Yesterday Quotes Pictures

Don't be happy about what you achieved yesterday; be ready to get a new achievement today..Be Happy

Yesterday is in your rear view mirror, Today is in your front & Tomorrow is your blind spot that's..

What we had yesterday was good what we've now is better, tomorrow is our best that is yet to come....

You fear two days: Yesterday when you gave a promise, and ‎tomorrow when you have to fulfill it. â..
Every day is a new day, a new beginning, a fresh new start to make it the best day that it can be. Yesterday's troubles are over and should be put..
-ileana capin fonseca Every Day
-ileana capin fonseca Every Day
Top 10 yesterday Quotes
Today will always run faster than yesterday in search of tomorrow.- vikrant
I practiced telekinesis yesterday. Seems the cupboard didn't hear me well.- Nerd Brooke
Make the most of today, as tomorrow may hold your last yesterday.- Brenden Ray Lujan
Never cry for a bad yesterday, cry for a good tomorrow instead.- SANEESH
Today will never comeback, yesterday will never come back, one day we will never come back- paul singh sandhu
When I look back, I feel I was stupid yesterday, would I feel the same tomorrow about today?- Lokesh giri
The thing I saw yesterday makes me happy and stronger today- ease berry
Better bet for tomorrow rather than remembering yesterday.- Hasnat Ch
Everyday is a privilege in my life. To rewrite yesterday, for tomorrow keeping in mind that today is tomorrow. Promise to no one! You are a privilege in my life. Thank you for yesterday is helping me today. And if you can only see yesterday as tomorrow, you'll always have today- Isidro Cruz
Should I be given the chance to live another day like today, I will live like there is no tomorrow because my yesterday came and went with its own troubles, I know not of what awaits me tomorrow but for today, certainty is my assurance and I will live it to the fullest.- Tangwa Livinus Acha
All yesterday Quotes ⇑
How is it Possible I Had You Yesterday but somehow you slipped away with her ? Not Knowing what I Felt before, I soon Realize I desire YOU more than anyone.. You Can't ignore me.. I am what you simply wish & desire..- Nely Morel