
The Quiet Girl (thequietgirl) Quotes & Sayings:
The Quiet Girl

The Quiet Girl

Experience on Earth:27 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 11 Years 8 Months
Short Bio: I'm the type of girl you could easily fall in love with... but when the sun rises you wouldn't remember my name, I will turn into a blurry memory..

The Quiet Girl Quotes

1-50 of total 252 Quotes
It has been almost a month since you decided to take me out of your life, although it feels like it has been months, I can't simply avoid miss you so
-The Quiet Girl

Anger Failure Forgiveness Hate Heart

It hurts me that you regret everything that we lived together, everything that once made me the It hurts me that you regret everything that we lived together, everything that once made me the..

Heart Love Patience Relationship Sad

No one have ever hurt me the way you did. You can No one have ever hurt me the way you did. You can't avoid being hurt but you can you choose who..

Death Failure Hate Heart Life

Love? I don Love? I don't think that love is for me. I beautiful and perfect promise as one is not meant for, I..

Hate Heart Life Loneliness Sad

I have never felt in this way before, it feels like the half of me is missing. You took the half I have never felt in this way before, it feels like the half of me is missing. You took the half..

Hope Life Love Patience Sad

I can I can't simply imagine life without you..

Failure Heart Hope Life Loneliness

How can I love if my heart has been take away from a long time ago? How can I love if my heart has been take away from a long time ago?..

Hate Heart Life Loneliness Love

I just wanted a love story; instead I got a heartbreak story I just wanted a love story; instead I got a heartbreak story..

Life Loneliness Love Sad Time

I tried to blame you but its not your fault. You simply deserve something better than me. I tried to blame you but its not your fault. You simply deserve something better than me...

Heart Life Loneliness Love Sad

I'm the type of girl you could easy fall in love with, live a lovely romance; And by the end of the night you couldn't be more happier with me. But
-The Quiet Girl

Desire Life Love Patience Romantic

I have learned that no matter how much you love someone, you simply can I have learned that no matter how much you love someone, you simply can't keep them forever not in..

Heart Loneliness Love Romantic Sad

Now I know that I just fell in love of the thought of having you with me. You turned into my sweet obssesion. A pictorial fantasy in mind that kept
-The Quiet Girl

Death Friendship Hope Love Relationship

I still miss him, his beautiful eyes, his sweet voice, and the way he made me blushed everytime... Our late conversations at night, our laughs and
-The Quiet Girl

Friendship Heart Hope Love Poems

Slowly, you are turning into another memory that has to be forgotten... Slowly, you are turning into another memory that has to be forgotten.....

Loneliness Love Romantic Sad Short

Lies were all, as there is no one you have loved, only the lady in black that shall never go back... Lies were all, as there is no one you have loved, only the lady in black that shall never go back.....

Hate Heart Loneliness Love Sad

Death is just the end of your path, but the begining of your legacy. Death is just the end of your path, but the begining of your legacy...

Death Inspirational Leadership Patriotism Poems

The truth is that you do not have to care about other people think of you, just worry about what G The truth is that you do not have to care about other people think of you, just worry about what G..

Faith God Life Opportunity Truth

Your heart is where your treasure is Your heart is where your treasure is..

Life Short Truth Witty Youth

John: 4: 8 says that God is Love... therefore no one who has not meet him yet has not find what John: 4: 8 says that God is Love... therefore no one who has not meet him yet has not find what..

Confidence Faith God Happiness Heart

The day you forget your past, that day you would be finally free The day you forget your past, that day you would be finally free..

Forgiveness Life Opportunity Patience Short

"When satan reminds you your past...remind him his future." "When satan reminds you your past...remind him his future."..

Confidence Faith God Life Short

I need your broken promises I need your broken promises..

Change Failure Life Love Music

Forever is in your eyes... Forever is in your eyes.....

Heart Life Loneliness Sad Short

Stars can Stars can't shine without darkness..

Imagination Inspirational Life Opportunity Optimism

I feel the sin burning my skin when I look into your eyes I feel the sin burning my skin when I look into your eyes..

Death Failure Life Love Sad

Don Don't miss someone who doesn't miss you .....

Friendship Life Love Patience Relationship

There are things that you will never be prepared to face, but still you have to cope with them. A clear example of that is life, no one asks us
-The Quiet Girl

Life Patience Philosophy Short Time

A soul with no dreams, is like a book with nothing to read. A soul with no dreams, is like a book with nothing to read...

Beauty Desire Dreams Life Philosophy

Only know you love someone when you let them go... I believe if two souls are made for each other they will always find a way to be together, maybe
-The Quiet Girl

Heart Life Love Patience Peace

Things that we have left behind, would never be forgotten, they served to remind us who we are ... Things that we have left behind, would never be forgotten, they served to remind us who we are .....

Age Change Confidence Hate Heart

Our love was like the wind, We couldn't see it but we feel it... Things, as well as pain don't last forever, I guess. I'm sorry for blame you for all,
-The Quiet Girl

Life Love Romantic Sad Short

Writing was never my passion until I met you.... Writing was never my passion until I met you......

Life Loneliness Love Poems Sad

The most beautiful work of art is a tear. As you would never know what hides behind it. The most beautiful work of art is a tear. As you would never know what hides behind it...

Life Poems Sad Short Truth

Even if everything is broken, you still are my inspiration... Even if everything is broken, you still are my inspiration.....

Romantic Sad Youth

Comedy is always good for a broken heart. Comedy is always good for a broken heart...

Funny Life Love Romantic Sad

My goal is to grow old with someone I love... ♡ My goal is to grow old with someone I love... ♡..

Happiness Heart Life Love Marriage

Seven letters made up your name, seven letters made up my pain. Seven letters made up your name, seven letters made up my pain...

Life Sad Short Youth

Life is not unfair, people are. Life is not unfair, people are...

Life Philosophy Truth Witty Wisdom

Love is magical and beautiful when you give it to the right person... Love is magical and beautiful when you give it to the right person.....

Happiness Heart Life Love Romantic

My favorite author and artist is God, he is the author of the only book, the Bible, which no other book can compare to it. And he's the greatest
-The Quiet Girl

Beauty Faith God Life Love

I I'm not okay but I smile...

Change Happiness Life Poems Sad

Pain strikes me again, this time I feel it stronger than me... but everything partially goes away when the edge of the knife touches my skin, leaving
-The Quiet Girl

Death Failure Life Loneliness Sad

Don't you hate when someone fought to be with you for so long, trying to keep you, and although you were afraid to let him in, you did... and then
-The Quiet Girl

Heart Life Loneliness Love Poems

A relationship goal I have is that someday we could write our own love story... ♡ A relationship goal I have is that someday we could write our own love story... ♡..

Dreams Happiness Heart Hope Life

I need more dreams and less lies I need more dreams and less lies..

Confidence Desire Dreams Life Short

Memories come back in flashes, no matter how many times you relive them, they will never be real as they were. As time passes sometimes they just
-The Quiet Girl

Hope Life Opportunity Patience Poems

I gave you my heart, thinking that you were not going to break it 'cause you know how it feels when someone breaks your heart. Your lack of empathy
-The Quiet Girl

Happiness Hate Heart Life Loneliness

I don´t think there are ugly people... Just ugly minds. I don´t think there are ugly people... Just ugly minds...

Age Beauty Life Philosophy Short

"Sometimes before it gets better, The darkness gets bigger, The person that you’d take a bullet "Sometimes before it gets better, The darkness gets bigger, The person that you’d take a bullet..

Heart Life Loneliness Music Poems

Being betray by someone you love is just the worst pain of all. Being betray by someone you love is just the worst pain of all...

Heart Sad Short Youth
