes if you go wrong.- Rallapalli Suresh KumarGod will forgive you faster when you let your children make their own kind of mistakes than when you let them make the kind of mistakes you made when you were their age.- Nkwachukwu OgbuaguThe mistake men make is cheating on the meaning of life with a woman.- Tamerlan Kuzgov

Life + Mistake Quotes

Life Quotes Enemy is a person who tells your mistakes to you. Try to overcome those mistakes and make one enemy for your life. - rakeshbabuHere is the thing about mistakes, Sometimes, even when you know something is a mistake, you got to make it anyway, because mistakes are sometimes the best memories in your life - Philon AlexiusWe all make mistakes, we all do things and make decisions we're not proud of. But you shouldn't let past mistakes ruin your future. Focus your mind onto the present and set a mind frame for the future. Forget the past mistakes. We're just human, we all make mistakes. - Steven EvansOpening an unknown door with a bunch of keys is like life. Once one of the key is unable to open a door, you put it aside and don't use it again, like a mistake, you don't do it again. - AllenA big mistake is a big opportunity to transform. - Avhidipta MondalYou think you know me, no you don't. How can you know me when I don't know myself. I know my goals, my capabilities and worth. Most of the time I surprise myself. I have made mistakes huge and small.. I screwed up.. fallen down and pulled myself up. I have fought in a mans world, to achieve what was and is my right. I have been torn apart in this world by mens ego, with attitude beyond compare. I stood my grounds, fought till I almost dropped dead.. Yes I am not an angle, yet a lesser devil.. With all the setbacks, the achievements, the resilience's and rejections I am proud of the women I have become.. And as long as I have breath, my story remains in development stage.. - RINA RODRIGUEZMistakes are the best teacher Of your life, They will teach you the best lessons at every point, you just need to be a good learner. - Shahida......The first mistake teaches, and the second same mistake shows that the lesson was not learned. - mohdmustafa99Before you get it right, you will make a few mistakes. - Marcquiese BurrellOne of the biggest mistake is when a man betrayed a woman who fought, sacrificed and supported him during difficult times in his life - Irfan Mamoun MDNo one can fish a fish if its mouth closed, so close your mouth because lots wish to fish your mistakes - Irfan Mamoun MDEveryone makes mistakes, but only those who apologize for their faults and try to rectify them can transform themselves for a better life. - Srinivas MishraDon’t repeat old mistakes if you were given a new beginning. - Marcquiese BurrellYour past mistakes serve as valuable teachers, not life sentences. Learn from them, derive wisdom, and move forward with newfound knowledge, knowing that they do not define you or the course of your entire life. - Javan SmithSociety is full of man's mistakes. - Anthony T Hincks"You know what your problem is? You go touch another stove because it looks different from the stoves that have burned you." - Daniel LeeThe mistake men make is cheating on the meaning of life with a woman. - Tamerlan KuzgovOnly as free as you perceive the length of your personal chains to be. Make no Mistake, there is something to which each & every one of us is bound. - LYGASI've wandered so far into the depths of my own mistakes that no matter how much I try to fix what's broken, it feels like I'm only scattering the pieces further apart. It feels as if every choice I've made has carved a permanent scar in the fabric of my existence. - kristin borgohainI feared making mistakes, but then I realized perfection is just a well-polished error. - Aloo Denish Obiero

Inspirational + Mistake Quotes

Inspirational Quotes A lot of our Good judgement will come out of our bad judgments and others might even light their candles from your mistakes and your successes. - Lood GoosenAt our downfall, revising our mistakes makes possible for us to rise up. - Sipho P NkosiTo judge me by my past mistake is a clear indication of your lack of ability to reason as human. For my mistake is an opportunity to learn and move on. Therefore do not identify me with the mistake of my past. - Dr. Patricia GhannMistake is made for man. Don't be stressed about the little mistakes you make, as far as you don't repeat the same mistake. - ojingiri hannahNever miss taking the positives out of our mistakes!  - Adrian McGinnNobody is perfect in world. We all as human we make mistake. We do wrong things, we say wrong things, we fall, we get up, we move on our life. Just remember. That's is life is!!!! - Tonny Prakash PatrickDon't make a mistake unless you wish to learn from it. - Anthony T HincksA collapsed bridge should never be crossed again either by walking or driving as life is too short to repeat the same mistakes in the past. - jERico TempladoNot all mistakes are mistakes. - Anthony T HincksHistory shows us the kind of mistakes that we are sure to make in the future. - Anthony T HincksWe should always strive to be the very best at anything which we find ourselves spending our time working to accomplish. Just don’t ever make the mistake of allowing yourself to believe you have ever achieved it. - LYGASDear God, let us not, while trying to correct the mistakes of our children, make our own mistakes. - Nkwachukwu OgbuaguI don't make mistakes so that I can become perfect. I make mistakes so that I can learn. - Anthony T HincksA mistake is a taking off point to be better, to learn, and to grow! - Adrian McGinnYou are now who you were before, only now you have the option to do better than you did. It is not too late, make today better than yesterday's mistakes. - Tihyra Jenkins, MS"You are not your past. You are not your mistakes. You are not the sum of your regrets. You are the possibility of what comes next, the spark of what might be, if only you dare to ignite it." -Jop Helm - Jop Helm

All mistake Quotes

History should never abandon the future to past mistakes.- Anthony T HincksThe more you embrace positivity, the more you resonate with it. A humble heart acknowledges its mistakes, while a greedy one refuses. Stay vigilant on your path to growth.- Marcquiese BurrellPeople who are struggling often find it easier to point fingers at others and avoid taking responsibility for their mistakes. However, there's great strength in owning up to our actions and using them as opportunities for growth and improvement.- Marcquiese BurrellMistake is a mistake regardless of what it is.- Antonio P SarmientoMost people say that the mistake is the 1st step to success, but the fact is correction of the mistake is the 1st step towards success- Irfan Mamoun MDWhy people don’t see their faults as they see others’? Because human is in love with himself and lover does not see the mistakes of the one he loves- Irfan Mamoun MDIf you told your wife about one of her mistakes, she will start telling you about ALL your mistakes including your family, friends and even close countries mistakes- Irfan Mamoun MDNever loose hope in every mistake you made.- Joshua MuasaIt is not wise to either only blame others for your every failure or to give credit only to yourself for every success you have, because your mistake is the main factor in your failure and you cannot win with your will alone- Srinivas MishraMistakes are guides. They guide us by reminding us how we messed up before so that we do something different. That process repeats until you succeed.- Austin James LelievreLet's enjoy the life we're creating for ourselves. That's the only thing I'm in control of. What I do is my business. What you and someone else do is your business. Let's learn to live with our mistakes.- Marie Yolande PierreRepeat your mistakes but not artistically, nor haphazardly.- mohdmustafa99You cannot correct your mistakes unless you confess them.- mohdmustafa99An accidental mistake may bring sorrows , but, of course, not like a mistake of insistence.- mohdmustafa99Rectify your mistakes with love and good deeds- Ojo Yusuf AbdulazeezWise is he who is able to identify his mistakes. But the ability to learn from them, is what grants you true wisdom..- Anthony Dewayne BrownPeople can make big mistakes , but still be worth forgiveness.- priitChildren do not correct elders' mistakes. What a boring playoff for them!- mohdmustafa99The only mistake I really don't make is that I never make the same mistake again.- vikrantDon't mistake my attention for affection and my indifference for calmness.- Sapna Dhandh SharmaExcuses mean nothing when the mistake is obvious.- ABDULAZIZ Al DABAANCriticism always comes to those who don't follow the normality and guidelines set for them by society. They are always hated and and shunned until society admits its mistake, but by that time the greats are dead and the whole world mourns. Even when shunned, the greats keep going, remember this when you are being hated.- Christopher ReavesBecause I am human, it is my destiny to make mistakes. That is the only thing that is set in stone.- Jack BrownRelationship is just an experience and when its over you take what you've experienced to the next one to avoid mistakes made in the one before, so be wise when you date.- Toota

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