
Monica J. Yoder (mjgodscountrygal) Quotes & Sayings:

Monica J. Yoder

Experience on OwnQuotes: 5 Years 9 Months

Monica J. Yoder Quotes

1-11 of total 11 Quotes
Always treat people kindly and appreciate them, you never know if it Always treat people kindly and appreciate them, you never know if it's your last day or their's..


People Know Day
Next time someone mocks you, just be glad you can feel for the hurting when you see others hurting Next time someone mocks you, just be glad you can feel for the hurting when you see others hurting..


Time Feel
Don Don't get angry at people who mock you! Feel sorry for them, because they probably don't understand..


People Feel Pain Understand
Hold on tight, This train of life is just passing through Hold on tight, This train of life is just passing through..


Life Hold
Take time for family and God because in the end if you lose everything else this is what will Take time for family and God because in the end if you lose everything else this is what will..


God Time Family
God does not send pain to hurt you, but to make you STRONG God does not send pain to hurt you, but to make you STRONG..

God Inspirational Short pain

God Pain Hurt Strong
Always be watching for ways to brighten someone Always be watching for ways to brighten someone's day, you never know what they just faced or what..


Know Day
When people mock or mistreat you, always remember there is a light at the end of tunnel no matter When people mock or mistreat you, always remember there is a light at the end of tunnel no matter..


People Matter Light Remember
True strength is not physical, but it is being able to walk through any difficulties in your life True strength is not physical, but it is being able to walk through any difficulties in your life..


Life God Being Walk Able
If Jesus sends you pain, He must think you are strong, and well able to handle it! If Jesus sends you pain, He must think you are strong, and well able to handle it!..


Think Pain Strong Able
Even if you feel like an ugly mess you are still beautiful in your own way! Even if you feel like an ugly mess you are still beautiful in your own way!..


Way Feel Beautiful