If You Want Quotes Pictures

If you want to walk with giants you must take giant steps...
Confidence Courage Desire Goal Short
Want Walk
First you have to go through the Hell if you want to see the Heaven...
Death Dreams God Inspirational Life
Want Hell Heaven
If you want people to remember you a certain way, then live your life the way you want to be..Life People Want Way Remember

If you want success you have to put up with greater losses than the success you aim for....Want Success

If you want a life of meaning and purpose, sometimes you have to put the gloves on...Life Want Purpose

No one is to blame for your future situation but yourself. If you want to be successful, then..
Inspirational Leadership Opportunity Success Time
Want Future Successful Situation BlameIf you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I'..
-Jasmin Tomson Want Need Happy Smile Friend
-Jasmin Tomson Want Need Happy Smile Friend

If you want to make the world a better place, trust not in your invisible friends, but in your..World Want Place Trust

If you want to live in freedom.. Then you have to be yourself. Find yourself and you will be free!..Want Find Freedom
There are two ways to look smart, being smart and pretending to be smart, pretending to be smart is far more difficult than really being smart. If..
-Lokesh giri Want Being Need Look Work
-Lokesh giri Want Being Need Look Work
I am who I am because of what I have been through. If you want to know who I am and why I am the way I am, do not judge me from afar come close and..
-Dr. Patricia Ghann Know Want Way Understand Judge
-Dr. Patricia Ghann Know Want Way Understand Judge

We are the reflection of what we see in others. If you want better others become a better YOU...
Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Wisdom
If you want to get success in life Simple rules Follow universal facts and keep learning from them...
Inspirational Life Success Wisdom
Life Want Keep Success LearningTop 10 If you want Quotes
If you want to know the distance between 'yes' and 'no', ask a child.- The Quoted Iris
If you want to give colors to someone's life, then you have to make your life black and white.- Anand gill
If you want to heal the traumas and hurts of your past, just keep Loving. Love lives inside of you. Know that Love reigns all existence, Love Yourself, Love others, Love the living, Love the dead, Love yourself by forgiving yourself, Love others by forgiving others, spread Love, dream of Love.- Amelia Goode
You can get it if you want it. You'll have it when you need it. If you take care of yourself you'd be healthy and you live longer.- Marie Yolande Pierre
You can get it if you want it. You'll have it if you need it.- Marie Yolande Pierre
If you want to know about tomorrow you must know about yesterday.- Nagendra Sahu
If you want to kill me make it twice because I don't die once in seven times..- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
This is a MAGICAL WORLD.. if you want to live in this WORLD try to learn at least the basics of magic.- Prasanna Pasupuleti
If you want to put on clothes that people like, you need to neutralize your likeness.- mohdmustafa99
Jobs are of three types: the wide, the tall, and the deep. If you want all together , seek the deep.- mohdmustafa99
All If you want Quotes ⇑
You are a fool if you want to change people. You are mad if you want to change the world.- mohdmustafa99
If you want God to give you with no count, then neglect your rosary and glorify Him without counting.- mohdmustafa99
If you want to see how integral and reliable the society is, just release a cobra in a crowded auditorium. The selfish tendencies of human nature will be exposed. Don't suppress your heart's calling and will only to impress the others. SOCIETY is an illusory concept- Krishna Jagan Mohan rao
If you want to have the best policemen , train prisoners - Temwani Chilenga
If you want to be Successful, you have to give up sleep. Determine your Success- Foday Pessima
You are unique and amazing, if you want to change, make a change for the better and only for yourself.. Love yourself- Henry Van Vuuren
If you want to be happy in your life then love someone, she will give you the happiest moment of your life- divakar sarkar
If you want to be a lion, you must train with the lions.- Karanveer Singh Kamra
If you want to do something, then it will be done!- SIDDHARTH GAURAV RAVAT
If you want to be successful in any area of life, you have to work on developing your soul.- Pastor Sunday Adelaja
Fatten me if you want to give me as meat for the wild animals.- mohdmustafa99
If you want to do things without hurting anybody, anticipate the worst before planning the things.- Jagadish reddy
If you want to be a merchant , don't be of a Venice type.- mohdmustafa99
If you want to marry for love, you will always live in pain.- vikrant
If you want to change the world then be the job maker not the job seeker.- Sourabh kumar
If you want something then focus on it.. focus leads you to success.- Sourabh kumar
If you want to create History then you have to risk failure.- Sourabh kumar
If you want to see how sincere your friend is then fight with her/him- Kanchan Kumari
If you want my heart you have to earn it.. not take it!- Boo_Boo
If you want something to happen, make it happen. Don't waste time and energy thinking about it- Daniel Mapoy
If you want to fulfill your dreams; stay away from the people who look down on you. Those who try to finish every sentence for you. Those people are called dream killers.- Euginia Herlihy
Some people on earth are much more dangerous than snakes, if you want to survive you should have the ability to convert them into life saving drug- palash sarkar
If you want to make it in life stop pretending to be someone else, just be who you are- Albert Tshifulwe
If you want sagacity, handle this life in your left hand.- Linda Usman
If you want to be a winner, die for your love.- Linda Usman
If you want to be exceptional in this world, you can't be following the standards- Joseph Washington III
If you want to pay someone for something they have done to you, pay attention.- Lokesh giri
You'll never again get to decide if you want me or not.- Melissa
If you want to change a stupid one towards betterment of his mentality, you need first to pass a camel through a needle's eye.- mohdmustafa99