
Phillip Orange (oranphil) Quotes & Sayings:
Phillip Orange

Phillip Orange

Location:United Kingdom
Experience on OwnQuotes: 13 Years 9 Months

Phillip Orange Quotes

1-20 of total 20 Quotes
This world will try and break your spirit and make you conform, you will always hear that is how you mature but don’t, don’t break and don’t
-Phillip Orange

Dreams Freedom Life Optimism

Thinking still, still moving on, I look behind at the trail I have left behind and I look up and Thinking still, still moving on, I look behind at the trail I have left behind and I look up and..

Dreams Life heart break

Look Thinking Looking
When you are far from hope, don When you are far from hope, don't give up, don't let passed trepidations consume your desires, be..

Faith Hope Philosophy

People need understand that we are human, that we all feel emotion, all prone to flaws, have different beliefs and that these need to be acknowledged
-Phillip Orange


Sullen he stood as the cold wind blew past his pale face he looks around try’s to see what he has, nothing is the answer keeps echoing in his mind,
-Phillip Orange

Faith Failure Life Loneliness

A cold wind passes through the minds of the arrogant souls who believe they have the power to A cold wind passes through the minds of the arrogant souls who believe they have the power to..

Faith Life Wisdom

Within my mind I am happy to help those who wish to receive it I don’t wish for anything in Within my mind I am happy to help those who wish to receive it I don’t wish for anything in..

Friendship Goal Inspirational Optimism

What is the world coming to if being yourself is a crime, don What is the world coming to if being yourself is a crime, don't sit there with a sullen expression,..

Confidence Faith Goal Optimism Wisdom

Mistakes are only mistakes, if you refuse or can Mistakes are only mistakes, if you refuse or can't learn from the..

Confidence Faith Short Wisdom

I only make sense to only those who have the ability to understand I only make sense to only those who have the ability to understand..

Hope Philosophy Short Wisdom

It is ok to show emotion it does not mean you are weak but strong and ultimately human It is ok to show emotion it does not mean you are weak but strong and ultimately human..

Courage Optimism Philosophy Truth

I maybe mad and crazy, but that makes me sane in a crazy world. I maybe mad and crazy, but that makes me sane in a crazy world...

Past failures create a manual for future success Past failures create a manual for future success..

Change Failure Inspirational Opportunity Short

Success Future Past
Life can be like a lump of coal it takes time and the correct amount of pressure for it to turn Life can be like a lump of coal it takes time and the correct amount of pressure for it to turn..

Change Philosophy Time

Never shout a point that you ain Never shout a point that you ain't willing to defend...


Life is not static,it Life is not static,it's dynamic and it is in your best interest to do what you can do to make it..

Goal Life

Laugh when you stumble and cry when you fall this will eventually give you the power not to dwell Laugh when you stumble and cry when you fall this will eventually give you the power not to dwell..

Confidence Dreams Goal Life Truth

"Do what you think is right and don't let people tell you your wrong, listen to advice only as an aid to your final decision because at the end of
-Phillip Orange

Inspirational Life Truth

Stare in the darkness of life and trudge the corridors of morbid tribulations but if you strike the match of imagination and determination this will
-Phillip Orange

Goal Life Truth

Life Way Success Happiness Darkness
Don Don't be afraid of the unknown and don't make excuses when you reach it, enter with an open mind,..

Change Success Truth

Mind Success Self Open Afraid