Peace Quotes Pictures

Happiness is not the money and the fame you get after a chase. Happiness is the peace and..
Happiness Peace Philosophy smile
Your Face
Millions of dollars are spent every day to prepare for war. How much to prepare for peace?..
Hate Peace Philosophy Politics Short
Every Day
Never reject your dark side for it is part of you. Accept it and learn how to use it for good deeds,..

Privacy brings peace and security but broadcasting everything brings jealousy and envy. Choose your..
Top 10 peace Quotes
Happiness is not the money and fame you get after a chase. Happiness is peace and tranquility that puts a smile on your face- AiR Atman in Ravi
The way of righteousness is peace! The way of peace is love- Joshua Aaron Guillory
Find the freedom within! The freedom within is the peace within - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Always trust in peace and you will always be peaceful and happy- Joshua Aaron Guillory
Peace is the flower that grows and never dies- Joshua Aaron Guillory
We are brainwashed into thinking that money is the source of happiness while what we really need to know is that inner peace is something that comes from within.- Oscar Auliq Ice
Peace is when everything comes together - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Negative indulgence of any kind, will disturb the order of your life, peace and destiny.- moises santa
True Happiness doesn't come from Prosperity, Pleasure, and Power, but from PEACE- RVM Author
Love the peace you have, cherish it because it may not last- Calli Person
Politics + Peace Quotes ⇑
Politics Quotes
Only under conditions of full respect and fulfillment of human rights will we know peace. - J B
Human rights violations are fundamentally incompatible with humanity's common aspirations for peace and security. - J B
We must reaffirm the international consensus that human rights remain the only viable option for peace. We must be unwavering in this position. - J B
Human rights activists are the athletes of peace. - J B
Without accelerated progress on human rights issues and real action to end violations, the world will not know peace. - J B
Peace hinges on fulfilling human rights. - J B
Enjoy peace? Defend human rights. - J B
Human rights defenders are the athletes of peace. - J B
It is essential we do our best to further develop human rights standards in order to ensure peace and security for everyone everywhere. - J B
The crying need to build peace and prevent further human rights violations is foremost in my mind. - J B
Human rights are the bristles of the brush we paint peace with. - J B
The champion way to promote world peace it to promote the advancement of human rights. - J B
The only elements necessary to build peace are fulfilled human rights. - J B
Human rights must be seen as instrumental and integral, not peripheral, to sustaining peace. - J B
Fulfilling human rights is key to sustainable peace. - J B
I am convinced that peace building with an emphasis on human rights is more effective peace building. - J B
Human rights are a key pillar of peace. - J B
Human rights are a form of apparatus for making peace possible. - J B
Respecting and protecting human rights is vital to peace efforts and ensuring long-lasting stability. - J B
Human rights advocacy is a remarkable exercise in global solidarity. Advocates are ready to pay a heavy price for peace, and we are all in their debt. - J B
Peace and human rights are indivisible. - J B
Human rights are both an instrument of peace, as well as war. - J B
As we strive to end conflicts around the world, we must understand that lasting peace is based on the respect for human rights, with human rights being put at the center of all peace processes. - J B
I believe the only way to build peace is collective action for human rights. - J B
He is a generous leader, that person who struggle for peace and prosperity of a Nation; leadership is not about tittle, it's legacy & transparency - Abdulnganiyyu Muhammad Bashir
No human rights. No peace. - J B
'Agreed to disagree'. This is the classic way to process peace negotiations - mohdmustafa99
Freedom + Peace Quotes ⇑
Freedom Quotes
It's funny how religion promotes peace, however the most bloodiest wars ever fought in history were caused by religion. - Thai Thach
I don't care what other people might think of me as long as I live in my harmony and I rest in peace. - Phillip John R. Endrinal
Take time out from people. Take time out from things. See what brings you peace. See who takes it away.. - Vardz77
Every human right fulfilled is a victory toward peace. - J B
Find the freedom within! The freedom within is the peace within - Joshua Aaron Guillory
The way of righteousness is peace! The way of peace is love - Joshua Aaron Guillory
All is true, all is peace, all is joy, all is love, all is satisfaction, all is free, all is truth, all is happiness, all is health, all are health, all and everything is self-satisfaction and all-satisfaction and everything satisfaction, all is world peace, everyone and everything is world peace - Joshua Aaron Guillory
What blossoms when you plant the seeds of love Is joy, peace and all the riches thereof - Joshua Aaron Guillory
It worries me not what the world will do! My duty is to live in peace with you! - Joshua Aaron Guillory
In thee I find the mountains of success! In thee I find the valleys of my rest! For in the deep with you I find true peace! On the throne of love I find true increase! Growing the profundity of our love, I see yards of flowers springing above - Joshua Aaron Guillory
To keep the peace of light In the air of life Will help the world breathe right And prevent all strife - Joshua Aaron Guillory
To experience in life what we experience in dream! To experience in dream what we experience in life! To live the way that life doth truly seem! To know the peace and to know there is no strife - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Keep true to you! You know who you are! Shining like a star! These words I give you! These are your words, too! You know what to do Wherever you are! Keep the peace, no war! - Joshua Aaron Guillory
You gotta believe, That's right! You gotta achieve Day and night! Peace is in the bowl of the soul, Cooked deliciously and whole! - Joshua Aaron Guillory
In the dimension of world peace all of this is free And you can cross the street certain of your safety - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Except it be peaceful, fun, loving, play, like world peace, which some may term a game, it won't last forever! World peace is beyond a game! It's the real, true honest thing! And beyond a thing - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Make peace with world peace! Accept it serenely! Accept it joyfully! Accept it truly! Accept it now! - - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Morality is world peace, enthusiastic existence, and proud virtue! - Joshua Aaron Guillory - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Philosophy + Peace Quotes ⇑
Philosophy Quotes
Peace is a lie and will never exist unless we burn humanity, and then restart. There will always be war, for human nature requires for at least one person to want to rule over it all. The only 'peace' is safety which may only be attained by people who are to willing risk their own life for others. All soldiers 'good, bad, Nazi, ally' , they all are heroes in a way. - Payton Vaughn
Human rights has no other path than peace. - J B
My spiritual orientation is different from yours in terms of religion politics and humanitarian because I prefer peace not to be war. - Kayode Seyi Tayo
The international community needs to better understand the role of human rights in development and peace building if our responses are to be effective. Investing in human rights must be central to global efforts towards sustainable peace and development. - J B
There is no justification for human rights violations. Fulfilling human rights is the only answer to world peace. - J B
Human rights violations are incompatible with peace. - J B
Fulfilling human rights is a prerequisite to achieving world peace. - J B
Respecting human rights is the most important symbol of peace in today's world. - J B
The lack of political process and political will to end human rights violations continues to be the single largest impediment to peace. - J B
I have not experienced any situation, from Africa to the Pacific Islands, where there have not been people who had a vision of peace, a want for human rights, emerging often from their own experience of pain. - J B
Furtherance of peace depends on fulfillment of human rights. - J B
Happiness is not the money and fame you get after a chase. Happiness is peace and tranquility that puts a smile on your face - AiR Atman in Ravi
One of the most potent ingredients of Peace is knowing that we don't all have to live, think, and believe the same to live in harmony. - Amelia Goode
The Dragon is inside you, When he finds you, he disturbs your peace; Only the Fire of the Wise, beats the Dragon. - Mark A Gardner
In honor there is strength; In controversy there is growth; In the Light of the Most High there is peace. - Mark A Gardner
It is through adversity is where I will find my strength. It is through turmoil I will find my endurance. It is through pain I will find peace. I will welcome all troubling times because it means I am in the middle of forging myself for something bigger and better. - Raul Martinez
Change + Peace Quotes ⇑
Change Quotes
Using violence does not achieve much, peace achieves much more - Razvan Sterbling
There will never be peace on Earth until we realize our own insignificance. It is this imagined self-importance that has led to our downfall. - Twenty Twelve
Find peace in your heart and you will find yourself. - Karolina
They say time heals all wounds, yet, is it true if you never make peace? - Garron C. Haun
Spread peace and have hope, that's what probably God wanted you to be taught. - Mayar Darwish
Everyone wants peace? True. Everyone wants it. But there is a difference between the one who wants it and the one WHO IS TRYING TO ACHIEVE IT. - IWillBringChange
Never reject your dark side for it is part of you. Accept it and learn how to use it for good deeds, then you will be able to find inner peace. - Vitali Zverev
To cease is a piece of peace. - mohdmustafa99
We live in a world with so much hatred and so little love. We live in a world where you can't even walk in the street anymore without fearing. We live in a world where you never know if tomorrow is going to be our last day. We can't go to bed anymore without saying a prayer to thank god to have kept us alive for an other day. We live in a world where fear is the most common feeling. We live in a world where in only 24h 115 000 people lost there lives in terrorists attacks. At this point we aren't living anymore.. we are fearing life. Let's make a change. Because right now what we are living is what is going to be in our children's history books. Do we really want that. So let's all pray that one day we will have peace all over the world. That we will all stand at one and never fear again. - Laurence Lefebvre
The champion way to promote world peace is to promote the advancement of human rights. - J B
The lack of progress in resolving human rights violations is impeding peace and development. Despite a number of national and international efforts by civil society, there continues to be a lack of effort on the political front. - J B
Being present in the moment gives peace and rest to mind and body. - Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
Stop trying to stop people from changing the world. Stop trying to try to stop people from changing the world, if it's for the better that is, for everyone! Peace - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Life + Peace Quotes ⇑
Life Quotes
Many lovers sing soft and wander in quest of an unwanted peace that causes a stir for an eternity. - pahi shetty
Love brings hospitality, hospitality brings cooperation, cooperation brings unity, unity brings peace, peace is life. love is life. - Bafferh Mohammed
Negative indulgence of any kind, will disturb the order of your life, peace and destiny. - moises santa
In order for me to live in peace, I must be true to myself and my own heart. - Amelia Goode
If you identify yourself with good, you will have inner peace. - Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
Your life is at peace, If you can enjoy a cup of tea with ease. - Neha S Parihar
Peace with Christ is far more valuable than worldly success and prestige.. - Byron Abel
It may seem there is more 'evil' than Good. The Ultimate Truth is, only Goodness is Reality. If 'evil' reigned the Cosmos, no Good or Joy would exist; Only pain, emptiness. We wouldn't exist. Ultimate Goodness gives Life, Peace, Delight, Pleasure, Rest. Our spirit is Goodness and Eternally Alive. - Amelia Goode
Be in peace with your flaws, nobody is born without them! - Jumana khan
It's called past for a reason, leave it behind and be at peace in the present! - Jumana khan
Peace of mind, is long life. - ENGR ABAH SULE
All peace Quotes ⇑
Peace is the time calculated between wars.- spiro ioannidis
One can only find peace when they have witnessed pain.- Mohammed Al-Diery
Disarm me from the evils of my conscious mind so I can embrace my pure soul and engorge in the peace of silence.- Maria L Monterrey
Love becomes meaningless and wanes away when one takes the other for granted. It however blossoms when both parties accept, appreciate and propel each other to achieve their dreams while nurturing a common ground for happiness, peace and fulfilment in the future.- Dr. Patricia Ghann
Privacy brings peace and security but broadcasting everything brings jealousy and envy. Choose your path wisely.- Sibel Terhaar
There is a Devine Peace for every season in life.- Dr Titus Simsamba
Never run after a girl who doesn't appreciate you and love you, if so there is great danger to destroy yourself, your inner stability, and your peace.- Karma c lodoe
A serene prayer of peace, inspires the healing of an agitated mindset.- Wayne Chirisa
Learn to forgive yourself for your mistakes and others for their mistakes. Carrying grudges and feeling of bitterness do not bring happiness but forgiveness bring peace into lives making relationships grow closer better and stronger.- Chitra Withane
God gives you either comfort or peace. Many a times the choice is yours!- the scribe
The riches of life are to be found within, joy, peace, and happiness all your life time- ease berry
Tolerance is an instrument of peace. Intolerance brings disunity and lack of reverence.- Amoako Theophilus
If it does not bring you Peace, and is not Healing you, then it is not Good. If it is not Good, then it is not of Goodness. If it is not of Goodness, then it is not of Love. If it is not of Love, then it is not Truth. If it is not of Truth, then it is not True, and relinquish it my friend!- Amelia Goode
People are searching for the truth, but where is this Truth? People are searching for happiness, but where is this happiness? People are searching for peace, but where is this peace? People are searching for Love but where is this Love?- Sundaresh
Each is dancing alone like parts in peace negotiations.- mohdmustafa99
Dear Peace, you have Wars within. Dear War, you have Peace within.- Ritesh Ranjan
A warrior is bound by a code of honor, to sacrifice himself, and never leave innocence dishonor -- in the parsing of peace itself.- Zac Ochsenbine
Love is the peace and tenderness of the light of souls, the unity of tenderness. From love you fall into a gap in space and time, love outside the dimension is a very special space for two lovers in ordinary reality- Romeo
The more we keep pronouncing the freedom and peace the more oppressor ringing the bell of war- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
The end of peace is beginning of war, the end of war is beginning of peace- Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
Happiness is something different, we learn. Not just money that we earn and burn. Happiness is built on a foundation of peace. Then we are blissful like waves in the seas.- AiR Atman in Ravi
Peace wins every time! - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Sometimes it's better to have inner peace without love than to stick to a love that keeps on hurting you.- Pratiti Parida
The centralization of human rights will be the realization of world peace.- J B
Ever has been anyone lucky enough to find peace without tasting the agony?- Sophie Lalrinnungi
Forgiveness does not mean we simply forget, or we are ok with what has happened. Forgiveness means we understand humans unconsciously do horrible things. Forgiveness is a choice not to be held in a pain prison of the past. Forgiveness is to choose presence. Forgiveness is to choose peace.- HOWARD MANN
My sins were made white as snow but I have to let others know, the gentle peace of every footstep I take will make another heart not like mine want to take.- Joe Cervantes
Your degree of peace of mind is directly proportionate to your quantum of outlook- KRISHNAMURTY
There will be wars between humans as long as we find someone equally worthy to fight with. There can't be peace, until there is war- Henry Michalec
Next time you see someone in uniform, whether it's a policeman, fireman, or soldier, remember that in order for you to have peace, they sacrificed theirs.- Calvin Helterbran
Hearts that touch each other are at peace.- Joe Cervantes
Common beliefs should prevail under one roof, for the sake of peace.- Thomas Davenport
Don't ignore God's signs. You prayed for it, now you have to follow the path he has given you. You might not understand his plans but you'll have peace in your life. You're going to have some bumpy pathway but God will guide you through the path. Follow his signs.- Tyrone Walton
The ability to smile is a product of peace and positivity and the courage to smile is a sign of growth and maturity, learn to smile once a while because it's worth it.- Melissa mhluzi
Frustrated mind can be dangerous but I have always been a peace lover so I always win my fight against me.- bhushan madhukar meshram
If you let go completely, you will have complete peace, forgive those that have hurt you, forgive yourself please!- Cheryl Joy Khan
Love yourself for allowing peace into your life at last.- Cheryl Joy Khan
There is no innocence in a world of violence.. there is no truth if all is lies.. there is no opposer if we all oppose the opposer.. there is no peace if the peacemakers are the protesters.. there is no enemy if we're all against each other- Nina Danielle uuro
Thou shouldst have made peace with before thou hadst fought against.- mohdmustafa99
Today was bad , you have left from me, up to heaven to follow your dreams, people are hurt, words are unspoken, we had a bond that could never be broken, but now you are gone, and all can see, there is none to say but rest in peace, so I love you so much and just so you know I could I on and on but I have to go- Felicia alfaro
Peace and happiness are like Left and Right hand of a human. Right hand is always seeking the harmonious support from Left hand. If either of the two is missing the person becomes a handicapped entity.- Chandrababu V S
Peace is strength and must be nurtured for inner peace and a positive environment to flourish.- Dr Nirvadha Singh
As we stand on the precipice of a rainbow nation, either falling into a cloud of peace or valley of violence, we must always understand and define our existence within our own context.- Dr Nirvadha Singh
Love, joy, peace, and happiness are just illusions. Don't make the mistake of believing in the trick- Danielle Rose Yates
Free Love is the future of love, the future of freedom and the future of peace.- bruno venuti
Be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. Talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet. Make all your friends feel there is something special in them. Look at the sunny side of everything. Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best. Be as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. Give everyone a smile. Spend so much time improving yourself that you have no time left to criticize others. Be too big for worry and too noble for anger.- Darab Imteyaz
We all say we want to live in peace, but we're still at war. Is peace so important, that you fight for it until one or the other falls? After the fighting stops, did you really won back peace? The costs you paid are your people, and their lives.- Sierra Airey
Lay me down in a bed full of white roses. Let me bleed out and make them red. Let me lay in peace for what I have done. No need for crying. The pain is gone.- jazmine
The only way we will see peace is if we stop looking at chaos- christopher kinder
The bond between brothers begins when both have found inner peace.- Mohammed Al-Diery
You find peace when you stop chasing desperately for other things, accept people the way they are and the most important off all, accept yourself.- Tra Lalalic
Those who give purpose to starting a war are only giving excuses to hide the truth that those who believe in peace will never accept because of their lack of will, the truth being mankind will always wage war on one another because it is in our nature. As long as man exists war is inevitable and therefore peace does not exist. For peace to exist man must perish.- Christopher Joesph Agruso
Life for me is for my old age, when evaluating it back then gives peace and content.- Warrior White
We Catholics are born again because through Baptism we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.- Shaila Touchton
The secret of peace is human rights.- J B
My philosophy of peace is fidelity to human rights.- J B
Without human rights, peace will not and cannot long endure.- J B
Divine Goodness, which is LOVE, that lives inside of us, gives us Life, Comfort, Completeness, Wholeness, Truth, Peace, Rest, Companionship, Delight, Tenderness, Empathy, Forgiveness, Relief, Gentleness, Friendship, Unification, Intimacy, Warmth, Compassion, Adoration, Tranquility. Seek it within.- Amelia Goode
We can only achieve sustainable development and peace by fulfilling human rights.- J B
I am passionately absorbed in the violations of human rights which give me no peace day or night.- J B
Respect for human rights is the best predictor of peace.- J B
Any party that fails to engage in peace accord before the general election has secret agenda to destabilize peace of our noble country during and after election- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
To have peace of mind and heart, conclusion is needed for those who don't realize.- Sirisha k
My hope and wish, is for every person to live in peace with every one of their human rights fulfilled.- J B
The only route to peace goes by the way of human rights.- J B
Human rights violations are direct threats to peace and development.- J B
The art of peace is the art of defending human rights.- J B
Peace exists when human rights exist.- J B
No human rights. No peace. Know human rights. Know peace.- J B
If peace is the question, human rights is the answer.- J B
To be without human rights is to be without peace.- J B
Respecting human rights is a big step forward in terms of bringing peace to people.- J B
To cultivate human rights is to cultivate peace.- J B
(The Devil, God, World Peace 1 of 10) If someone said it takes a devil to know a devil [as I have said in some extent before] then they would be saying God is a Devil for knowing the Devil! That is why the phrase 'It takes a devil to know a devil! or not!' is to some degree or in some degrees the better or more accurate/precise statement! God, however we look at him or it, is a devil or deceiver in some degree! He just deceives or misleads/leads to good, the perfect good, the highest good, peace, happiness or perfection! And yes, joy! - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Without speedy progress on human rights issues and real action to end violations, the world not know peace.- J B
Human rights remain indispensable and absolutely essential, as every human right fulfilled brings us closer to world peace.- J B
It is vital that the human rights of all people are fulfilled so that genuine, inclusive and durable peace can be achieved- J B
Learning the game isn't enlightenment, learning yourself is! And only those who are enlightened know what I truly mean! That real, initial enlightenment will separate you from the bull crap of everyone! You don't need bad and evil in the world to live an enlightened life, though in your enlightened journey that may be around you! In truth everything is perfectly beautiful, happy and loving! Nobody can ever take my enlightenment away from me! I'll never forget it! and I'll never forget me! If you don't embrace the kid inside you, the peaceful innocence inside you, you won't know what it's truly like to be enlightened. The initial enlightenment contains the full enlightenment! People who say the world has to keep being evil are crazy [yes, I called you crazy] [you can call me crazy and I'm still at peace] and they're just repeating what they think enlightenment is! I know the joy and peace I experienced and experience by myself! That's truth! That's enlightenment - Joshua Aaron Guillory
We can achieve world peace through continuous collective efforts in respecting, protecting and fulfilling human rights.- J B
And this I believe: that without respect for human rights, we will never know world peace. And this I would fight for: protecting human rights. And this I must fight against: any idea or government which violates human rights. This is what I am and what I am about.- J B
No realistic strategy for peace can exclude human rights.- J B
Centralize human rights to realize world peace.- J B
There is a way to achieve world peace, respect human rights.- J B
Human rights violations are a significant threat to peace, prosperity and people.- J B
I don't know what is in store for me. I don't know what I have yet to store. I don't know how it would be tomorrow.. or the very next second. What I do know is I will be the same soul throughout and that I will have to live with myself as long as I live even.. and that I can't run from me. So it's better to be good and make peace with myself so that I am happy. because what matters most is whether I am comfortable with me or not :)- Purva
The primary goal of the words of a motivation or an inspiration in life is the very first action to generate an awakening of the heart to last as the encouragement of the mind to find the peace of the soul sustainable on a whole- Anuj Somany
I'm all about peace, one of the things I've learnt from my dear mom.- Sweetness Nkuna
Peace of mind and Permanent Contentment in life are rare treasures often owned by the simple living, frugal and middle classes. They are something which are rarely or not ever seen with the richest, extravagant and most influential.- saikiran
If there is no love, there is no revenge. If there is no faith, there is no god. If there is no dumb, there is no wisdom. If there is no events, there is no forgiveness. If there is no heart, there is no romance. If there is no prison, there is no freedom. If there is no impatience, there is no patience. If there is no decisions, we know what will happen. If there is no difference, there is no jealousy. If there is no parents, there is no chance of learning love right after you are born. If there is no wrong, there is no right. If there is no sadness, there is no happiness. If there is no failure, there is no goal. If there is no death, there is no life. If there is no war, there is no peace. If there is no lies, there is no truth. If there are no effect, there is no cause. If there is no darkness, there is no light. If there is no imagination, there is no fear. If there is nothing scary, there is no courage. If there's no life, there is no world. If there is one person, just one, miss- Karen Kuran
Do you know what hurts more than love and death? memories. Without memories death would seem just like another leaf from a tree falling after the seasons gone, and without memories of love it would seem like just another house on the block. But with memories of death, it would seem like it takes years for that leaf to fall, and memories of death it would take years to let go of the houses you drive by but after a while you move on to another neighborhood or let the leaf go and continue your walk or your adventure outside continues with memories there is no hope or peace just emptiness - Timothy
God When Will I Finally Rest In Peace? Only You Know The Answer.. I have Lived Long Enough.. When Will The Pain Stop?- Nik Trajkovic