Earth Quotes Pictures

If sustainability is adopted by every living being on earth the way humans do, everything would be..

Live today like it is your last day on earth and if you wake up tomorrow, do it again...
Inspirational Life Philosophy Short
Wake Up
The whole world is in constant motion. The earth moves, the clouds move, the waves move and we too..

This world is like a drama. Everything that happens on the Earth stage is produced and directed by..

A human was born an angel, but the earth is not the proper environment for living in as an angel..Living In

True hell is the terrible realization that there is no such thing as hell for the devils on earth...
Top 10 earth Quotes
We are like meteorites that leave the scars of egoism on the common planet earth- Romeo
You have Tremendous Power running through Your veins. Your Heart Shines as a Light that Expands throughout the Everlasting Universe. There is nothing that is impossible for you to achieve if you will Your Heart and Mind to it. With Your smallest finger, You can knock Earth off of its axis, because You have Divine Love, Goodness, and Almighty Power moving Within Your Soul, Blasting through Your Spirit, and Engulfing the Entirety of Your Heart!- Amelia Goode
God is not Someone You can See with Your Eyes, God is not on the Earth or in the Skies, Those Who Realize God are Conscious of God In everything they see they can feel the Lord!- AiR Atman in Ravi
Stay connected with those people with whom you feel that you're the most lucky person on earth.. !- Aayushi verma
If your ego starts out, 'i am important, I am big, I am special ' you're in for some disappointments when you look around at what we've discovered about the universe. No, you're not big. you are small in time and space. And you have this frail vessel called the human body that's limited to Earth.- Sentitula__jmr
No one created even a single sand particle on the earth. For what purpose is the ego awake?- Sai kiran
I will love you to the ends of the earth, to the bottom of the sea, and to infinity and beyond. always and forever- Kylie Procopio
The earth is not flat. The universe does not revolve around the earth. The physical world is not the only reality. Genes do not control our biology. Evolution is not random. There are many cosmic forces at work, and all of them are intelligently directed. We are not a cosmic accident. Consciousness did not evolve. Consciousness is reality. Conscious energy creates physical reality.- HOWARD MANN
If everybody had the same colors, spoke the same language, shared the same God, or lived on one huge continent, the earth itself becomes a failed creation.- Dom Precious
I always wonder why birds stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on the earth. Then I ask myself the same thing.- Quote quest
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It took 25.4 billion dollars to put a man on the Moon. It took only clay to put one on Earth.- Samuel E. Villegas
Earth is a beautiful place, until you realize it can get ruined by some nuclear weapons some day, that is the moment you realize human intelligence has gone too far.- Arne Holmen Fjotland
The media is the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.- Twitter Tisetso_Freak
If evolution is taking place, Then what is the problem with this human race, Earth is filled with intelligent life so very diverse, Yet the only planet with life in which evolution is taking place in reverse- Jerome Lashawn Kidd Jr
There is nothing absolute on Earth, even pain. And the extreme limit of pain is absolutely death - Tina Panossian
Heaven is a long distance from earth but hell is right under our nose- Kavyia Spencer
If one thinks I belong to a nation they are smaller, but if one thinks I belong to the earth they are bigger.- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
Hope someone asks 'do you have an insurance' rather than asking 'is your vehicle insured'. - Humans are least valued on earth..- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
You take care of earth, earth will take care of you.- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
I don't regret coming to earth because it brought me to you- shiza shahid
When we learn how to treat each day as our last day, we will last longer on this earth, and we will reach our destiny faster.- Bobby Winter
In this world, the farthest place is not from state to state, not from a country to country, not from earth to space, it is from your heart and what you think about the other person- Taylor Ann
My dad once told me that he didn't put me on this earth to kill.. I told him, 'I have to do what is necessary to keep him safe'- Gage Lee Moore
There will never be peace on Earth until we realize our own insignificance. It is this imagined self-importance that has led to our downfall.- Twenty Twelve
Some people on earth are much more dangerous than snakes, if you want to survive you should have the ability to convert them into life saving drug- palash sarkar
People may judge me but why? All on earth are sinners. I am not perfect and never claim to be, but why judge if you are the same? When I ask for judgement, I go to God. He is always there for me. When I am hurt, You heal me. When I am sad, You comfort me. When I am tired, You give me energy. When I ask, You answer. When I am weak, you strengthen me. When I am asked who do I love, it's only You- Brendan James Day
I love the earth just as much as you, i'm just too lazy to help- Justin McLlarky
One has born on this earth empty, gained knowledge and made a life and one has no right to hold knowledge forever through patents and copyrights.- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
Since the dawn of life on earth, the journey to the present day has been a series of loops repeating tragic and devastating conflicts, yet the life clock resets and continues ticking till another cataclysmic event stops the clock, and then another loop is formed in history. Then the life clock resets again. This planet we call home is a life-form it has a source of power (heart) it breaths and grows and gives birth to new life, but just like in animals everything has to end at some point - Christopher Joesph Agruso
You must have a good heart in order to understand I don't think you will ever fully understand We share the same earth, same air and same water We share the same moon, same sun, same sky and same rain- Shaila Touchton
Women are the source of the earth and men are also source of protection. we can not live without each other's support.- Amoako Theophilus
'Nothing could hide from the truth, people try to hide the truth by their quietness or actions and emotions but truth is absolutely within them, that is the power of truth, people have to try to live a truthful life on this earth.- Anand gill
Remember, we must have reverence for life because life comes from God and we are actually disturbing the plan of God on Earth when we kill a living creature.- AiR Atman in Ravi
The Earth is Flat and that is that- Flat Earth Prophet
Human Rights are the very foundations for life on Earth and for the well-being of people everywhere.- J B
He is the maker of heaven and earth - you will be healed by the power of his grace.- Michiel Bester
Just like there's a prison for the bad on earth, there's a hell for the wicked souls.- joey the poet
One of man's major purposes is to have dominion over the earth, in the same way as God has dominion over the universe.- Pastor Sunday Adelaja
No war on earth will ever destroy or conquer God's holy people, and their King!- Joe Cervantes
You are a living, breathing miracle everyday you spend on this earth.- El Haji Nero
I am the luckiest person on earth, Because I have you as a friend.- Haley Bachelor
Except human beings nothing is busy on Earth.- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
My motherland, how on the earth can I put you in my hand?- Linda Usman
Life sucks sometimes and other times you kiss the ground. you are not worshiping the earth or god by prostration and kissing down but you are just so darn ecstatic you resort to idiocy.- Freaky