
Christopher M Sneed (csneed) Quotes & Sayings:

Christopher M Sneed

Location:Joplin, Mo, United States Of America
Experience on Earth:32 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 10 Years 7 Months
Short Bio: proverbs 3;5/6

Christopher M Sneed Quotes

1-50 of total 92 Quotes
"truth is in the eyes of the beholder, we must then lead the blind to the truth" "truth is in the eyes of the beholder, we must then lead the blind to the truth"..

Dreams Faith Family Freedom God

"if one can not love, one can not truely live" "if one can not love, one can not truely live"..

Life Love Marriage Nature Romantic

"love is not a trophy won, or wealth given, but a gift shared by all" "love is not a trophy won, or wealth given, but a gift shared by all"..

Life Love Marriage

"Gotta make like Tittys and bounce (been fun yall)" "Gotta make like Tittys and bounce (been fun yall)"..


"to me their is witt as to @$$hole$ their is $hit" "to me their is witt as to @$$hole$ their is $hit"..

Funny Witty

"jealousy and envy are proof of lacking character" "jealousy and envy are proof of lacking character"..

Freedom History Life Loneliness Philosophy

"my greatest achivement is myselfless nature" "my greatest achivement is myselfless nature"..

Faith Family Goal Inspirational Life

"if you don "if you don't take a chance you learn nothing"..

Business Change Confidence Creativity

"the getto and the hood are not the same, the hood is love on a couple of blocks, the getto is "the getto and the hood are not the same, the hood is love on a couple of blocks, the getto is..


"god gave man two hands one to hold the other too lead" "god gave man two hands one to hold the other too lead"..

Faith Family God Life Love

"the best work days lead to a three day wekend" "the best work days lead to a three day wekend"..


"all my personality "all my personality's are just more of me's to love"..


"I listen to hear, I see to percive, I touch to feel, and I think to try and understand it all" "I listen to hear, I see to percive, I touch to feel, and I think to try and understand it all"..

Business Creativity Desire Dreams Freedom

"how can one see if they do not open their eyes" "how can one see if they do not open their eyes"..

Creativity Desire Dreams Freedom Goal

"one can not better his travels unless he takes the reins of his own journey" "one can not better his travels unless he takes the reins of his own journey"..

Business Confidence Courage Inspirational Leadership

"what do you call a fool with no alibi... a patsy" "what do you call a fool with no alibi... a patsy"..


"if yu can "if yu can't walk da walk, get the #uck up out da way"..

Anger Hate War Witty Fear

"the first rule of life is live, if you are not living then this rule does not aply to you" "the first rule of life is live, if you are not living then this rule does not aply to you"..

Creativity Friendship Funny Goal Life

"he who does not see the point should always carry stiches for when it finds him" "he who does not see the point should always carry stiches for when it finds him"..

Funny Life Love Philosophy Wisdom

"to give in or give up is to admit to one weakness and cowardice" "to give in or give up is to admit to one weakness and cowardice"..

Confidence Courage Inspirational Leadership Life

"i "i'm not sexy. my confidence just makes me seem that way"..

Confidence Courage Desire Funny Truth

"draw knowledge from all things, for the earth knows of things man couldn "draw knowledge from all things, for the earth knows of things man couldn't even imagine much less..

Creativity Desire Dreams Freedom Goal

"one can never learn how high the birds fly by being comfotably complacent on the ground" "one can never learn how high the birds fly by being comfotably complacent on the ground"..

Business Change Confidence Creativity Desire

"the only questions that can "the only questions that can't be answered are the one's never asked"..

Business Inspirational Leadership Life Time

"if yo game is lame yu shame yo name" "if yo game is lame yu shame yo name"..

Confidence Courage Creativity Goal Short

"when your on a roll make sure its the right direction" "when your on a roll make sure its the right direction"..

Business Change Confidence Creativity Funny

"if one knows what is not know, one then knows what too learn" "if one knows what is not know, one then knows what too learn"..

Age Confidence Courage Dreams Goal

"humans are by far one of the deadliest multicellular bacteria" "humans are by far one of the deadliest multicellular bacteria"..


"a question not asked is a problem unsolved" "a question not asked is a problem unsolved"..

Confidence Courage Creativity Goal Wisdom

"the longest roads lead to the greatest destinations" "the longest roads lead to the greatest destinations"..

Age Confidence Desire Dreams Hope

"the only thing wrong with politics is the politicians" "the only thing wrong with politics is the politicians"..

Funny Goal Patriotism Truth Witty

"a government that can shut down is one worth replaceing" "a government that can shut down is one worth replaceing"..

Change Faith Freedom History Patriotism

"breath deep, stand strong,change the world" "breath deep, stand strong,change the world"..

Business Creativity Goal Inspirational Leadership

"love is absolute, unshaken and much stronger than common sense" "love is absolute, unshaken and much stronger than common sense"..

Friendship Funny Life Love Marriage

"love is the fuel of the righteous fire in a mortal soul" "love is the fuel of the righteous fire in a mortal soul"..

Faith God Love Philosophy

"the only thing vannilla about me is my skin (bah-zing hey-oh)" "the only thing vannilla about me is my skin (bah-zing hey-oh)"..

Creativity Friendship Funny Imagination Optimism

"yes i "yes i'm crazy, normal is just too boreing"..

Confidence Creativity Freedom Politics Success

"if this life dosen "if this life dosen't kill you then you did it wrong"..

Freedom Funny Life Philosophy Witty

"their is nothing more preciouse than love" "their is nothing more preciouse than love"..

Faith Friendship Life Love Marriage

"you will never know how strong your metal is unless you test it" "you will never know how strong your metal is unless you test it"..

Age Anger Hope Life Philosophy

"...the egg, dinosaurs existed long before the chicken and laid..." "...the egg, dinosaurs existed long before the chicken and laid..."..

Education Philosophy Short Science Truth

"even when i fall like a stone I Will still make an impact" "even when i fall like a stone I Will still make an impact"..

Goal Life Optimism Philosophy Fear


Anger Desire Loneliness Love Marriage

"when one steals your words they noly spread your message" "when one steals your words they noly spread your message"..

Confidence Courage Creativity Life Philosophy

"when coming to work leave your heart at home where it belongs" "when coming to work leave your heart at home where it belongs"..

Business Creativity Life Love Marriage

"adaptaion due to a thousand deaths is the catalist of evolution, the inability to see the need for "adaptaion due to a thousand deaths is the catalist of evolution, the inability to see the need for..

Change Leadership Philosophy Science Wisdom

"only the fool belives that thought is overrated, as well the wise man belives it is under utilized" "only the fool belives that thought is overrated, as well the wise man belives it is under utilized"..

Creativity History Leadership Philosophy Wisdom

" the deadlyiest trap is the illusion of knowledge and the pride of man" " the deadlyiest trap is the illusion of knowledge and the pride of man"..

History Life Philosophy War Wisdom

"lies are a double sided poison, robbing the speaker of his very words and integrity, and the "lies are a double sided poison, robbing the speaker of his very words and integrity, and the..

Faith Life Philosophy Truth Wisdom

"only when you turely know who you are will you know what you are truely capable of" "only when you turely know who you are will you know what you are truely capable of"..

Creativity Dreams Goal Inspirational Life
