Year Quotes Pictures

Another month, Another year, Another smile, Another tear, Another summer, and another winter too, B..

Life keeps changing every second, every minute, every hour, every day, every month, every year.. so..Every Day

One year passes by like one second and one second passes by like one year. That's when you know you..
There is a small seed waiting to be free. Burrowed in the ground, fed and watered. It grows slowly year after year. It turns into a beautiful flower..
-Bethany Hope Skinner Wake Up
-Bethany Hope Skinner Wake Up

I urge all to do your utmost to make the year ahead a defining moment for putting an end to human..Human Rights Violations

As human rights violations continue year after year, we cannot become apathetic. Such cruel..Human Rights Violations
Top 10 year Quotes
As human rights violations continue year after year, we must not become phlegmatic, such atrocities cannot become the new norm.- J B
Don't stumble in a new year walk in.- Joe Cervantes
God please take me away with you; can't take another minute, another day, another month nor another year in a world filled with hatred. Take me away, as it will please many. Take me away, so I won't have to go through anymore pain. Jesus, let me disappear, like I never existed before, this will bring happiness to many. Grant me one wish, that's all I ask; take me away so I can R. I. P. This I beg of you.- Meera Selvaratnam
Here I'm, standing here, regretting every mistake I've done this year- Daleen Irshaid
Spring is my favorite time of the year when life starts all over again winter is like a red stop light & spring is the green light that means go- chris parsley
A day is speechless, even for the worst. a week is timeless with happiness and forgiveness. a month is sky less filled with darkness and coldness. a year is heavy like the weight of your life being carried on your shoulder. a day is depressing with coldness around you.- miranda garcia
When one of your beloved dies.. He or she may be 1 year old or 1 million years old You are never too young or too old. The pain remains the same for those who loved you- Josie Bayaram
Birthdays are rally scary, they make us older by an year in a single day.- Lokesh giri