
Kennisha L Crawford (qcnation) Quotes & Sayings:
Kennisha L Crawford

Kennisha L Crawford

Experience on OwnQuotes: 14 Years 9 Months

Kennisha L Crawford Quotes

1-19 of total 19 Quotes
Love is only a word that means nothing if it isn Love is only a word that means nothing if it isn't felt, shown, appreciated & above all REAL...

Life Love Truth Wisdom

If you allow your past & present situations & circumstances to define you instead of propel you to If you allow your past & present situations & circumstances to define you instead of propel you to..

Change Confidence Courage

Past Present Able Losing
Be careful when you put your mouth on people. What they Be careful when you put your mouth on people. What they're going through today that you're..

Change Life Philosophy Truth Wisdom

People Today Tomorrow Situation
Fear & Doubt are paralyzing feelings that if you allow to overtake your mind, will only leave you Fear & Doubt are paralyzing feelings that if you allow to overtake your mind, will only leave you..

Mind Fear
'When you are truly a 'new you' that means that the 'old you' has died & it's impossible to go back..


Don Don't hold yourself back by trying to hold up someone else that isn't willing to do it for..

Change Freedom Inspirational Leadership Life

Trying Hold Willing
Yesterday is in your rear view mirror, Today is in your front & Tomorrow is your blind spot that Yesterday is in your rear view mirror, Today is in your front & Tomorrow is your blind spot that's..

History Imagination Life Peace Time

Today Tomorrow Blind Yesterday
If you knew my pain, you would pray for me. If you knew my struggles, you wouldn If you knew my pain, you would pray for me. If you knew my struggles, you wouldn't talk about me. I..

God Heart Hope

Pain Talk Laugh Destiny Pray
Anything that means Everything to you in life that Anything that means Everything to you in life that's worth having requires a process. It's called a..

Confidence Creativity Inspirational Leadership

Life Worth Journey Process
You can You can't grow into your future if you're still stumped by your past..

Education Time Witty Wisdom

Future Past Grow
If I If I'm not the only one then I can't be the other one..

Life Love Truth Witty Wisdom

We are given life to live it. Are you truly living yours? We are given life to live it. Are you truly living yours?..

Confidence Life Wisdom question

Life Living
Everything doesn Everything doesn't deserve a response, so learn what's worth responding to..

Short Wisdom

Learn Worth Deserve
Haters are people who lack a vision & purpose for their own lives Haters are people who lack a vision & purpose for their own lives..

Hate Truth

People Purpose Vision
 When you think you can do something, that When you think you can do something, that's when you should know you can ..

Courage Faith Inspirational Success

Know Think
I I'm just trying to make it so that when I take money out my bank account, it doesn't look like I..


Look Money Trying
Learn to see past your struggles & tears. Soar for a greater you & believe that your brighter days Learn to see past your struggles & tears. Soar for a greater you & believe that your brighter days..


Believe Learn Past Faith
Don Don't expect things to happen for you when you won't break away from the things that are hindering..


Happen Expect
Everybody wants to go to the top with you but can they handle the ride there? Sometimes you have Everybody wants to go to the top with you but can they handle the ride there? Sometimes you have..


Alone Walk