Face Quotes Pictures

Happiness is not the money and the fame you get after a chase. Happiness is the peace and..
Happiness Peace Philosophy smile
Your Face
To know who you really are, you should ask a true friend who dares to speak truth to your face...Your Face

When you are in front of the mirror in the DARK, Put some light on your face not on mirror...Your Face

Happiness is not the money and fame you get after a chase. Happiness is peace and tranquility that..Your Face

Never be afraid to look fear in the eye because if you never face your fears how will you ever get..
Top 10 face Quotes
Running away won't solve anything, face the truth and keep going strong- George Cordova
I'm not afraid to face death, but I am afraid to face everyone that will be affected by my death- Michael Amaki
We all can't find the Master. It all depends on His grace. A few of us are lucky. We finally see His face.- AiR
Having affection in the face of rottenness is a flower in a thorn! - Joshua Aaron Guillory
No matter how clearer truth might be it would kinda blurry in the face of critic..- success song
The fears you do not face, will inescapably become your nemeses. They will come seeking retributive justice, in a divine yet nightmarish way when that fear is but conquered. By You.- The Quoted Iris
A slap to the face hardens the heart but a kiss softens it.- Joe Cervantes
Smartness is not in your face, it is In your 'Attitude'.- Ajay maharajan
Scratches in the face of a soldier are more patriotic than the medals of his commander.- mohdmustafa99
To have one face means you have not yet become a hypocrite.- mohdmustafa99
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On my birthday I can see the happiness on your face for me, but on your birthday I want to see how I can make you feel happy when I am not there for you- Sweetest
I have given you my love and true face! I have bestowed to thee familial grace! It is not love to compete in a race For love that no one can ever displace!- Joshua Aaron Guillory
You consider whatever you see with your eyes as true, but what about your own face, which your eyes cannot show you? Is that really real which the mirror or photo shows you?. Even If your own face is just a belief, what else exists? - FEROZ KHAN LAMIR
Beauty is not in your face but in your heart- Lakshita negi
You have never seen your real face, only the reflections and the pictures, try to know the reality- MANI SHARMA
We all lose to anxiety, but it is up to us to get up and face it.- Timothy Domes
Behind a beautiful face and pretty things are dark pasts and grave secrets. Underneath pretty clothes are deep scars of the past. Behind the curtains of these long lashes were eyes that have shed tears, that almost made my breath to halt. I'm a masterpiece painted by pain, heartbreak, grief, lies, abuse and betrayal. So who are you to decide my worth? I am my own priceless possession.- Jasmin Adviento
What I said was not exactly what I meant and the thing you got is out of everything what I actually meant, but you know I always strive to see an arc on your face- Saiteja Thottempudi
A great character will always make you more attractive than someone who has a great face, but no character. which people will be willing to build a space for you in their heart. Thus, beauty catches the attention, but character catches the heart!- Juniblaze
Trials will face us, but it is how we deal with them will determine the outcome.- Howard Hanniford
Doesn't matter how big you are when life turns back you have to face the reality - Anuj Tiwari
It's just the face that wears a smile, over a sad soul.- Muskan Singh
Wisdom justifies a person in the face of any opposition.- Pastor Sunday Adelaja
You can either face your fear or accept it not to win every battle.- Roli Obra
Seagulls will soon face an obesity problem if they don't stop eating leftovers outside of fast food restaurants.- Samuel E. Villegas
A face will either show hope or despair.- Joe Cervantes
a good HEAD and a good HEART are more important than a good FACE or a good FIGURE, but of course all FOUR would be nice to have - Andi Imelda Syamsuddin Rivera
You may not know what your passion may be, but whatever it is, it is staring you right in the face.- Miss Unknown
It is only the 'past' that can bring smile on the face, future is uncertain so it seldom has that power !- Sarad S Dhungel
I love mornings when I wake up and face the day with gratitude. I did realize one thing, that there are moments wherein you have to grieve to give way to gratitude. When that happens, fear disappears within. Then, you will realize that you are gifted and you actually have so much to be thankful for in this lifetime- Gladys Gallentes
One of the greatest challenge we face each day is challenging ourselves.- kemole parker
Everyone utilizes their time to earn money and spend it on things they need and things which makes them happy. Their effort on earning more and more for the purpose of having more and more happiness. I utilize my time to serve the ignored people of my society which eventually brings happiness in their life and bringing smile on their face motivates me to work more and more for them. And as a result, it brings happiness in my life even though I am not earning any money. NO ONE CAN DENY, helping others does make us proud. In one line: VOLUNTEERISM IS OUR EARNING, we buy happiness by serving.- Syed Mohammad Mujtaba
With you I had to face my biggest fear: Become a stranger for someone I love.- The Quiet Girl
Work with or around or over or under the circumstances that you face but never lose sight of your destiny- El Haji Nero
When I saw your face across the room, so many years ago, I knew you'd be the one to reach the corners of my soul. Now here we are, decades past, still walking hand in hand, knowing all along the path, that this was life's most perfect plan.- Butterflydreams
We give everything we can and are ready to give more.. Knowing it will go away, but we still want them to try.. being selfish we want them to CHOOSE US , PICK US and LOVE US.. but chasing won't work, we have to understand.. so I am trying my best to set you free.. its difficult, my heart bleeds every time and my pain comes out as a BIG SMILE ON MY FACE - Nidhi Saini
I remember when we broke up.. a month.. i'll change, I hate we broke.. we are never never ever.. getting back together you go talk to your friend talk to my friends talk to me but we are never never ever getting back together.. TALK TO ME NEVER NEVER EVER I used to think we would last for ever we are never never ever get together sad face - alisha rigby
Friendship is like a cherry on the cake and smile on a face.- megha sawhney
When the trees smell fresh.. when the cold ocean breeze hits my face.. when the clouds look like heaps of cotton candy..- Kailey Hunter Brown
The gentle touch of a cool breeze on your face. A slight howl from the wind. A refreshing smell in the air. It relaxes & calms the soul. It can make your sense of sound, smell & touch orgasm! If you can just get your sight and taste senses going, you will have experienced one big pleasurable orgasmic orgy of the senses- Jaxy Gruber
Sometimes you are so blind. you go after people that treat you badly, just to feel better about yourself. you don't realize what has been in front of your face nearly your whole life.. then when you realize it.. you are blind to change anything.- katie pope
You are not a hero until you are willing to face death yourself in order to save others.- Bobby Winter
Even if you fall on your face, you're still moving forward.- Sam Armstrong
No, I can't put a fake smile on my face. All I can put on is a curve on my lips- Eartha
You will always get a smile on your face, looking at other bunch of people; but behind that smile is a pain of not having such bunch to laugh with- Farhad Dastoor
Life is full of sorrow, The sweetest of the sorrows is love, The deadliest sorrow is being attached to the things you love. So on and so forth. Don't be attached and don't love unless you are willing to face those sorrows with the person you are sharing a soul with.- Obed Ceballos
I try to be what I am , I don't want to be what I am not, if you judge me by my tongue and face then you're a fool, always judge people by their heart, not by their words , words are perfect seducers.- Adnan Ali
When you are content with the way your life is, you wear a smile on your face! I gotta big old grin on!- Lisa Bumgarner
I was in your life; and I always tried to spread a smile on your face. But I promise when I die, I will try not to leave a single drop of tear in your eyes. Then also I'll make you smile. I believe, you'll be glad of my death.- Afeefa Nishaat
Fear is only in our minds, take viable time away, so don't hide from fear, face it and beat it.- Chelsea Taylor Wayt
Money has no face, but face value.- David Mora
In love relationship, we face same direction and in friendship we face each other- Linda Usman
Courage is found in everyone. When some one doubts themselves they lose the gift of courage and become cowards. True courage is obtained by removing all the fear in your mind and all the doubt in your soul and disregarding your safety for the protection of others, only then can one become a true symbol of courage and face the task at hand and become a hero.- Christopher Joesph Agruso
When we choose the path of faith in Christ, our faith will be tested. We must not give up our Faith when we face any adversity, conflicts, trials and tribulations. we must have a solid faith without wavering or doubt. God is always faithful and will rewards us for our faith.- Shaila Touchton
I love the sound of thunder and deny the rain because I have roaring soul and not a crying face.- Misskanishka
To love your face, To love your eyes, To love your Dreams, To love you in Dreams, To Desire your love in Every birth is my Simple wish- Haresh Verhani
My heart is an envelope for you to put letters into It! every morning I receive a fresh letter from you , read it and put it back in my heart! at the end of my day all what I crave for is to read that letter again and have a grin on my face!every moment I read It, I start loving you in a different way!.- Prachidhar
Lips and tongue - these are three drills. Smile from the drill, grinds any evil face- Romeo
Securing human rights policies is a major challenge that policy-makers must face up to.- J B
As we look to the human rights challenges we face, there is no doubt in my mind that global challenges require global solutions. No country can do it alone. We need multilateralism more than ever.- J B
We have to face the reality of human rights violations. It is arguably the greatest threat that we are facing today.- J B
She was cheated! Cried all day and night long, Hid her face in the pillow to cry, Scribbled the papers to express her grief, But no one was there to share her grief.- Ankita Sarkar
We face a global emergency over human rights.- J B
Millions of people face serious and growing threats to their human rights.- J B
Human rights violations continue to disfigure the face of humanity.- J B
Millions of people face serious and growing threats to their human rights.- J B
It is clear to me that in face of human rights violations, we must work harder to prevent these crises that take such a high toll on humanity and reverse development progress. We must tackle the immediate grievances and root causes of these terrible acts.- J B
I face and do what I can control. That means I do things I value. I do whatever it takes for me because I value myself.- Marie Yolande Pierre
The most dangerous crisis we face today is not respecting human rights.- J B
The average artist has a naïve, unrealistic, and disconnected view of what the music industry is, how it works, what is involved in 'making it', and what actually is happening behind the scenes. Too many artists take at face value what they see on some TV documentary or read in a fan magazine.- Loren Weisman
Hi! I saw your face all stuck up and thought maybe you would like for me to release it.- Joe Cervantes
Always getting what is mine, not worried about any one else, moving forward and kicking up dust in your face- Pepper Nickle
Friendship is hard to define sometimes because as individuals we do not characterize or rather perceive friendships in the same sense. One may see friendship as a brief day to day contact with someone and another may see it as having monthly or yearly associations with someone. I realized that I do not have to communicate with you on a day to day basis to have that reassurance that you care. I do not have to sit and wonder if you will always be there because through time, you have silently ingrained in me the assurance that no matter what challenges we have and will face our friendship was built to last forever and always.- Minetre Martin
What does Call of Duty teach you? How to throw a grenade at the wall, add up the precision and timing and have enough skill left to make it come back and hit you in the face.- Krystal Riddcitt
Remember me as a time of day.. so that even if you forget my face, my voice, my very own existence.. at least you will remember me as a part of your life- Augustus Yuan
Most used come-backs 1. your mom. 2. your face. and that is pretty much it!.- Hlhkkggkl