
Animal Quotes, Animal Picture Quotes & Image Quotations, Sayings

Animal Quotes Pictures

Mankind is the most dangerous, evil and cruel species in the Animal Kingdom Mankind is the most dangerous, evil and cruel species in the Animal Kingdom..

Nature Truth

Give up selfishness, It refers to all of humanity, people will become people only when they give up their own egoism. Only then will we cease to be..

Philosophy Truth

Give Up
Almost no animal sees a mirror in its life, but they all look beautiful.. at least there is no Almost no animal sees a mirror in its life, but they all look beautiful.. at least there is no..

Beauty Life

One who confesses the sin is a Human, One who repeats the sin equals to an animal, One who commits One who confesses the sin is a Human, One who repeats the sin equals to an animal, One who commits..

Truth Wisdom

Animal-eater: An animal that devours animals for eating, such as a human. Animal-eater: An animal that devours animals for eating, such as a human...

Nature Truth Fear

An untamed human is nothing more than an animal itself. An untamed human is nothing more than an animal itself...

Creativity Freedom Life Short One liners

You You're an animal, and that dog is a human. What's the difference between us?..


Love is the highest form of thinking in the universe. It is above any form of appearance and character, above money, above Nazism racism, above..


Your Rejection Made Me An Animal. Your Rejection Made Me An Animal...


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