
Zac Ochsenbine (zac18) Quotes & Sayings:
Zac Ochsenbine

Zac Ochsenbine

Location:Traveler, USA
Occupation:Philosopher, Poet, Occultist, Architect
Experience on Earth:24 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 6 Years 0 Months
Short Bio: Unless I know absolutely everything; I know nothing.

Zac Ochsenbine Quotes

1-50 of total 154 Quotes
To achieve desires for others is to abandon peace within oneself. To achieve desires for others is to abandon peace within oneself...

Desire Peace Philosophy

A man is a fool when he tries to achieve so much for those around him and fails to truly achieve A man is a fool when he tries to achieve so much for those around him and fails to truly achieve..


A sinking ship we become when we lose our source of love. A sinking ship we become when we lose our source of love...


Only sadness arises from self pity, and it is your duty to change it. Only sadness arises from self pity, and it is your duty to change it...

Change Inspirational

It is for the Heart to desire what to love and the Mind to become insane because of it. It is for the Heart to desire what to love and the Mind to become insane because of it...

Desire Hate Heart Love Sad

To re-live tragedy is a burden of heartbreak and often self despair. To re-live tragedy is a burden of heartbreak and often self despair...

Heart Life Love Sad heart break

True loyalty and faith is determined when burdens are upon us for wishing to save those we love. True loyalty and faith is determined when burdens are upon us for wishing to save those we love...

Faith Life Love Philosophy Sad

If I died today, would anybody care? Would a single soul pray, in my darkness and my despair? If I died today, would anybody care? Would a single soul pray, in my darkness and my despair?..

Death Life Philosophy Sad Short

Love is the conquering of hate, but when true love cannot be expressed, suppression for the Love is the conquering of hate, but when true love cannot be expressed, suppression for the..

Hate Life Love Philosophy Sad

Knowledge is a disguised delight, It must have been mistaken - As treasure that glistens the night, But the light remains forsaken- It is all a
-Zac Ochsenbine

Life Philosophy Poems Sad Wisdom

Mind Light Knowledge Experience Wise
When in a world of mystery one must analyze everything as a Cryptographer, from the seen Universe When in a world of mystery one must analyze everything as a Cryptographer, from the seen Universe..

Life Philosophy Wisdom lie knowledge

One Mastermind develops many mindful Masters. One Mastermind develops many mindful Masters...

Life Philosophy Short Truth One liners

Occultism is synonymous with spiritual science, and within it Occultism is synonymous with spiritual science, and within it's deepest roots lies the basis and..

Philosophy Science Truth Wisdom knowledge

Freedom is diversity, and freedom is one; Enslavement is one, and enslavement is diversity. Freedom is diversity, and freedom is one; Enslavement is one, and enslavement is diversity...

Freedom Life Philosophy Short Truth

Temptation may be fire, but fire is intellect. Temptation may be fire, but fire is intellect...

Desire Life Philosophy Belief knowledge

There has always been, throughout epochs, a pyramidal faculty of the earth and those that inhabit There has always been, throughout epochs, a pyramidal faculty of the earth and those that inhabit..

Life Philosophy Science Wisdom knowledge

In a profound state of being, and a deep trance of thought, we are the fraudulent fraudsters In a profound state of being, and a deep trance of thought, we are the fraudulent fraudsters..

Life Philosophy Sad Truth lie

When we understand the human mind, then we understand prophecy. When we understand the human mind, then we understand prophecy...

Life Nature Philosophy

Dwelling are we in a mysterious place, unwilling to listen, unable to glisten, consumed with the Dwelling are we in a mysterious place, unwilling to listen, unable to glisten, consumed with the..

Life Philosophy

Espionage is illegal in every nation, but every nation spies on people. Espionage is illegal in every nation, but every nation spies on people...

Freedom Hate War lie

Every stepping stone towards knowledge and enlightenment was established by those before us. Every stepping stone towards knowledge and enlightenment was established by those before us...

Life Philosophy Wisdom knowledge

There are many keys that unlock different keys, but they all are rooted in the source, and they are There are many keys that unlock different keys, but they all are rooted in the source, and they are..

Philosophy Wisdom knowledge

There is an overwhelming, melancholic, and somber tone when billions of people believe they know There is an overwhelming, melancholic, and somber tone when billions of people believe they know..

Philosophy Sad Truth Wisdom knowledge

When one observes the world around them, one realizes that something is definitely wrong. When one observes the world around them, one realizes that something is definitely wrong...

Life Philosophy

I wish no harm onto anyone; I wish no harm unto me. I wish no curse onto anyone, and I wish no I wish no harm onto anyone; I wish no harm unto me. I wish no curse onto anyone, and I wish no..

Hate Life

It is wise to sit alone and observe the output to what many input. It is wise to sit alone and observe the output to what many input...

Philosophy Wisdom wordplay thought

People dwell within half-truths,therefore they can not distinguish reality from what is false. People dwell within half-truths,therefore they can not distinguish reality from what is false...

Failure Life Philosophy Wisdom lie

Who will there be to remember us ten thousand years from now? Who will there be to remember us ten thousand years from now?..

Death Life Nature Philosophy question

I observe death and evil, and now evil death observes me forevermore. I observe death and evil, and now evil death observes me forevermore...

Death Philosophy Sad Fear

Lost we are without love,
It is the eerie sight of a fiery dove -
We ignore the casting of stones Lost we are without love, It is the eerie sight of a fiery dove - We ignore the casting of stones..

Death Life Love Philosophy Sad

While observing the puissance of being deceitful; I have become a man of evil. While observing the puissance of being deceitful; I have become a man of evil...

Life Philosophy Sad lie

We all are deceived by our own ignorance. We all are deceived by our own ignorance...

Hate Life Philosophy Sad Wisdom

How do you take an entire world and divide everything on it, and not only divide everybody against How do you take an entire world and divide everything on it, and not only divide everybody against..

Philosophy Sad Wisdom problems question

Regarding the world I perceive a world that is lost. I observe death, ruination, obscurity, and Regarding the world I perceive a world that is lost. I observe death, ruination, obscurity, and..

Death Dreams Freedom Life Philosophy

Mystery is the foundation of the Universe. Mystery is the foundation of the Universe...

Life Philosophy knowledge mind

I am a nobody, but I am everybody at the same time. I am a nobody, but I am everybody at the same time...

Death Life Love Philosophy Truth

It is no secret that secrets exist. It is no secret that secrets exist...

Life Philosophy Wisdom

What good is life if you have learned nothing from death? What good is life if you have learned nothing from death?..

Death Life Philosophy Wisdom question

Life is a maze. Life is a maze...

Life Philosophy mind

Money saves no soul. Money saves no soul...

Death Life Philosophy money soul

My body is the pedestal to my crown, which is my soul. My body is the pedestal to my crown, which is my soul...

Heart Inspirational Life Philosophy soul

Evil is all I Evil is all I've ever known...

Death Life Philosophy

Everything we believe is wrong and everything about what it is to believe is wrong, and that very Everything we believe is wrong and everything about what it is to believe is wrong, and that very..

Life Philosophy Belief mind

Brilliance is Fun. Brilliance is Fun...

Life Philosophy

How can one believe that becoming a slave will set them free? How can one believe that becoming a slave will set them free?..

Freedom Philosophy

People become so hypnotized with their way of life, that they completely ignore the world around People become so hypnotized with their way of life, that they completely ignore the world around..

Life Philosophy Sad

I I've come to realize that everything and anything is possible...

Inspirational Life Nature Philosophy Wisdom

A young child who was forced into a War zone to witness murder, has better discernment on the world A young child who was forced into a War zone to witness murder, has better discernment on the world..

Philosophy Sad War Youth

In order to free your mind you must unlearn everything you have learned; you must lose your mind In order to free your mind you must unlearn everything you have learned; you must lose your mind..

Freedom Life Philosophy mind

People are so swift to dismiss their own imagination; the imagination that isn People are so swift to dismiss their own imagination; the imagination that isn't very different..

Imagination Philosophy reality
