Power Quotes Pictures

The power of an army is not determined from the number of tanks, artillery and guns. It is instead..

The value of a man's power does not rest in what he has the power to do, but what he does with his..

I think people underestimate the power of the LOVE LETTER.. Someone opening their HEART up to you,..

It's not a coincidence these two words contain the same letters - A MIRACLE is nothing more than a R..

Enthusiasm is a Power that can give Dreams to the Dreamless, Life to the Lifeless, and Hope to the H..
Top 10 power Quotes
To taste the sweetness of life, you must have the power to forget the past.- Darab Imteyaz
Passion.. the driving force that morphs itself into all kinds of power- Josh Darosa
The power is not in the words of a man, but in its meaning - Farhad Dastoor
Power dements even more than it corrupts, lowering the guard of foresight, and raising the haste of action.- Timmy Borba
Power is God giving us the pencil of faith, and letting us edit our script of life- Kevin gerimet
Love and power are the most desired of all things one can imagine of desiring.- william anne
Use your mind-power for your dream-power- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Kindness has massive power, only smart people get it. Think about it.- Sibel Terhaar
Do not underestimate your own power. You can do what you could never even think about.- Syed Badiuzzaman
AI is a paradigm shift. Hope we embrace it vs on the mercy of others. It is automation raise to the power infinity and much more..- Sandeep Aggarwal
Inspirational + Power Quotes ⇑
Inspirational Quotes
Passion.. the driving force that morphs itself into all kinds of power - Josh Darosa
Every man is the sum total of his life's experiences and therefore every man has the power to redeem himself if he changes his future by forgetting his past - Lucille Candice Cornelius
In order to have power in negotiating, it must be believed that you are willing to lose something important. - Donald Lynn Frost
The power of negotiating comes from the belief that you are willing to lose something that's important. - Donald Lynn Frost
True Happiness doesn't come from Prosperity, Pleasure, and Power, but from PEACE - RVM Author
Do you want to make your Life exciting? Then find a purpose that will make you jump out of bed each day with Enthusiasm, Power and Excitement - RVM Author
Imagine saying yes.. To you and shifting from unsure & scared to certainly & conviction about the power of what you do. - Jen Ramsey
Potential is power. - Germany Kent
Power is not something you get; it is something you do. - Kevin B Johnston
AI is a paradigm shift. Hope we embrace it vs on the mercy of others. It is automation raise to the power infinity and much more.. - Sandeep Aggarwal
Kindness has massive power, only smart people get it. Think about it. - Sibel Terhaar
Use your mind-power for your dream-power - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
The power of an unbroken chain created by daily persistence can be infinite - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
All power Quotes ⇑
An obstacle to the learning is to overlook the students mental level of learning by teachers. Good teachers have a power to make difference between the level of individuals rather than comparing with themselves.- Muhammad Shahid Iqbal
To have power in doing something to perfection is capability and to have power to overcome challenges is determination. Work with both.- Amoako Theophilus
She carries me like a gust wind! Her power and force I can't pretend! Her passion and love is my friend! She carries me like a gust wind! She is my time, She is my sun, She carries me across the horizon- Joshua Aaron Guillory
Disappointments, adversity, and unfair situations are needed to grow your character. Right in the middle of difficulty is where you will gain the boldness and courage, power, and strength that will help you get to the next level.- Germany Kent
A bullet, is the biggest power as well as the biggest enemy.- Murungi Nathaniel Muthomi
Don't give other people the power to decide your destiny- Dawn Harbin, Therapist, PhD Student
Virtue means wielding the power to commit great evil but being powerful enough not to.- Siavash Rohani
You are the only person who has the power to change your life - Dawn Harbin, Therapist, PhD Student
The power of your smile, can heal a frozen heart- Cleopas mlilo
You have Tremendous Power running through Your veins. Your Heart Shines as a Light that Expands throughout the Everlasting Universe. There is nothing that is impossible for you to achieve if you will Your Heart and Mind to it. With Your smallest finger, You can knock Earth off of its axis, because You have Divine Love, Goodness, and Almighty Power moving Within Your Soul, Blasting through Your Spirit, and Engulfing the Entirety of Your Heart!- Amelia Goode
My love for humanity can't be quantified, if only we understand the hidden explosives of its power- Uwagbae Nosa Lucky
Smile has the power of courage to fix a broken soul.- Ruth Bandoquillo
Darkness is light in the eyes of a greater power.- Alby Steven Foster
Grace is not the permission of God to enjoy our attachment to sin. Grace is the power of God to destroy our attachment to sin.- Richard John Niichel
One day I woke up and decided, I never wanted to give someone the power to tell ME when to wake up, Or to tell ME what I shall do. So I changed ME.. To stop that from ever happening - rhys hall
The power to halt the storm is in you..- OLATUNBOSUN DANIEL
No matter how extirpated you may feel, Give nothing the power to kill you- Gomolemo Mauco
The power for positive change lies within all of us, emerge with confidence.- Howard Hanniford
If you are blessed enough to have people in your home, church, work etc.. that have shown their desire to be a help and have a passion for a particular calling do not discourage them with a micro managing controlling mindset and lack of faith. Those who do this will find folks slowly lose that passion due to feeling stifled and unable to reach their full capabilities. A soul on fire is a wonderful thing and his power can do mighty things if we stay out of the way.- Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
If you give someone who has potential, the relevant power they need in order to succeed. They will- Angus Dolan
As long as any power structure exists, none cannot.- Joshua Young
When angry, her vocabulary power increases remarkably.- mohdmustafa99
Pride is a lie for I would want to talk about. Pride is a power for I am eager to possess. Pride is a death for I would love to die again- Phuc Phan
Never underestimate the power of guilt, in the end it will find its way to destroy you. The more you try to turn your back on it, the easier it is for it to stab you in the back.- Kabelo Mabona
Knowledge is power, without power there would be no knowledge- juan martinez
It is only the 'past' that can bring smile on the face, future is uncertain so it seldom has that power !- Sarad S Dhungel
God is not power but a belief that there is power- Harikrishna Gopalakrishnan
The media is the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.- Twitter Tisetso_Freak
God is neither male nor female, God is neither black nor white, God is neither old nor young, God is neither small nor tall, God is neither fat nor thin, God is neither gay nor straight, YOU are God and YOU have the power to do exactly what YOU want - Max rule
What irony that man's imagination has the power to create grand marvels in technology while the counterpart of human wisdom, human honor and good will among men lags seriously behind- Dennis James Deegan CTM
The power of speech is also relevant to intention..- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
When power becomes common among men there are no longer Heroes or Villains, just opponents and adversaries, and when a power greater than any other arises it is only revered as a legend.- Jericho Redman
You can do anything you want.. it all depends on the power of will..- shiza shahid
Do not fight my power, my strength, my positivity; Rather embrace it.. appreciate it; Because by doing so; You add to your own and Reveal more of your own- Jacqueline (Jackie Jax)
Humanity will never last long because they are NEVER SATISFIED on what THEY HAVE, on what they CONTROL. HUMANITY is ONE WORD for ALL OF US.. BUT INSIDE THAT WORD WE ARE REALLY DIVIDED, by our arguments, principles, beliefs, self-interest, greed and power.- Dranreb Adriel Masangkay
We fear people with power, hate the ones we love, and love the ones who break our hearts..- kamia holly
Anger acts like instant power booster- palash sarkar
Ideas shape our world, our reality, our existence.. Power shifts, Nations rise and fall.. But Ideas grow, they live on and they can change the world..- Haya Dweidary
Since the dawn of life on earth, the journey to the present day has been a series of loops repeating tragic and devastating conflicts, yet the life clock resets and continues ticking till another cataclysmic event stops the clock, and then another loop is formed in history. Then the life clock resets again. This planet we call home is a life-form it has a source of power (heart) it breaths and grows and gives birth to new life, but just like in animals everything has to end at some point - Christopher Joesph Agruso
Today I'm Playing the cards I'm dealt. For me that means Praying only for his will for me and the power to carry that out and maybe I'll get a glimpse at which ones to throw back and no matter what the cards are this reassures me that the cards are for me.- Bill Gibbs
What we need is anti-civilization to remove all the boundaries that present civilization has imposed on us or over civilization which could out power us to live beyond barriers.- Lokesh giri
One who has power has different values, oppressing the weak becomes a natural phenomenon, as natural as a tiger hunting a deer.- Lokesh giri
Please protect my children wherever they are and wherever they go. Protect them from all sickness and diseases , from all harm , from accidents and breakdowns, from the power of witchcraft and darkness, from all evil spirits and evil men , all strongholds , from all sins and temptations- Shaila Touchton
Words of love may not always be understood by the person they are spoken to but the person they are spoken to should always understand the power of the person speaking those words to them - M Adonis Layne
Not to fear, the Reality is only Goodness Exists and Reigns over the Entire Cosmos, and Everything Contained in it. Fear is nothing in and of itself, it holds no power or existence, it is a result of false fabrications and beliefs of the human mind. Only Love and Goodness will remain into Eternity.- Amelia Goode
As a religious man l see God as source of the universe,Jesus Christ as source of salvation And Holy spirit as source of strength and power.- Amoako Theophilus
'Nothing could hide from the truth, people try to hide the truth by their quietness or actions and emotions but truth is absolutely within them, that is the power of truth, people have to try to live a truthful life on this earth.- Anand gill
My fair love, thou wast always fair! And with thee no one can compare! A sweet, aromatic flower, An ever-watering shower, With true grace, and beauty, and care, By God's omnipotent power- Joshua Aaron Guillory
We must speak truth to power, we must speak the language of human rights.- J B
He is the maker of heaven and earth - you will be healed by the power of his grace.- Michiel Bester
Love is not a skill to be mastered; out of love the world came into being; love is a greater power we can't afford to buy; but yet we can afford to sacrifice it as collateral damage to the undeserving evils of this world- Wayne Chirisa
When the devil's power is greater then that of the Angels it prevails.- Mohamed Xeehan
Power To the Nerds!- Mak Baader
There are two types of people with desire. the first one is a path which leads to greed and suffering. The second is a path to improve one's self not with things but with the power to help others. This is the desire to become strong and brave in order to protect loved ones, when one has this strong kind of desire they also learn the true meaning of honor and integrity which brings prosperity and joy to himself and those around him.- Christopher Joesph Agruso