Open Quotes Pictures

If we deem others above or below us, we cannot help them and they cannot help us. If we remain open..

Don't write your feelings in a diary.. instead write them in your heart so no one but yourself can..Your Heart

Opening an unknown door with a bunch of keys is like life. Once one of the key is unable to open a..

You aren't special, nobody is. And if you can't realize that, life would defiantly open your eyes...Your Eyes

Freedom is more important than food. Notice this when you open the cage to feed the bird , and then..

I've always had my eyes open and had only seen DEATH , it wasn't until I opened my heart I saw LIFE..
Beauty Death God Inspirational Life
My Heart
THE GAP: Closed-Mindedness can create it, Narrow-Mindedness can widen it, Open-Mindedness can close..

It takes a great amount of courage to open a door for an unknown opportunity. It's a risk. It could..

A simple way to be grateful is to close your eyes for a minute and think of those who never got a..Your Eyes
Change is not always easy, but it's an essential part of life. Embrace your fears - let go and allow the winds of uncertainty to be your guide. There..
-Lois Lovely Layne
-Lois Lovely Layne
Change Courage Freedom Inspirational Truth
Let Go
Keep your eyes open, your nose clean, and ears free of those friends that are dark cryptic enemies..Your Eyes
Top 10 open Quotes
The pages of an open book keep turning, the days keep turning.- Mohammad nadeem parray
What we actually see is half truth! open your inner eyes to see the Truth.- DEEPANKAR TRIPATHY
A time machine on the shoulders of memories, two advisers: on the right shoulder there is good future, in the left past that is evil, two open rays of time in which consciousness travels.- Romeo
People are longing for happiness. You would not crave for happiness. As you and I know, it is a state of mind not in material possessions. If you are grateful, you would be happy. Because of Gratitude, you can open the door of happiness.- EBINEZAR GNANASEKARAN
Sometimes things don't change no matter how hard we try. We have to change our attitude towards them. You can't expect to push a wall open. You have to look for the door.- Bafferh Mohammed
You do not need INSPIRATION to open a business; you'll need MONEY.- Berny CG
The space is always open!- Joshua Aaron Guillory
Be the space! The space is always open! - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Knowledge is a key by which you can open all locked situations in your life.- J K SASMAL
My heart has been broken, turned upside down, cold and in wrong places over and over, it's like trying keys to a door that will not open. But if there's a key for that door l wonder should I let love back in my heart- Lila Reed
Life + Open Quotes ⇑
Life Quotes
It is better to keep an open mind than one that is closed and concentrated on the things that don't need any attention in life. - nervis
If minds could be read, our life would be like an open book - Karrella Jones
You aren't special, nobody is. And if you can't realize that, life would defiantly open your eyes. - isabel
Opening an unknown door with a bunch of keys is like life. Once one of the key is unable to open a door, you put it aside and don't use it again, like a mistake, you don't do it again. - Allen
No longer will I be anchored in old memories, but run towards the horizon with an open mind and wary heart. - Tiffany Louisa Richardson
Every Christmas I feel something special, really special that when I'm gonna share, I just give it all. Last Christmas and it was morning, after eating my breakfast I went outside my house to drink coffee, I was now going to drink my coffee with my new expensive mug while an old man approached me and he reached out his right hand and looked at me with sadness and after that I gave him my coffee and he walks away drinking it with that very expensive mug. It doesn't matter because its Christmas. That was what I said. Last Christmas and it was after I ate my lunch, I went and waited outside hoping for the old man to come back and return my very expensive mug and while waiting I decided to open the big box chocolates my aunt gave me for Christmas but there was an old lady who approached me while I was going to open it and she reached out and opened her left hand to me and when I look at her I saw saliva coming out of her mouth, after that I gave her that big box of chocolates. It doesn't mat - Criz Jordan
If you're stupid enough to open the door and close it, I might be stupid enough to close it. - Dana Jo Graslie
Its an open world outside for you to venture but beware of the walls within. - Harikrishna Gopalakrishnan
Big gates open to sharp angles. - mohdmustafa99
Life is a open world game. - Md Razaullah
The pages of an open book keep turning, the days keep turning. - Mohammad nadeem parray
All open Quotes ⇑
God can't be invented. God can't be found. God can't be discovered.. On the sky or on the ground. God will be Realized, When you open your Real Eyes!- AiR Atman in Ravi
The trees make way for the blue skies as I drive while the flags fly open as a token of my approaching.- Raul Pompe
Passionately great teachers, study the subject and master their lessons, then learn the best way to teach them. When all is done, you are all set to open a school.- Luke Shen Tien Chi
Regimen is to open your refrigerator, and to close it again without taking anything from..- mohdmustafa99
If You Can't See, It's Because You Refuse To Open Your Eyes.- Flat Earth Prophet
If you were to crack open LOVE as you would an egg, absolute, unblemished Goodness would pour out of it.- Amelia Goode
If we want to Realize the Truth We must Open our REAL EYES!- AiR Atman in Ravi
In an open-discussion, to agree does not necessary mean being on the same side, it also means not making people upset; because the only reason they are upset is agreeing with you inconsciently.- CLK
When Open Minded arrives, deception is close behind. The message between these lines, Closed Minded will never find..- Anthony Dewayne Brown
If you cut me open i will bleed love.- joey the poet
Someday you will be faced with the reality of loss. And as life goes on, days rolling into nights, it will become clear that you never really stop missing someone special who's gone, you just learn to live around the gaping hole of their absence. When you lose someone you can't imagine living without, your heart breaks wide open, and the bad news is you never completely get over the loss. You will never forget them. However, in a backward way, this is also the good news. They will live on in the warmth of your broken heart that doesn't fully heal back up, and you will continue to grow and experience life, even with your wound. It's like breaking an ankle that never heals perfectly, and that still hurts when you dance, but you dance anyway with a slight limp, and this limp just adds to the depth of your performance and the authenticity of your character. The people you lose remain a part of you. Remember them and always cherish the good moments spent with them.- Eershad Guness
I know what it's like to build walls so high that no one can penetrate.. I know what it's like to be abused and not be able to talk about it.. It's hard to connect on a deeper level when you can't trust.. If there is anyone out there who is hurting tonight I love you and God loves you. God can do what no one else can. He's a friend that sticks closer than a brother and you can trust Him. Open your heart, have faith and let Him come in.- Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
Every tear is a open door to a smile- Emeline
Sometimes you just need time to gain the courage and bravery to open up and love again..- Vardz77
Don't waste your time on trying to open a lock when you could spend your time on searching for the key.- Caridad Alvarez
Love is a open door we just need to find the right person to walk through it with us- Myauna Cummings
Living is not about seeing, . It's about being. Silence and acceptance can give the answers we seek. With our mouths and eyes wide open all we seem to catch at time is the dirt gathered up by others.- Darren Giardelli
The chamber of my heart is always open, come whenever you want, but remember 'i'm always waiting'- Rimmon Shoukat
Because of you I learned to love more than ever, With my arms wide open I hug a little better, My tender kisses are sweeter than ever, Because of you My love is forever.- Miranda Zekanovic
I'M JUST A GIRL I love being called pretty, but I'll never believe it. I'm not always right, but hate admitting I'm wrong. I'm almost always smiling, but its not always real. I can be read like an open book, but hide so much. I work hard at things, but don't always get what I deserve. I'M JUST A GIRL.- Mymenchelle Laurent
I'm not open to many people. I'm usually quiet and not so friendly with my all acquaintances. So if I like you enough to show you the real me, you must be very special - Arefin Bashar Arif
How can I see the sky if I can't open my eyes and look up? I believe one single step can be one moment ever experienced..- Tumelo Mahlare
Not every open door is the right one to get into! - Innocent Muhuure
When the door closes it is never locked, but you will never open it until your are told there is no need for a key.- Brandon Salazar
Always LOVE with an OPEN mind, heart, eyes & ears!- HEATHER SCOTT
Now love finally shows up, only I can't open up my heart because I'm obligated to leave. I joined the army content with that choice 'til you came along set on stealing my heart.- Christina Johns
She was like oxygen to me.. so now its difficult to breathe in open air - Mohit Gupta
Don't be afraid of the unknown and don't make excuses when you reach it, enter with an open mind, as it could be a route of success and self development- Phillip Orange
I can open my eyes to something I've seen everyday and see something I've never seen in it before. It's a new perspective; a new meaning.. and it's beautiful- Regan Howard
The only way to believe in religion is to open our hearts. In doing so we close our minds.- Matthew Perez
The world is not based on, fact or fiction, truth or myth, reality and fantasy. The world, is a world of possibilities, achievable goals, and unlimited imagination. In other words, don't believe or disbelieve, of what you don't know, the (only) thing you can do is be open-minded.- Jorrdan Stevens
Opinions are like fortune cookies. once you open them and read them you can't change them, you can rip it up and throw it away but it will always stay the same, saying what was originally written.- Brittney Jones
Bear open hearts 'till one attacks.- sam dawson
I opened my heart to you and I gave you the lock. Instead of protecting it, You played around with the lock until you locked it, thinking that I can always open it for you. One thing you didn't know is that I threw out the key the day I opened my heart to you. Now you lost me.- Marie Yolande Pierre
All the secrets God hides blatantly out in the open for all to see and hear, yet so few do..- Byron Abel
The knowledge of world religions is only four keys to the highest form of awareness. They will open the gates to the higher worlds; you just need to choose one of these keys to evolve- Romeo
Struggle to achieve or to lose with an open mind of You are not alone. You are not the first one. You are not the last one. 2 choices: 'Move or Stand still Do it or Leave it'- Wachira Wambu
If you open up a Bible it will snatch your heart.- Joe Cervantes
I will clash swords against your barren human wasted and useless skin of weakness tormenting me to pierce it's humorous and saddening convolution as a thin and yet cumbersome veil of cowardice disguised as some manner of useful and productive triumph. Open thine eyes; I am aware of thine purpose within the fullness of the moonlight on this equinox of time.- Logan Star
When you have so much pain but you would rather smile and appreciate your blessings in life.. when you open your mind to accept it, you can do it. You can learn to let go and accept what's meant to be. Stop worrying, laugh and enjoy life as it unfolds. You might not heal in time but you'll be healed eventually. Trust in Him.- Gladys Gallentes
Love.. Love.. Love, You make my eyes open my heart always beating when I saw you around, I'm falling in love with you, Love.. Love.. Love, I'm crying and I wanted to be dead that time when you said you're gonna move from here Love.. Love.. Love It's hard to explain You don't understand me I can't let you go and I do care about You for all this time Love.. Love.. Love My heart is for you the only guy that I love the most I'm afraid to lose you- Macrina Melody Melanie