Thought Quotes Pictures

It doesn't matter how hard things might seem, you just have to keep trying and not to have 'giving..

Give Second And Third Thought To The Decisions You Make, Because, Once You Do It, You Can't Take It..
Hearing music for the first time is like a religious experience. It touches you and changes your life. It will take you on a journey to places you've..
-Steven Evans Your Life
-Steven Evans Your Life

All these years I thought he had the key to my heart; only to find out he was a locksmith...
Funny Heart Love Marriage Relationship
My Heart
Thought = Forethought + Afterthought = Introspective + Extrospective = Prospective(Speculative) + R..

Sexy thought Your girl should be the only romantic, erotic sexy thought, queen, empress, goddess. A..

The thought of seeing you smile every day would make me the happiest man in this world...
Dreams Love Marriage Relationship Romantic
Every DayTop 10 thought Quotes
I came to you when I needed to smile, I thought you were the one who made me fly, It took me a while, Now I realize that you were the one who made me cry- Isabella O\'Reilly
Reality was once a thought..- Prince Efue
I thought you could make me happy, but behind this smile is a body full of depression.- Kirstyn Allie Wheelee
You say you want me but then you drop me when you see someone better. I thought that you where the one but I was wrong again.- Rebekah Rocha
Rabid thought is a form of subjectivity.- Victor Courage
Its just one positive thought that can spell a cast over entire life spent negatively.- Niharika
The feeling never dies, just the thought. - Mike Texeira
Our life is just a reflection of our own thought- abiodun titilayo
Drowning in my own thoughts, trying to solve the world.. Picking up broken pieces of glass, will perhaps only hurt more. Better to leave them be, however also that is just a thought.. But you just cannot ignore and fact remains, this person is your world.- Not Interesting
Inspiration is the fore-thought of action.- Victor Courage
All thought Quotes ⇑
Only dislike the thought if you think that you can think better than the thought you disliked.- vikrant
Thought connects two minds, Love connects two hearts, this message connects you and me- upasna
When I was small, I always dreamt of touching the stars, not knowing how to touch them. as I grew up, I was told I could touch them with lots of degrees and riches.. then, I thought for I while and there was the answer, whenever I smile or see someone smile, a million stars light up around me.. No, I don't have a perfect life, there are many problems.. everyday is a struggle but that moment when someone makes me smile is perfect. because I forget all my worries and feel really satisfied. it makes me question what life's all about.. it is about the freedom to chose what's best for you, and when it is best for the other too, it is a good life.- Purva
Children cannot get food for thought, if they do not have food within their stomachs.- Dr Nirvadha Singh
Challenge yourself, or what you are right now is the best you ever thought you could be.- Raygan Tinea Woodward
When I was young I was often upset at the thought of dying and feared it but now that I'm older my only fear is living.- nervis
If a man speaks what he really thought, Women will be his most speculative enemies- MD GALIB MANSOOR
Those who rebel and don't follow the rules will fail and end up working a small job. Those who follow the rules are the ideal, mainstream person will end up being the employers of those who rebel, which is a great achievement. And those who follow the rules but think outside the box, who are thought to be weird, will change the world.- Ivy B
A MUST, Highest concern of man is the Thought that holds him back.- Clemence Kabuje
Out of chaos new rules are invented and new methods of thought are manufactured.- Donald Lynn frost
When You Mourn, You're Not Really Mourning The Loss Of The Person, You're Mourning The Loss Of What You Thought Your Life Was Going To Be With That Person- Donald Lynn frost
To keep an idea in your head, it'll either stop you from achieving something or it'll give you the push to achieve it.. It depends whether the thought was negative or positive- Daleen Irshaid
When I first met him I never thought he would have been the one I would give my all to and love with all my heart- kayla brook davis
Who would have thought your happiness could bring you so much pain?- autumn breeze harris
There's no thought or emotion such as hate. What we refer to as hate is just something we fear or dislike that we are unable to accept or cope with.- Pieter Raubenheimer
What's done is done. All that's left is a thought of you and I having something that never was. It would have been better if I never left.- Dianna Martinez
I don't care who you are, you were incorrect if you ever thought that there was no-one in the world who loved you. I can personally guarantee that there will always be one person who does.- Josh
Life is unpredictable. I get that. But am I supposed to comfort myself with the thought that although at the moment I'm going through so much pain somewhere down the line it'll all be okay? because all I want is for it to be okay Right Now.- nadia wu
I fought the battles that no one even thought of fighting, just to seek victory from the smiles of the living- Michael Amaki
The longer I went to school the more I realized I didn't know, so I quit while I still thought I knew something.- Rick Hoelzer
Always think twice; or you'll be thinking of what you should have thought when you didn't think- Hector
When things get tough remember that the one you thought you loved left you for this reason.- Alex Craige
You still love him.. if you wish him goodnight when I its time for you to sleep - if he is your first thought every morning -if his smile gives you happiness even when you are not the reason - for he has touched your soul once and forever - for you know deep down inside he loves you too..- Lisha
The mind does not know the word impossible, so failure and success are all possibilities in life. We can only make one either possible or impossible with our thought and determination.- Amoako Theophilus
With patience, Islam thought me, My duty is to love wherever, love is not a moment, love is not just an expression but duty to do good. Islam is not a weapon for cruelty- Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
I detest my final thought. Throughout my quest I had to adore worse. I'm weary from being ever so distraught. O please lay to rest my curse.- Zac Ochsenbine
Human rights has gone beyond thought. It is now a worldwide movement. The imperative now is to place human rights at the center of everything we do.- J B
Hi! I saw your face all stuck up and thought maybe you would like for me to release it.- Joe Cervantes
Fear of the unknown and fear in general comes from the emptiness the heart feels when the mind leaves the heart; with the heart's fearing of abandonment, the mind sets off on a long journey to find a solution to the heart's loneliness, not realizing that the further it leaves the heart through thought, the more emptiness is created in the heart and the more one fears abandonment. This emptiness or this fear in the heart can only be filled with love and comfort. The heart is thus a vessel for caring and needs all the attention one can give it. Because like a baby, the heart cries and will always cry until things are set right with it. The mind as smart as it can be cannot feel like the heart, it can only understand and that my friends are two different things.- David Figueroa
I never thought unexpected things would happen.. or it was expected and was ignoring the facts.. it is funny I used to cross all the levels of dumbness everyday..- ash
When you grew up, you thought everything was wonderful. As soon as you grew up, you thought everything was nothing, you stopped believing on what you saw and started concentrating on people and believed their lies and their cheating and became a victim of them. What is it to stop doing something you loved or believed in? It is to stop believing in yourself and giving up on yourself. Despair that drowns. I tell you what, go out there and pay no attention to the people that surround you, the people that hurt you, live life, and explore this world! Nonetheless, find someone as excited as you are about life.- David Figueroa
The thought 'Forever' started with family and should end there..- Daleen Irshaid
Words can be lies, but pictures are deceptions without thought.- Robert Bluck
I thought I found the right one until such time I wake up only to realize I fooled my ownself.. making myself believed into something that will make me happy but at the end it only kills me inside.. something I believed that could bring me too much joy and happiness only to realized that he just came to break me up, cut my heart into a million pieces, twist my life upside down and to destroy my faith and ruin my future. I never thought I will be able to forgive him, I never thought I will learn to move on and let go, and I never imagine that time will come the pain will subside. I cried a thousand times, felt devastated, lost my sanity a couple of times and choose to end up my life. However, I heard something with in me, an inner voice telling me that life isn't so bad at all, after all their is still a reason to live again, to breath, and to love. I opted to continue my life because I believed that someday I will be able to prove to him that he made a mistake of turning his back, so wrong of leaving- zindy