
Alex Craige (unwantedangel133) Quotes & Sayings:
Alex Craige

Alex Craige

Location:Illinois, United States Of America
Experience on OwnQuotes: 15 Years 1 Months
Short Bio: I'm Alex C. I like to write and sometimes when I stay up at night because I cannot sleep I think of nice little quotes that signify how I am feeling that is why I joined so I could share some of those quotes with you. -Enjoy.-

Alex Craige Quotes

1-7 of total 7 Quotes
As long as you remember all the reasons why they left, the harder it is to trust the next person As long as you remember all the reasons why they left, the harder it is to trust the next person..


Want Help Remember Trust
When things get tough remember that the one you thought you loved left you for this reason. When things get tough remember that the one you thought you loved left you for this reason...


Remember Thought Reason
Only on the nights when I wake up screaming do I realize that i Only on the nights when I wake up screaming do I realize that i'm better off not in his arms...


Realize Wake
When life slaps you in the face, fall over and pretend you are dead so it won When life slaps you in the face, fall over and pretend you are dead so it won't kick you...


Life Face Dead
Love only the ones you know won Love only the ones you know won't leave you, trust only yourself unless you want to bleed, so aim..


Love Life Know Want Care
God never gives you anymore than he knows you can handle. God never gives you anymore than he knows you can handle...


3 things to know: 1) Never turn your back on a good opportunity. 2) Love your family, in the end 3 things to know: 1) Never turn your back on a good opportunity. 2) Love your family, in the end..

Family Life

Love Know Family Second Opportunity