Mistake Quotes Pictures

Opening an unknown door with a bunch of keys is like life. Once one of the key is unable to open a..
Moving forward after a mistake, a wrong decision or a personal disaster can make you a better person or it can make you a bitter person.. One letter..
-John Bonds
-John Bonds
Confidence Courage Failure Life Success
Your Life
Never make the same mistake twice, no matter how tempting it may be..
Desire Failure Funny Optimism Patience
No Matter How
If your life is blameless and you have never engaged in a malicious act or even entertained wicked..Your Life

It takes a great amount of courage to open a door for an unknown opportunity. It's a risk. It could..

It does not matter if you kick a good person out of your life, but be sure you never, even by..
Friendship Philosophy Relationship Wisdom
Your Life
Here is the thing about mistakes, Sometimes, even when you know something is a mistake, you got to..Your Life
To judge me by my past mistake is a clear indication of your lack of ability to reason as human. For my mistake is an opportunity to learn and move..
-Dr. Patricia Ghann
-Dr. Patricia Ghann
Inspirational Opportunity Philosophy mistake
Move OnTop 10 mistake Quotes
The entire mistake of my life is that I don't believe in God but in people.- Bikram Mahata
If you are born cruel, that is not your mistake; due to ignorance if you die cruel, that is definitely your mistake- KRISHNAMURTY
If I don't regret it, then it's not a mistake- Nadira Badri
Don't follow those people who laughs at you every time for each mistake you did.. follow those people who help you even though you did mistakes and tries to help you when everyone is against you- turairao rakesh
Often winners don't win because they are the best, but because the other who may actually be better made a costly mistake. - Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S
The only mistake I really don't make is that I never make the same mistake again.- vikrant
Love, joy, peace, and happiness are just illusions. Don't make the mistake of believing in the trick- Danielle Rose Yates
Don't mistake my attention for affection and my indifference for calmness.- Sapna Dhandh Sharma
If you loved once then you truly are in love, if you loved twice the first one was a mistake, if you loved three times maybe there is something wrong with you.- justin carter
A psychological note for self reflection when attempting to better yourself: You make choices not mistakes.. mistakes are a side effects of choices.. Don't limit personal growth by accepting mistakes and not taking responsibility for choices. Choice is an action, mistake is a result of an action.. '- Michael Ross
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Every mistake teaches you new things. Every failure encourages you to work hard. Every death of a loved one isn't the end, he/she is probably telling you to move on in life. Every punishment tells you the right and wrong. Every thing has a bright side, even hell.- Allen
Excuses mean nothing when the mistake is obvious.- ABDULAZIZ Al DABAAN
The first mistake is the worst mistake.- Brent Harpster
The first step towards correcting a mistake, a problem or a fault; is to acknowledge it.- Jesse Hayes
Show me one who never made a mistake, and I'll call him God- Lorenzo paolo
Criticism always comes to those who don't follow the normality and guidelines set for them by society. They are always hated and and shunned until society admits its mistake, but by that time the greats are dead and the whole world mourns. Even when shunned, the greats keep going, remember this when you are being hated.- Christopher Reaves
If god can forgive our sins then why can't we forgive one for a mistake?- jessica
Does a mite of dust; a microbe; a germ; a plant, or any other comparative of the former kind, think? Please, don't mistake the inquiry as an irrelevant comparison to us as man, metaphorically pondering of our impact on existence. Erroneous; immaterial. Rather, approach the question literally, with the provision of one who knows nothing of fact, save, that to 'think', leaves option to choose, and upon true comprehension of the question, a second arrives, as to why we were made to believe - Adam Dolinger
ODIUM: If you are born odium, that is not your mistake; due to ignorance if you die odium, that is definitely your mistake- KRISHNAMURTY
Here I'm, standing here, regretting every mistake I've done this year- Daleen Irshaid
I thought I found the right one until such time I wake up only to realize I fooled my ownself.. making myself believed into something that will make me happy but at the end it only kills me inside.. something I believed that could bring me too much joy and happiness only to realized that he just came to break me up, cut my heart into a million pieces, twist my life upside down and to destroy my faith and ruin my future. I never thought I will be able to forgive him, I never thought I will learn to move on and let go, and I never imagine that time will come the pain will subside. I cried a thousand times, felt devastated, lost my sanity a couple of times and choose to end up my life. However, I heard something with in me, an inner voice telling me that life isn't so bad at all, after all their is still a reason to live again, to breath, and to love. I opted to continue my life because I believed that someday I will be able to prove to him that he made a mistake of turning his back, so wrong of leaving- zindy
The history of mankind is the most bloody and predictable due to the nature of man. The reason we have honor, pride, and dignity is also born from the nature of man. If mistakes are part of our lives then that must be true to nature as well, since we were born into this world by nature and were given a natural desire to fight one another, nature made the one mistake that would eventually cause an extinction event due to mans lust for blood.- Christopher Joesph Agruso