Change Quotes Pictures

Change the world when you are single; because once your are married you can't even change the T. V..

Real change does not happen overnight, it happens after you envision what you want to accomplish..
Change Dreams Education Goal Life
What You Want
Stop checking your pocket for change. Check your heart for extra love, give it to the poor..
Change Heart Love Short Poverty
Your HeartLife is too short, Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness, Laugh when you can, Apologize when you should And let go of what you can't change, Love..
-Sarah-Marie Teasdale
-Sarah-Marie Teasdale
Change Freedom Happiness Heart Life
Let Go
You can never change a person who is reluctant to change. Willingness to change has to come within..

Yes, I believe that our system is corrupted, But remember its our responsibility to change our..
Change Hope Optimism Philosophy Politics
I Believe
Hope and patience may not always bring success, but the way they bring change in a man is the real..
Top 10 change Quotes
Only change remains the same- Kim Hale
No one will ever be able to change you unless you change yourself.- Syed Badiuzzaman
Change doesn't happen, till You Change- Mark A Gardner
Always remember, everyday we make choices that change our future: You will be what you decide today- Mark A Gardner
You can ALWAYS change the way you think about things. You can't always change everything, but the way we perceive it might bring a whole new kind of change- Lood Goosen
Progress is not as certain as Change- Lood Goosen
People often talk about change in the world, but you have got to change yourselves for you to see the change you desire- ease berry
If you have the courage to connect with people from different races, nationalities, backgrounds, cultures, and regions, you have the courage to bring about change in the world.- Germany Kent
We fear change because we trust the stained steel we know more than glistering gold we don't know.- mohdmustafa99
Change is constant and it is a process everyone must pass through but we should be aware and conscious of the kind of change we are allowing to change us.- Biglyf writes
Life + Change Quotes ⇑
Life Quotes
Only change remains the same - Kim Hale
Life can change anything, but try do change the change; then you will have achieved something - Prince Sunil Raj
Good and good repel each other & bad and bad too repel each other. , may be bcause of ego! But good and bad attract each other. , either bcause good wants to change bad or is influenced by bad. - Bipin Kumar G J
In a world of Good and evil, everybody is one of it's own. I am I and you are you and we can not change who we are, unless we're all willing to do so. Somehow we have managed to do something great, to love one another and to conceive all the beauty in the world in bunches. One by one we come, and one by one we go. Let us all share the precious gift, the gift of life and eternal youth.. - Zarah smith
When something is great in your life. You don't want it to change. - Brandon McCulloch
Hey. Could we do that again? I know we haven't met, but I don't want to be an ant. You know? I mean, it's like we go through life with our antennas bouncing off one another, continously on ant autopilot, with nothing really human required of us. Stop. Go. Walk here. Drive there. All action basically for survival. All communication simply to keep this ant colony buzzing along in an efficient, polite manner. 'Here's your change. ' 'Paper or plastic?' 'Credit or debit?' 'You want ketchup with that?' I don't want a straw. I want real human moments. I want to see you. I want you to see me. I don't want to give that up. I don't want to be ant, you know? - Twenty Twelve
The best way to change a lifestyle is to reward a desired lifestyle and block access to the rewards of alternative lifestyles. - Donald Lynn Frost
Pain makes people change, but it also makes them stronger - Rebecca Ann Totten
We cannot change the past, but we can change the present. - Aubrey Sanchez
Change what you cannot accept or accept what you cannot change. - Effymieaevi Kosai
When one thinks 'I am wasting my life', it is time to change. - Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
If you're gay, it's a sin. If you're bisexual, you're confused. If you're skinny, you're on drugs. If you're fat, you look nasty. If you dress up, you're conceited. If you speak your mind, you're a bitch. If you don't say anything, you're a punk. If you cry, you're a drama queen/king. If you have male friends, you're a whore. If you have female friends, you're a player.. You can't do anything without being criticized. Love me or hate me but you will never change me. - Martika Cherry
Live to leave change - Piet Ntema
A certain level of acceptance has to be reached for any change to occur.. - Vardz77
Get a grip dude, one day everyone will leave.. your journey is yours, only change lasts forever - Archita arora
If there should be any change or difference in this year, that should be you. - Sogbesan Temidayo Benjamin
People and things change but principles and values remain unchanged. Always uphold them - Brayne Matshotshi
If you don't like it - then change it - if you don't change it - then you must like it - G Swiss
Change yourself from person to personality, that is what I call as development. - BILAL SHEIKH AHMAD
If life is just like the small hand and big hand of clock, it would have been better because they wait for each other and there will be change in every possession - oluwagbenga segun
Life does not promise that we will not go through trials, hardships, and testing of our own personal understanding of faith. What it does promise, is that if you persistently change your inner perspective to a positive one, those trials, hardships, and testings, will become void of pain. - Amelia Goode
Most people show their love by saying 'be patient, things are going to change and you know I love you'. That's not love. That's encouragement. You're just encouraging the person to stay in your miserable life. - Marie Yolande Pierre
Continuously position yourself among nurturers, thought leaders, and change agents. - Germany Kent
When a person lashes out and hurts others because they are ashamed of themselves, that person then puts a target on their chest. That target says, 'I am insecure. ' and 'I don't like myself. ' If you feel this way about yourself, ask for professional help to change. No one respects a bully. - Amelia Goode
I wanted my life to Change, so I made the Choice, I knew it wouldn't happen just by chance. - Allen Lazar
Inspirational + Change Quotes ⇑
Inspirational Quotes
Only by changing present can one change the future - Lokesh giri
If you are trying to change yourself, then change your thoughts first! - Bipin Kumar G J
Change yourself and you will see things getting changed! - Bipin Kumar G J
Every choice in life has it's own unique and inherent challenges and will bring about change.. - Paddick Van Zyl
You must be able to stand up to the devil inside of you and say 'ENOUGH IS ENOUGH' for positive change to take preeminence - NDI DEREK GIYOH
Change is permanent, life is not - Ritesh Ranjan
Before we can create change, we have to decide something needs to change. Before we can decide something needs to change, we have to accept it as it is. Before we can accept it as it is, we have to be aware of its existence. Awareness is the beginning of all creation. - HOWARD MANN
When you start loving yourself and respecting your time and energy, things will change. Get to know your worth, and your value will go up. - Germany Kent
Money can change how you look on the outside, but it can't change who you are on the inside - SunofYah913
Life is like math. It doesn't matter the answer isn't what you think it should be. The only thing that matters is the truth. If you change the answer to fit your feelings the rest of answers to the problems you encounter will always be false - Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S
Positive Change, Growth, and Transformation in Your Identity in Goodness and Love, allow the arms of Flawless, Faultless Goodness to Expand throughout Existence; Tenderness and Completeness to Reign into Eternity. - Amelia Goode
I don't change my plans and decisions, I just change the time of implementation.. - Vikram Nenwani
Oppression only lasts for a season. Change the way you fight and the way you think, so that you are able to break free and walk out of the situation. Correct it and get it right. Do what it takes to win. - Germany Kent
Progress is not as certain as Change - Lood Goosen
The only person you can change.. is you! - Lood Goosen
You can ALWAYS change the way you think about things. You can't always change everything, but the way we perceive it might bring a whole new kind of change - Lood Goosen
Sometimes the truth hurts. If you don't like it, then change it. - Kaitlyn Anderson
You are who you are, you cannot change what fate has made unique; you must first love you. - Mac McGovern
Sometimes things don't change no matter how hard we try. We have to change our attitude towards them. You can't expect to push a wall open. You have to look for the door. - Bafferh Mohammed
Change doesn't happen, till You Change - Mark A Gardner
Short + Change Quotes ⇑
Short Quotes
Many try, but only few change their destiny. - Lokesh giri
Change is the only constant thing in the world - aftabkhan
To change one's true self one must bend it to his will but not disguise it - Aditya
People can't change environment, Environment changes peoples.. - Nishant Gupta
Change your mindset from negative to positive just like a camera. - nervis
Change is what the world is about .. we let it happen , or we make it happen - Daniel A Lozano
Time doesn't change even if you change your watch - maulik
Calling a dog a cat doesn't change the fact that it barks. - Zakia
Unless you change your thoughts nothing will be new on this New Year. - Kowsalapathy Saravanan
Today I am not as I was Yesterday. I will change every day. I will be better everyday. - Doc Ramzan
You can change your present not the past. - Kowsalapathy Saravanan
To change your past is to change your future. - mohdmustafa99
To change the coach is not enough to make winning. You also need to change the players. - mohdmustafa99
If you wish to change your past go ahead here is your future, do whatever you wish. - Kowsalapathy Saravanan
No one will ever be able to change you unless you change yourself. - Syed Badiuzzaman
Confidence + Change Quotes ⇑
Confidence Quotes
Let's not waste time wishing things were different. Let's take the initiative to make the change, it'll make a difference. - Lorreda C Smith
Life is lead by your choices so be aware of the ones you make out of fear.. fear of failure, loneliness, or change.. Those are the only ones you will regret.. Make more choices every day out of Passion, Compassion, & Love.. - Haya Dweidary
Just because you can't change where you come from, doesn't mean YOU can't change. - ajith CHEMPARATHY
When I say 'WHAT IF' to myself.. the possibilities are that.. I can even change the world!.. - Lalith Bhonsle
With some women you need an extra knock on their door, to change their no to a yes. - Joe Cervantes
One day we just wake up. We wake up and say enough is enough, but we just don't say it when we wake. We say it every second of every day. This is how habits are broken. This is how we make a change. - Lance Anthony Ambourn
The power for positive change lies within all of us, emerge with confidence. - Howard Hanniford
I will change or not, depends on the person who wants to change me. - Praveen malik
You are unique and amazing, if you want to change, make a change for the better and only for yourself.. Love yourself - Henry Van Vuuren
Calling for change and being part of making change are two very different things. Stop calling for change and be a part of making the change you want to see. - Loren Weisman
Helping hand might not change the whole world, But it could change the world for one person - TLOTLO GODFREY TAU
Sometime we feel that everything has been finished, we lose bearings and have no ray of hope to recover and we ask a question to own self - 'what should I do?' Answer is to change and forget the way for sometime and trying to become stronger and become a successful person, choose that way again where you had lost everything. - Subhash sharma
If you really think you will need a change in your life, it will change because the designer of your life is only you no one else. - sivaranjani
All change Quotes ⇑
If you wanna change the world, say hello to the first person you see tomorrow on your way to work.- Allen Lazar
People change people for the better of those around them- Rozleyn Brown
Don't change your mind when you intend to say the truth- Aye Aye
Very rapid change is more associated with deterioration.- mohdmustafa99
What is good for me may not be good for you, things don't change so change the way you look at them.- Aquiver kid
Life can not change without struggles and sacrifices- Abdul Rehman Jamro
Children Have The Potential To Change Even The Most Irredeemable Of People- SunofYah913
Change is inevitable. What is also inevitable is failure for those who refuse to change.- Dr Travis J Hedrick
Nothing will never change for you - until you change- G Swiss
The smallest act of kindness, be it a kind word or even a smile, can totally change someone's life forever.- Rev Ernie Urban
Many people who refuse to accept change are miserable from their own doing.- Piet Ntema
You can't change what you don't acknowledge.- Piet Ntema
Sometimes you have to unlearn what you've learned about someone. Sometimes people change. Sometimes people grow up. Unlearn, not discard.- Vardz77
I can't change you and you can't change me, but we can work together and change the world.- Germany Kent
Instead of trying to see the change in the numbers, try seeing the change in yourself.- Raygan Tinea Woodward
First step to change your life is to change your mindset- Piet Ntema
Change is not always easy, but it's an essential part of life. Embrace your fears - let go and allow the winds of uncertainty to be your guide. There are no short cuts, so open your arms and be free. You will always be exactly where you need to be- Lois Lovely Layne
Embrace change. have the courage to be adventurous, because you only have one ticket for this ride- El Haji Nero
Change is a progress not an event - Nancy Almeida
Work on your attitude and change yourself into a better person before destiny does.- Dalal Yousif
Truth is constant. Whether yesterday, last year or in 20 years time. It doesn't change- paul odafe utho
Maybe there would've been a better world if guns would change into gifts and bullets into invitations.- La Nostra De La Terra y Cielo
It's impossible to change the world but it is possible to change ourselves by looking at the world with a different perspective.- Bobby Winter
A-spire the change, B the change, C the change..- Shoaib noor
The fear of death is worse than death itself because death is not annihilation death is change.- Curtis Ross
Don't be a thermometer by adjusting to your surroundings. Be a thermostat and change your environment.- Marvena D Ruddy
Why be with someone that you have to change, When you can find someone that doesn't need to change.- Britney Davis
Change is just the trigger.. our emotions and actions towards it are the only constants in life- jonathan castaneda
Detachment is the key to happiness, It is time for a change and remove toxicity around you, Don't let just anyone take you for guaranteed and have you for their own amusement, Don't waste your time, and efforts on people who don't understand your true value- Pooja Fulara
Real change always comes from within.- Syed Badiuzzaman
FAKE people change GENUINE remains the same.- Aashish
Every person, at some point in their life, experiences low self-esteem. Some people choose to change their way of life so they can be the best they can be, and learn to Love themselves, while others do not. That choice makes all the difference. It is not right to shame others for gaining self Love.- Amelia Goode
A president who wants to change the constitution to be elected for a third term, wants to be elected for the fourth , fifth.. etc.- mohdmustafa99
The world is changing but not according to scenarios of those who want to change it.- mohdmustafa99
Nothing is constant, consistency brings change over time..- Aye Aye
It is social development to change a thief from stealing to a receiver of reliefs.- mohdmustafa99
There is nothing boring and sleepy as working at a job that sucks all your time and pays you with peanut change- Justice Appiah Boateng
If the constitution is one mockery, then change in it is two.- mohdmustafa99
We have two opposing attitudes in one time: to change the world, and to be adapted to.- mohdmustafa99
You may wish to change your lover who doesn't love you, but you better change the way you want to be loved by.- mohdmustafa99
A playwright is a writer who does not change a novel into a play, but writes a play from the beginning.- mohdmustafa99
You are the only person who has the power to change your life - Dawn Harbin, Therapist, PhD Student
You are a fool if you want to change people. You are mad if you want to change the world.- mohdmustafa99
Do not let situations change your fate, you decide on the fate of those situations.- k.r.chandrasekhar
Change, for change's sake, is a recipe for failure.- Dr Travis J Hedrick
Outer beauty can be changed, but no one can change the inner beauty.- Hajra Ansar
Dream, so you do not steal, fight for it, so you can fall for it, always blaming others will just make you blunt , blame yourself so that you can change your ways.- Letsatsi Patrick Mothapo
Dwelling on our fears and negativity will not change the outcome. Focus on and trust Him. He already knows the outcome.- Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
That sad moment when you are compelled to change yourself just because you come by so much pain in a relation- kristin borgohain
People Change, I Don't- Chandra Priyan
There's nothing to change about you. God made you in his image. You are tall? good. You are short? good. You are fat? good. You are skinny? good. You are white/ Black/ Hispanic? good! you and only you, because nobody gonna love you like you love yourself- miracle mikeal green
No war will stop unless allies change - mohdmustafa99
What matters is not how long you stay in a place; it is the ability to get into a place and change it in the shortest time possible.- Soudie A Okwaro
Change it or leave it.- Akwaci25
Love isn't a dress you change on regular basis, love is the soul you endure throughout your life..- Archita arora
The thing is, everyone is messed up in their own way, some realize it and change, but some don't. We can only hope and pray that others will see their wrong doing and change it. Some will never change but don't let them ruin a world of amazing wonderful people - Brynn Alanah Lund
There's something we all can't change no matter how we try. It's worse to hear the truth because the truth we can't deny.- Amanda thornton
Why you want to change the world is less important than how you will do that.- Florin Hanganu
All the people promising change must specify what type of change they will bring and how they intend to archive it, it is not just about change but the direction of such change that is important. The ambiguity of the word change has been used to deceive far too many. A seed can rot and decay or it can germinate and grow, all justifying change- Andrew Ahile kashami
One big idea can change the life of a brand or product forever- Edmond H Sweidy
Denial is accepting things that you can not change!- Edmond H Sweidy
If you want to change the world then be the job maker not the job seeker.- Sourabh kumar
No one can change the time --> 'which is spent before' and 'which is gonna be spent further'- abhishek madan
If you can't change the way you read , you can't change the way you think. so please change your thinking first..- Disha khare
Those who rebel and don't follow the rules will fail and end up working a small job. Those who follow the rules are the ideal, mainstream person will end up being the employers of those who rebel, which is a great achievement. And those who follow the rules but think outside the box, who are thought to be weird, will change the world.- Ivy B
If a change is necessary for the smooth conduct of life, do not hesitate to effect that without further time being lost. Time is as significant as change in life.- Chandrababu V S
As time goes by, things change, people change. Those you knew become strangers, those you did not know become your trusted ones. But as long as your love and care remains, you will be ready for when they return.- Sazzey
If someone tries to change you don't let them because you are amazing just the way you are.- Nazifa Tasnim
You think you Decide your Direction, Your Direction Decides your Way, Your Way Decides your Future, So Change your Thinking & Everything- KrishanKant Goyal
We must not only talk or criticize, we must also be ready to act & work towards effecting the change we clamor for- paul odafe utho
It's the uncertainties in life that create change.. you can either accept it and grow from it, or deny it and suffer the consequences of it- Jake Mason
If your greatest enemy in success is your best friend everywhere else you need to do one of two things: change your plans, or change your perspective- Hunter James
I remember when we broke up.. a month.. i'll change, I hate we broke.. we are never never ever.. getting back together you go talk to your friend talk to my friends talk to me but we are never never ever getting back together.. TALK TO ME NEVER NEVER EVER I used to think we would last for ever we are never never ever get together sad face - alisha rigby
We all change, but the memories remain- Heritier Ndele
Training addresses skills gap, but it does not change one's thinking ability- Brayne Matshotshi
You can give help as much as you can, but you can't change anyone. God is the only heart changer.- Euginia Herlihy
The way we think can change the way we act, but the way we act doesn't change the way we think- juno phoon
People don't change, their lives do.- Monica
I may not change the world completely. But, I'm sure that I will do a massive contribution- Word Wordsworth
Sometimes you are so blind. you go after people that treat you badly, just to feel better about yourself. you don't realize what has been in front of your face nearly your whole life.. then when you realize it.. you are blind to change anything.- katie pope
Positive change can only take place in your life, when you are willing to exchange the negative for it.- Bobby Winter
Education may not make a change in your life. It makes you ponder over at least.- Kazeronnie Mak
We all change and sometimes it's not in our hands, For better or worse, That is- Daleen Irshaid
We change when we get older in age..- Daleen Irshaid
Understand when a girl says 'You are not my Type' - What she means is 'I want you to be the type of guy I want'.. - Change the Perception - Farhad Dastoor
People change, Thoughts change, Everything changes.. That's the fact that no one can change- Daleen Irshaid
It is so ironic that change is the only consistent thing in this inconsistent life.- bornagain
I A-spire the change, B the change, C the change..- Shoaib noor
Change can be good but some changes can be bad too, take the good with the bad and make it great- brittany hope
I have learned that the things that I cannot change are exactly as they should be- Dr Ina Creekbaum
To make a change is to make a difference in the world- Kirsten Kizzee
Ideas shape our world, our reality, our existence.. Power shifts, Nations rise and fall.. But Ideas grow, they live on and they can change the world..- Haya Dweidary
Love at any moment can change.- Brandon McCulloch
What you read in science may be correct to that very second because one change can prove all theories wrong till so far.- Yash Maurya
Opinions are like fortune cookies. once you open them and read them you can't change them, you can rip it up and throw it away but it will always stay the same, saying what was originally written.- Brittney Jones
The more we are stuck, we continue to adjust with the given situation and seldom ready for change.- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
I use to do things that changed my perception of reality now I do things that change my perception to reality.- Bill Gibbs
Change is unavoidable, seeing it in yourself is easy. Seeing it in others and believing it is mentally crippling. Live like every day is a first impression- nikko Mazza
When I look up at the stars at night I think 'Whoa I am really small compared to all that' and I realize that even though I am small, I can change the entire direction of time.- Jack Brown
Change is not a big thing, but everyone changing simultaneously sure is..- Vinuth kumar G V
Repentance must always be first to God and then to the offended member. Repentance means Recognition, Remorse, Rejection and willing to change as a new person.- Shaila Touchton
The importance of human rights does not change; we change.- J B
'Aptronym' , a word for a name that coincidentally self-fulfilled. If we apply this word , most people will be obliged to change their names.- mohdmustafa99
Successful people are the change agent, they know how to turn the stumbling blocks to stepping-stones.- EBINEZAR GNANASEKARAN
Why are you criticizing smoking when you know you can not do without vaping such is an hypocrisy nature you need to change..- Aye Aye
The great four letter word ever that connote from my heart to your soul is L-O-V-E on this day fourteen February nothing would change it to worse ever four letter word called H-A-T-E..- Aye Aye
.. I want you to know Our love will never change But will remain the same, Infinitely new again And old as the rain! (2 of 2 I want you to know.. )- Joshua Aaron Guillory
As the grasses grow, And wintered by snow, And by summer's heat glow, I want you to know Our love will never change But will contain All the world below And up above Or the universe can show Or that it can know Or that the wind can blow!.. (1 of 2 I want you to know.. )- Joshua Aaron Guillory
The United States is known for leading the fight for human rights - and changing that would change the soul and character of our country.- J B
Only those who dare to defend human rights will change the world.- J B
Human rights are not spoken at school. This needs to change.- J B
A surge in human rights defending is needed to change the world.- J B
I believe that human rights are the catalysts for real change.- J B
If people understand that they indeed have a critical role to play, and not see themselves as unable to galvanize change, they will conceivably raise up and strategize about defending human rights.- J B
It used to be.. old washed up fool's asking you for dollars and change Now it's young washed up fool's- Babi Shakes
I prayed all the time.. and it DIDN'T change a thing.. until God reminded me.. that change has to.. begin with me..- Babi Shakes
We live in a world with so much hatred and so little love. We live in a world where you can't even walk in the street anymore without fearing. We live in a world where you never know if tomorrow is going to be our last day. We can't go to bed anymore without saying a prayer to thank god to have kept us alive for an other day. We live in a world where fear is the most common feeling. We live in a world where in only 24h 115 000 people lost there lives in terrorists attacks. At this point we aren't living anymore.. we are fearing life. Let's make a change. Because right now what we are living is what is going to be in our children's history books. Do we really want that. So let's all pray that one day we will have peace all over the world. That we will all stand at one and never fear again.- Laurence Lefebvre
If you want to change a stupid one towards betterment of his mentality, you need first to pass a camel through a needle's eye.- mohdmustafa99
Depression. One of human's let downs. How do you get over it? You jump. You change from one situation to the next. Are you depressed? Then take a leap and forget about what you were thinking.- David Figueroa
You told me I was not good enough but who are you to judge when you are a diamond in the ruff. I am pretty sure you got something to change about yourself.- yoha
Change is for life. to change you have to want. to succeed you have to learn. in order to better your life you have to learn from your mistakes. not only learn form your mistakes but pick up all your positive pieces and leave your negatives and bloom like that beautiful tulip that you are and should be. Remember, in the end that only one can judge how far you go in life. it is time you move on - ladrea morgan
Creation, is simply the change of nothing into everything.- Jack Brown