Problems Quotes Pictures
Let's smile, not because we don't have problems but because we are stronger than the problems...
Inspirational Life Relationship Success falling in love
Failure Family Inspirational Life Sad
Pay FocusThere are three types of people in this world; Problem seekers, Problem Solvers and Problem 'see..People World Problem
If you have time, it is the best solution to every problem....
Life Philosophy Time Truth Wisdom
Time Problem SolutionFor every problem there is a solution, it's up to you whether you are looking at the problem or are..Problem Looking Solution
Solution for every problem hides when you're angry..
Love Short One liners heart break
Problem SolutionWhat lies head from the unknown tends to lead a heart astray loaded with problem deep within makes one wonder what deep beneath. As one who trys to..
-Joe Cervantes Problem
-Joe Cervantes Problem
I can't solve your problems, but I sturdily promise you that you can solve them by yourself...
Failure Friendship Opportunity Patience Success
ProblemIt is true that everyone has Problems, and it is also true that every problem has a Solution. If..Life Reality Problem Focus Solution
It is true that everyone has Problems, and it is also true that every problem has a Solution. If..Life Reality Problem Focus Solution
People ask me how I can be so optimistic and joke about my diabetes. Simple, I've got MUCH bigger..People
Top 10 problems Quotes
The Heart of Heaven lies at the Heart of the Matter- Mark A Gardner
Be good until everyone see you as a problem ....., you will change many souls by your disappearance..!!- William Sebunje
When money is not the problem, something is the problem. When something is not the problem,money is the problem.- Asare Ben Chris ABC
When money is not the problem, something is the problem. When something is not the problem,money is the problem.- Asare Ben Chris ABC
You'll never see the answer to your problems by looking through someone else's glasses- ralph harlow
Fault of human.. nobody knows anything, problem is most of us don’t know it- LYGAS
If worries solved problems, there would have been little or no problems.- Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
There is no problem God can not solve....!- William Sebunje
Profit is a reward for solving problems, not just selling products.- Aloo Denish Obiero
If problems do not face you, do not face them.- Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Inspirational + Problems Quotes ⇑
Inspirational Quotes
I've lived my life believing that problems should be complicated, not solutions - Donald Lynn Frost
It is true that everyone has Problems, and it is also true that every problem has a Solution. If this is the reality of Life, then why not focus on solutions rather than Problems - RVM Author
It is true that everyone has Problems, and it is also true that every problem has a Solution. If this is the reality of Life, then why not focus on solutions rather than Problems. - RVM Author
Problems should not define you or limit your achievement. After all, it is just temporary and when you look back with satisfaction that is the taste of success - Surendran s o Selvaraju
Problems may come and go but solutions are always with you.. - Rahul Govila
Let's smile, not because we don't have problems but because we are stronger than the problems. - Mr vybs live
In a world full of problems; be the solution. - The Quoted Iris
Think in solutions of a problem before it occurs. This will sharply reduce probabilities of its occurrence. - mohdmustafa99
Being Fake is just a beautiful and easiest way to hide your pain and problems from the world, where everyone knew how to use your pain against you to make you taste your defeat. - Sayyed Tarannum
Fish had no problem during the flood - Pistis Balu
“Be with people that make you happy, flow with people that make you happy, and stop moving from place to place seeing people looking down on you like useless person, because it will make you remember your problem and sad again” - 2Greidz Efejene
“Be with people that make you happy, flow with people that make you happy, and stop moving from place to place seeing people looking down on you like useless person, because it will make you remember your problem and sad again” - 2Greidz Efejene
“Be with people that make you happy, flow with people that make you happy, and stop moving from place to place seeing people looking down on you like useless person, because it will make you remember your problem and sad again” - 2Greidz Efejene
It doesn't get better by overthinking, it only gets better by working towards eradicating your problems. - ojingiri hannah
Surrender all your problems to God, He is the only one that can make you truly happy without wanting anything in return. - ojingiri hannah
Solving a problem makes me more confident in life. - Summi
Dear Year 2023, You might have a bouquet of problems for me, But I have my own quiver of arrows ready for you. - Summi
When we look at a problem as a problem our energy shrinks, when we look at it as a challenge our energy rises! - Adrian McGinn
RELAX, The problems of the world are not caused by you - Irfan Mamoun MD
I don’t need to vent my problems to anyone. I vent/ talk to myself when I’m alone. Once I talk it out, that’s the end of it. I don’t need to constantly revisit it. I never want to burden anyone with my problems. Everyone has their own problems to deal with and I don’t want them thinking about mine. - Harvey Staub
All problems are solvable. If not, they're not problems. If stuck, find the right people to solve them. - Sunday Ishaku Togira
The problem with human beings is that they are always competing with each other, trying to prove who is the best, and they have forgotten that we are here to share, not to compete. - Antonio Pallavicini
Solving problems is not a matter of skill, but of will. If you keep working on it, you will eventually succeed. Nothing is impossible with determination. - Srinivas Mishra
Finding peace in a new job only validates that you were not the problem. - Sibel Terhaar
When we think too much our problems get out of proportion in our mind and some may not even exist! - Adrian McGinn
When money cannot solve problems, the rich view life with the eyes of the poor. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
The problem with men is that they see before believing. The problem with women is that they believe before seeing. The problem with children is that in seeing they believe; in believing they see. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Problems are like buildings : if there's a way into them, there must be a way out of them. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
When money cannot solve problems, the rich view life with the eyes of the poor. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
One thing that we fail to observe about problems is that they come with solutions attached to them. But the problem is in us seeing these solutions that are often overshadowed by the problems. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Our energy saps when the mindset is worrying about the problem but our energy zaps up when focus is on finding the solution! - Adrian McGinn
If the only definition we have for strange is “that which is viewed to be outside of whats considered normal“ and normal subjective, we have a problem and no one seems interested in acknowledging this... - LYGAS
Problem problem solving is key to everything... - William Sebunje
"Love is both the question and the answer, the problem and the solution." - James Ng\'uni
If problems do not face you, do not face them. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Profit is a reward for solving problems, not just selling products. - Aloo Denish Obiero
Fault of human.. nobody knows anything, problem is most of us don’t know it - LYGAS
You'll never see the answer to your problems by looking through someone else's glasses - ralph harlow
The Heart of Heaven lies at the Heart of the Matter - Mark A Gardner
Life + Problems Quotes ⇑
Life Quotes
If you don't like me, don't make it my problem. - Meagan Lynn Gervais
Alcohol won't heal your wounds, nor will it solve your problems.. it would put you in danger - George Cordova
One's problem is solved when one works for others' problem - Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
Forgetting the problem doesn't solve the problem. - Lokesh giri
The only real problem is our ignorance of its solution. Once we are aware of the solution the problem no longer presents a problem for us. Life poses us with problems simply because life would not have us remain in ignorance but would rather have us discover and come by true knowledge. - Sundaresh
If you have time, it is the best solution to every problem.. - Rajiv Jain
Technology has solved old economical problems by giving us new psychological problems. - Tadu chada
Self-reflection's a pain in the ass, because the more you practice it, the more you realize those you care about and those you don't (if you come from a dysfunctional "family"), all have that same problem, they LACK IT. Just mentally distance yourself since if you know you'll never get through. - Wesley Savage
Noone likes being discriminated against, but they themselves do not mind, and have no problem discriminating. - Sundaresh
Most of us don't have any problems, we are just broke. - Joshua Muasa
No one knows what struggles you are dealing with Because you know there would be more objections than suggestions No one knows what's going in your life Because you know it would be their source of entertainment No one knows your problems Because you know no one would really care Mannat Sabharwal - Mannat Sabharwal
If worries solved problems, there would have been little or no problems. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
All problems Quotes ⇑
When iwas growing i got learn that every problem has a master of solving...., some are solved by ignoring !!- William Sebunje
Surprisingly money doesn't solve all the problems......., some problems subjecting them to means giving people transport to go hurt themselves to death....!!- William Sebunje
In the sea of problems, even great swimmers can drown.- Tamerlan Kuzgov
War, takes people's minds off thinking about poverty, famine, greed, heartache, egotistical societies, wealth and much more. Yes, war is the solution to all of man's problems and the answer for those who profit from it.- Anthony T Hincks
The more Africa has sit-tight leaders, the more she has sit-tight problems.- Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Only By staying well informed, advocating for change, and supporting one another's efforts, can we hope to begin dealing with rather than becoming victims of the problems that exist that no one’s seems willing let alone capable of addressing unless we all work together- LYGAS
The more Africa produces sit-tight leaders the more she has sit-tight problems.- Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Poeple who makes you smile from the well of your heart and makes you forget all your problems are keepers for life.- NadineRammal
To succeed is to finish a journey and resolve a problem. Each step we make overcomes more of our obstacles.- Srinivas Mishra
And he said... ...I don't seek answers. I seek solutions.- Anthony T Hincks
In Africa, we always present problems and excuses as if it's the smartest clothing style for us!- Dr Callixte Yadufashije
Traveling with strangers is not a problem but travelling with a changed person is more painful.- Srinivas Mishra
When there are problems in a queue are waiting to be solved,never give up or never delay them,let's footboard those problems with weaving hands..- Sravani Saikumar
If a problem well stated is a problem half solved, state it well again!- John Alejandro King
A vacant house is better than a problem tenant.- Alex Jere Masumba
You won’t be able to change a person who doesn’t see any problem in his action- Irfan Mamoun MD
Problems don't come with a solution, they come with faith and a plan to resolve the issue...- Kimberly Moore
Lots of problems will disappear if people learn to talk to each other more than to talk about each other- Irfan Mamoun MD
The best valuable companion for the man is his health, if it disappeared, a big problem and burrden will follow.So take care of you health. It is your CAPITAL.- Irfan Mamoun MD
Don't seek a permanent solution to a temporary problem.- Blessings N Ng uni
If you choose to be light, neither is the world's darkness a problem for your light, but if you choose to be darkness neither is the world's light a solution to your darkness.- Sundaresh
The Problem of Africa is not about bad designed policies, but bad policy implementers!- Dr Callixte Yadufashije
Never think u failed in life.Failure is always a better teacher for us.Each time you fail you get innovative ideas to solve a problem. And failure is never an option.So don't question yourself just because you failed once in life.The same reason can help you later on.So learn from it and find a way- Akash Unnikrishnan
Our beliefs always affects only us, never anyone else. It only makes us who we are and what we are, never anyone else. It always moves a mountain of problems onto us or moves the mountain of problems off of us. So always beware of what you choose to believe. Always choose wisely.- Sundaresh
When all you know is all about God, you won't have problem navigating life's challenges.- ojingiri hannah
Every child is innocent; the problem is when the child ventures out into the world and loses that purity.- Marcquiese Burrell
It's when you walk with heavy feet that you carry your problems in your heart.- Anthony T Hincks
At every corner there is a turn and at every turn waits a problem, walk your path with caution.- Maurice Tramble
If your problem isn’t related to illness or death then it has a solution. It might not be the solution your desire but there is a solution.- John Guedes do Nascimento
What you can learn about your partner is determined by your willingness to be open with each other, not by the duration of your relationship. Pretence during relationship/courtship is the major cause of many marital problems.- Mayowa Oladele PenKraft
The only problem is we think highly of GOD but lowly of good.- Sundaresh
In your life you have a problem but you have more solutions than a problem.- ANILKUMAR
Today I got the real meaning of love. I have feelings for a girl and the girl aso have same feeling. But the problem is that I have feelings only for her and she has for many others. I know she is characterless and I deserve better easily but still it hurts when another person comments sexy on her dp- Arpit Kumar Singh
Happiness comes only when you are able to forget all your problems, downfall and all that makes you sad- ease berry
A problem having got no sisters will die soon.- mohdmustafa99
I am not a troublesome although I have a lot of banana peels.- mohdmustafa99
Nationalism is wonderful ; the problem is with departmentalization- mohdmustafa99
Humbleness of the arrogant is another problem he adds to his falseness.- mohdmustafa99
When facing a problem in life that you think is complicated apply the logic that we use with fractions.. reduce it down to its common denominator. Once simplified it is much easier to determine how to solve it.. so why not simplify our lives & not damn ourselves to living only a fraction of it?- Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S
Humanity does insane things for insane reasons, to achieve insane outcomes.- Zac Ochsenbine
We don't have any problems with the enemy except his patience.- mohdmustafa99
You cannot cause a problem to yourself without causing another to others.- mohdmustafa99
Let our crises be our bubbles.- mohdmustafa99
The problem is not that patriotism is sleeping, but it's failure to get up.- mohdmustafa99
Problems are hostile, best way to annihilate them is through hospitality, that way you will have a smart TKH in dealing with them- Uwagbae Nosa Lucky
Silence may be the 'best solution' to any problem, but it is definitely the 'worst invitation' to every problem!- Kanha y
Patience maybe a solution to some problems, not for all. Action brings solution for all problems except a few.- Kowsalapathy Saravanan
MUSIC helps to make you feel better if You listen by Heart.. every problem has a solution if you figureout with heart.- Sourabh kumar
The world respects people who secretly create problems and publicly rectify them and scorn those who silently go about their work doing every thing right- sandeep Shankaranarayanan
If you can't find solutions, you'll be stuck with more problems.- Jovonta Battle
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