Loving Quotes Pictures

Sometimes, when you love someone but they don't love you back, the best thing to do is just stand..Love You

When you start loving yourself and respecting your time and energy, things will change. Get to know..

Parents should never stop loving children and showing affection no matter how old the children are...No Matter How
If you want to heal the traumas and hurts of your past, just keep Loving. Love lives inside of you. Know that Love reigns all existence, Love Y..
-Amelia Goode
-Amelia Goode
Love Philosophy Success Truth Wisdom
If You Want
A Dad is sometimes just a Man with a wallet in his pocket, but a real Dad is there raising his kids..
Top 10 loving Quotes
Loving is short, forgetting is long- Godlisten mushy
To make others happy- Love is a feeling that just happens. You are the one. Start dating yourself. If you start loving yourself you will not need anyone to be loved by.- being limitless
And in the process of loving them I completely lost myself.. now when I reflect about my past, I am clueless.. but still not as to them..- shivangi lavaniya
Be wise in ruling your kingdom before your loving people revolt against you.- kihisu chisho
Some dreams can never be true even if You spend all Your time sleeping, You're just dreaming and You got to wake up. Likewise some people can never respect You even if You spend all Your life loving them, You're just dreaming and You got to wake up.- BAIGALLA PREETHI
People choose to end dysfunctional relationships with people they love, but never stop loving and caring for them - Piet Ntema
Loving someone with a white heart, no matter what they do to you no matter how they treat you, is that unconditional love? If not, what is unconditional love??- Macmillan
The worst day of loving someone is the day that they die, so why not think of the best days you had with them and hold on to the memories you shared. Instead of grieving, you should be thankful for the moments you spent together and to value their life's.- Zakia
I love you. I can't live without you. I feel so incomplete without you. You are a part of me and I can't live if I don't have that part. I am not asking you to love me forcefully or something. However, I'll never be able to stop loving you, it's like breathing to me and if I stop breathing I'll die. I know that I really love you because loving you hurts a lot. And I read somewhere that the things that really, really hurt are the right things to do. Now I can say that the things that really, really hurt are real. No matter how hard I try to ignore you, I can't. And I couldn't just get away with this feeling, I had to tell you because I had to give it a try. I still don't know whether you love me or not, but here I am telling you how I feel without even knowing anything about your feelings. I think it is worth taking the chance and trying again and again in love, no matter what happens.- nadia khan
If loving you is wrong.. then I don't want to be right! I will love you no matter how wrong it is!- DaKi KC
Love + Loving Quotes ⇑
Love Quotes
Is it worth loving somebody more than myself? Is it wrong asking it? - Matt Bill
If the true wise old man is incapable of loving, is he still wise? - Lisa Roy
Love is in fact a sweet addiction, I'm loving it. - Nova
By loving you more I'm in more love with myself than ever - Nova
Everything in my life that is humanly possible to do is easy, but loving someone takes hard work that sometimes isn't humanly possible, but as long as you can love me back, I can keep trying.. - Elijah McKinley
Love never is mean or hurtful, its always loving and forgiving - brittany hope
if you love something and you think you will never stop loving that, don't think, do it. - jonathan cossio
Loving someone does not depend on how deep you fall, it is more on how you take the risk of falling. - John Mari Ong
You never really stop loving someone, you just learn to try to live without them. - Darab Imteyaz
You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving - Brayne Matshotshi
No matter how much I try to hate you. I always end up loving you. - Gaurav Nayal
People choose to end dysfunctional relationships with people they love, but never stop loving and caring for them - Piet Ntema
Loving is short, forgetting is long - Godlisten mushy
Sometimes, when you love someone but they don't love you back, the best thing to do is just stand back and be there when they need you. That way, deep down, that person starts loving you back. - Willem Rossouw
If you want to heal the traumas and hurts of your past, just keep Loving. Love lives inside of you. Know that Love reigns all existence, Love Yourself, Love others, Love the living, Love the dead, Love yourself by forgiving yourself, Love others by forgiving others, spread Love, dream of Love. - Amelia Goode
Do not take note The most romantic gift that a boyfriend can give to his dying girlfriend who does not have a heart donor is to give her own loving heart. We must protect women because they are future mothers and teachers of our children - Romeo
My heart is an envelope for you to put letters into It! every morning I receive a fresh letter from you , read it and put it back in my heart! at the end of my day all what I crave for is to read that letter again and have a grin on my face!every moment I read It, I start loving you in a different way!. - Prachidhar
You might think that you are 'bad', but you are not. You might think that you are 'sinful', but you are not. Love is the strongest Force in The Universe, and it does not speak of such things. Love wants you to remember you are Good and Virtuous, and to spread Goodness by Loving yourself and others. - Amelia Goode
My Loving husband You are my love, my true soul mate, my best and closest friend. You are my rock, my strength, my protector and Man of integrity. You're the one I had in mind and you're the one I prayed to find. You are the person I miss throughout the day - Shaila Touchton
All loving Quotes ⇑
You know what? We are lucky enough to be loved by God, EVEN IF WE DON'T FEEL IT. So, keep on loving, for loving somebody is loving God also.- Gregorio Santos
Never stop believing, never let anybody tell you different, never stop loving, never give up.- Paige Angela Cording
When you love your parents, it is equal to loving god- kubhendra
I loved you twice.. now it is three times but my heart and I can't take it anymore. It hurts but I can't keep loving you even if I want to.. I don't want to get hurt even worse again- Gladys Maria
Loving is happiness, but being loved is eternal bliss- Nova
Aren't we all living in an imaginative world, we love the idea of loving somebody than loving somebody for we want the feeling of being in a relation which is nice, than stop lying to self and start facing the difficulties that take to be really good enough to be liked by somebody, it certainly is a beautiful life to think we love our parents, spouse, children, but do we really love them and make them feel it? interestingly we don't have so much time in the universe left for us.- Lokesh giri
Forgiveness is not only an attribute of the strong , but also of the wise and the loving.- Lokesh giri
He whose nature is of caring, loving and respecting, win hearts easily.- rakeshbabu
Pressed up against her breasts, Making himself a nest! Her loving to caress, A feeling that is best, And him likewise caressed! And living without stress, Finding in himself rest, And him being that rest- Joshua Aaron Guillory
Except it be peaceful, fun, loving, play, like world peace, which some may term a game, it won't last forever! World peace is beyond a game! It's the real, true honest thing! And beyond a thing- Joshua Aaron Guillory
Faithful loving girls are the most chic and luxurious, they are priceless- Romeo
Learning the game isn't enlightenment, learning yourself is! And only those who are enlightened know what I truly mean! That real, initial enlightenment will separate you from the bull crap of everyone! You don't need bad and evil in the world to live an enlightened life, though in your enlightened journey that may be around you! In truth everything is perfectly beautiful, happy and loving! Nobody can ever take my enlightenment away from me! I'll never forget it! and I'll never forget me! If you don't embrace the kid inside you, the peaceful innocence inside you, you won't know what it's truly like to be enlightened. The initial enlightenment contains the full enlightenment! People who say the world has to keep being evil are crazy [yes, I called you crazy] [you can call me crazy and I'm still at peace] and they're just repeating what they think enlightenment is! I know the joy and peace I experienced and experience by myself! That's truth! That's enlightenment - Joshua Aaron Guillory
You are the one I'm loving , I love and I loved..- Ashley Guerrero