
Glint Selorm (glintselorm) Quotes & Sayings:

Glint Selorm

Location:Accra, Ghana
Experience on OwnQuotes: 8 Years 7 Months
Short Bio: love writing.

Glint Selorm Quotes

1-19 of total 19 Quotes
Son.. Son.. 'if you really want something go for it no matter the pain it puts you through because..

Inspirational Life pain

Want Matter Pain Tomorrow
Hold on unto something worthy of your inner being .... Hold on unto something worthy of your inner being ......

Family Hope Inspirational Life Wisdom

Our problems don Our problems don't just disappear without trace. Do something!..

Failure Hope Inspirational Optimism

Given a second change is a blessing what you do with it defines you Given a second change is a blessing what you do with it defines you..

Faith Inspirational Truth Wisdom

You see life in a different perspective, I also visualize it in a different but there is one common You see life in a different perspective, I also visualize it in a different but there is one common..

Beauty Dreams Faith God Love

Reality catches up with us quickly not for our good deeds but for the lie we stood by in life Reality catches up with us quickly not for our good deeds but for the lie we stood by in life..

Change Inspirational Life Fear

Reality catches up with us quickly not for our good deeds but for the lie we stood by in life Reality catches up with us quickly not for our good deeds but for the lie we stood by in life..

Change Education Hope Life

It doesn It doesn't matter where you started or how you started. you should be able replicate no matter the..

Confidence Desire Inspirational Wisdom

Friends!friend! beware some can destroy the beauty in you Friends!friend! beware some can destroy the beauty in you..

Friendship Hate Wisdom Fear

Dreams are meant to come true but I wish not all come into reality because some really cause pain Dreams are meant to come true but I wish not all come into reality because some really cause pain..

Courage Dreams Freedom Fear

If you think you If you think you've made the right choices in life, take a break and reflect you would have realise..

Change Goal Imagination Inspirational Patience

If you think you If you think you've made the right choices in life, take a break and reflect you would have realise..

Change Goal Imagination Inspirational Patience

I made mistakes and am still making mistakes but this realisation is making me a better person I made mistakes and am still making mistakes but this realisation is making me a better person..

Change Confidence Inspirational Life Optimism

Don Don't get close to success and give up, be successful or you've failed..

Education Hope Inspirational

Give Success Successful
Love is somehow interesting when friends becoming lovers, lovers becoming enemies. This is strange Love is somehow interesting when friends becoming lovers, lovers becoming enemies. This is strange..

Inspirational Love Relationship Romantic Truth

Life doesn Life doesn't matter how much you have given now, it only matters about how strong you are to go..

Change Confidence Inspirational Life Patience

Life Matter Strong
Don Don't feel obliged to someone, it could destroy what you have built..

Change Hope Nature Philosophy

In life nothing is impossible, it is either you strive to get it right the first time or start all In life nothing is impossible, it is either you strive to get it right the first time or start all..


Life Time Impossible
Sometimes you ease through some situations in life, then you turn back and say it is by grace.. Sometimes you ease through some situations in life, then you turn back and say it is by grace....

Change Confidence Courage Faith
