Stay Quotes Pictures

What's the use of bringing up the past? If it wasn't good then, it's not good now. Let it go and..
Inspirational Positive Attitude
Your Life Move On
There is no shortcut for hard work that leads to effectiveness. You must stay disciplined because..
Business Inspirational Leadership Optimism Success
Hard Work
Life is one big freestyle, the beat might stay the same but the outcome is always unpredictable, so..
Most people show their love by saying 'be patient, things are going to change and you know I love you'. That's not love. That's encouragement. You're..
-Marie Yolande Pierre
-Marie Yolande Pierre
Life Love Relationship Truth heart break
Love You I Love YouTop 10 stay Quotes
Stay strong, stay true, be bold- Kayla Weir
Stay connected with those people with whom you feel that you're the most lucky person on earth.. !- Aayushi verma
All the kids might not care what you teach them, but most will care how you treat them. Stay in the long game and don't write them off.- Aman Kuba
If you wish to stay good, you must first know you're not bad.- Joshua Aaron Guillory
Are you joining a conversation or taking it over? Stay aware of how you join a conversation and of your effect on a conversation.- Loren Weisman
What matters is not how long you stay in a place; it is the ability to get into a place and change it in the shortest time possible.- Soudie A Okwaro
If you are blessed enough to have people in your home, church, work etc.. that have shown their desire to be a help and have a passion for a particular calling do not discourage them with a micro managing controlling mindset and lack of faith. Those who do this will find folks slowly lose that passion due to feeling stifled and unable to reach their full capabilities. A soul on fire is a wonderful thing and his power can do mighty things if we stay out of the way.- Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
Stay Alive.. just then.. all you do is Win..- Dom Precious
I take one step forward for each two steps back. I'm constantly moving but not getting anywhere. So I start running, just to stay in place.- Brandon Kellum
I always wonder why birds stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on the earth. Then I ask myself the same thing.- Quote quest
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When I am alone please stay with me, when I feel upset please comfort me, when I get sick please keep me healthy, when I cry please cheer me up, when I feel broken please love me- lengthaiangtlumang
Life is what we have.. Life is what we want.. Life will never always stay, that's why we need to eat, pray, and love all day.- Criz Jordan
People mature and grow, but they will forever stay the people you once knew- lisa fisher
We get it.. Life is hard, but you don't know what hard is until you lose your best friend, and sticking them six foot under your heart.. You need to know that they will always stay there.- Kelsie veenema
Love will not always stay forever.- Hafsah
If someone wants to be part of your life, they make an effort to be in it. so don't bother reserving a space in your heart for someone who doesn't make any effort to stay- Rebecca Ann Totten
If you want to fulfill your dreams; stay away from the people who look down on you. Those who try to finish every sentence for you. Those people are called dream killers.- Euginia Herlihy
Don't let people put you down because it's their opinion not yours and not mine, so stay positive- Alexus Phillip
It's funny how when desires are fulfilled he/she whose desires were fulfilled are nowhere to be found while he/she who has fulfilled these desires still stick around.. through the good, the bad and the ugly.. Stay strong comrades.. at the end of time every ticket shall get punched- James Okeze
Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you.- Darab Imteyaz
Always be as nice as you can afford to be, love is to be embraced not abused, like a kiss that comes in many different hidden flavors, to know the one you love will help you identify those hidden flavors, stay true to your heart and the windows of your life will show a beautiful sight.- dee pooler
Anger and hate aren't the same when you have anger you want to yell at people and fight a lot, when you have hate you just want to stay away from every one- kyle rahmer
Keep fresh stay spicy- Carlos Bourgy
There are times in life when boys say bye, friends simply go and you are left alone, but then comes along those who will stay in your life for a million goodbyes and a million hellos.- chandler platt
Stay true to the truth and the truth will keep you true!- Steven W Baran
By doing only one thing can you stay happy for your whole life and that is 'MOVE ON'- Varun Batra
I don't really want to stay in, but I don't want to come out either.- Kaylee Greene
Maybe someday I'll learn to smile again. To trust again. To love again. But until that day comes I'll pretend. Because sometimes pretending is the best way to stay strong.- nadia wu
Don't tell someone you love them if it is not true and it is just a lie to get them to stay with you!- Taylor DeGeus
Guys are pathetic, they will lie! better to stay single than get hurt!- Taylor DeGeus
I draw your name in the sky, but the wind blows it away.. I draw your name in the sand, but the waves washed it away.. I draw your name in my heart, forever it will stay..- Moon in Ae
It's too hard to stay in between, when both extreme light and darkness can be blinding.- diya ahmed azzony
Friends come and go but the only true friend will stay till the end.- bryce dias
Opinions are like fortune cookies. once you open them and read them you can't change them, you can rip it up and throw it away but it will always stay the same, saying what was originally written.- Brittney Jones
Love comes and when it comes it might go , so stay neutral.- Toota
The Kampala we need is here. No Jam, no noise, no thieves, why can't you people just stay in your villages- Mr vybs live
No matter what you do, who you become, where you live, one should always stay rooted to their own culture, religious beliefs and virtues.- Suyog Potdar
Stay and I will give you hatred, don't worry about family, worry about death and you will get sadness in return!- MILLEY MILLER VALNZUELA
Sometimes we feel, we wasted valuable time of our life. In fact it is a time to stay back and learn patience - Sadashivan
Imagination is a world where everyone can stay and knowledge is that world where only one can stay!- sanya