One who shows love to avoid punishment is a good lover, one who shows for rewards is a hunter for..
Love Relationship Romantic
Build your beautiful garden wisely and avoid unnecessary rush to achieve a fulfilled dream..
Dreams Short Wisdom
Don't be like the iceberg that is responsible for submerging the ship, Be like the lighthouse that..
Two things one must avoid changing them : flexibility of own mind , and rigidity of the other's..
Change One liners mind
The correction of wording enables us to avoid mistakes in spoken language...
Nations and organizations avoid defining terrorism because they are afraid that the definition may..
Increasing accusations of sexual harassment, makes you avoid doing favor to women...
Short One liners Women
Criticism is better than negligence if you can't avoid both...
Short One liners
Having a strong character needs to avoid confusing insolence with discretion...
Short One liners
I have learnt to think properly before I voice out anything to anyone so as to avoid hurting that..
Be positive, avoid negativity, make yourself a person who can be positive in every situation, doesn'..
Avoid the woman who knows how to add and subtract...
Your safe-guard should be to avoid accepting any invitation to argument..
You cannot 'over extend' in real estate if you use your own cash and avoid any kind of leverage. Y..
Relationship is just an experience and when its over you take what you've experienced to the next..
Relationship mistake
True Christians should honestly grieve over personal sin and repent of it and try to take measures..
If love was a snake , would you kill it To avoid the danger?..
I always type my quotes in English to avoid mitsakes..
Top 10 avoid Quotes
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