
Howard Hanniford (ehowardh) Quotes & Sayings:

Howard Hanniford

Experience on OwnQuotes: 8 Years 9 Months
Short Bio: I am an open minded individual who is willing to explore the world through different mediums.

Howard Hanniford Quotes

1-50 of total 57 Quotes
As humans explore beyond their wildest dreams, they find themselves beyond the goals they As humans explore beyond their wildest dreams, they find themselves beyond the goals they..

Inspirational Philosophy Success Wisdom

Be calm, humble, steadfast, and wise, these traits will surely elevate you beyond the skies. Be calm, humble, steadfast, and wise, these traits will surely elevate you beyond the skies...

Inspirational Life Philosophy Success Wisdom

Wise men set the platform for goal oriented achievers to adapt a mindset determined to soar beyond Wise men set the platform for goal oriented achievers to adapt a mindset determined to soar beyond..

Inspirational Life Success Wisdom

Be the change, impact the world, and together we can create a sustainable future. Be the change, impact the world, and together we can create a sustainable future...

Inspirational Life Philosophy Wisdom

There is no price tag on nature There is no price tag on nature's splendid beauty, as it fills and thrills everyone in any given..

Beauty Life Wisdom

To each is own, the language of love is interpreted, expressed, demonstrated, and appreciated To each is own, the language of love is interpreted, expressed, demonstrated, and appreciated..

Life Love Philosophy Relationship Wisdom

An individual who is disciplined has the mindset, and courage to conquer whatever seems impossible. An individual who is disciplined has the mindset, and courage to conquer whatever seems impossible...

Courage Success Truth Wisdom

Be mindful of toxic people around you, always surround yourself with people who demonstrate moral Be mindful of toxic people around you, always surround yourself with people who demonstrate moral..

Philosophy Wisdom

Elevate your mind from the mental slavery of others by proving them wrong as you actualize your Elevate your mind from the mental slavery of others by proving them wrong as you actualize your..

Inspirational Life Philosophy Success Truth

A life lived with a sense of purpose will always positively impact the lives of others. A life lived with a sense of purpose will always positively impact the lives of others...

Inspirational Life Philosophy Success Wisdom

Relationships that embark on immeasurable differences of expectations will definitely lead to Relationships that embark on immeasurable differences of expectations will definitely lead to..

Life Relationship Truth Wisdom heart break

Don Don't dare just to be a dreamer, be disciplined, determined, and take "all the necessary actions"..

Dreams Inspirational Philosophy Wisdom reality

God God's name is majestic, magnificent, and matchless, as His name remains so, today, tomorrow, and..

Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Wisdom

Life is a one way street, forge with fortitude, gratitude, and a positive attitude. Life is a one way street, forge with fortitude, gratitude, and a positive attitude...

Inspirational Life Philosophy Wisdom

Life Life's journey has many possibilities, exercise patience, tolerance, and commitment to achieve your..

Life Philosophy Success Wisdom

The experience of unwavering love is the greatest game changer that can take you out of your The experience of unwavering love is the greatest game changer that can take you out of your..

Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Wisdom

Create a new version of yourself by embracing the architect of change. Create a new version of yourself by embracing the architect of change...

Change Inspirational Life Love Philosophy

Be decisive and act now, to achieve your goals so that you will not miss the flight of Be decisive and act now, to achieve your goals so that you will not miss the flight of..

Goal Inspirational Philosophy Success Wisdom

A wish cannot stand on its own, it has to be propelled by a determination, amidst all challenges to A wish cannot stand on its own, it has to be propelled by a determination, amidst all challenges to..

Inspirational Life Philosophy Success Wisdom

A person A person's true character is revealed under abnormal circumstances...

Life Philosophy Wisdom

The fountain of youth will not last forever, ensure that you strive for love, peace and happiness. The fountain of youth will not last forever, ensure that you strive for love, peace and happiness...

Life Love Philosophy Wisdom

Too often people rely on living their lives in a set pattern, crisis creates untapped potential Too often people rely on living their lives in a set pattern, crisis creates untapped potential..

Inspirational Life Philosophy Success Wisdom

Life Life's daily experiences bring new meaning to our outlook of life, people, and the world...

Life Philosophy Wisdom

Life People World Bring
The heart of gold exists in the wisdom of men who seek to serve others selflessly. The heart of gold exists in the wisdom of men who seek to serve others selflessly...

Heart Life Love Philosophy Wisdom

Love the life you live, so peace will reign among mankind forever. Love the life you live, so peace will reign among mankind forever...

Life Love Peace Philosophy Wisdom

Create positive thoughts that fuel positive actions. Create positive thoughts that fuel positive actions...

Inspirational Life Philosophy Wisdom

Create an environment that will change people for the better not for the worst. Create an environment that will change people for the better not for the worst...

Inspirational Life Philosophy Wisdom

Dare to dream while you are awake, and forge with fortitude for destination success. Dare to dream while you are awake, and forge with fortitude for destination success...

Inspirational Life Philosophy Success Wisdom

Struggles exists in one Struggles exists in one's life to define their strengths...

Inspirational Philosophy Wisdom

Happiness is the exchange of one Happiness is the exchange of one's holistic state of mind to satisfy the need for free form..

Happiness Life Wisdom mind

Life Life's journey of experiences can take us places one could never imagine in our lifetime...

Inspirational Life Philosophy Wisdom

Everybody wants to satisfy his or her own selfish needs. Everybody wants to satisfy his or her own selfish needs...

Life Truth Wisdom

Being different, gives new perspectives to the boundaries one can cross, which cannot be measured. Being different, gives new perspectives to the boundaries one can cross, which cannot be measured...

Inspirational Life Philosophy Wisdom

Be hopeful and create your own footprints of success. Be hopeful and create your own footprints of success...

Life Success Wisdom

Impact as many lives as you can, and your service to mankind will be embodied forever. Impact as many lives as you can, and your service to mankind will be embodied forever...

Inspirational Life Philosophy Wisdom

Education is the escape route from poverty. Education is the escape route from poverty...

Education Inspirational Philosophy Wisdom Poverty

The time you take to bad-mouth someone, why don The time you take to bad-mouth someone, why don't you use the same time to elevate the person?..

Happiness Love Philosophy Wisdom

Time Bad
Enjoy every breath you take once you are awake, as this is a gift to you to make holistic Enjoy every breath you take once you are awake, as this is a gift to you to make holistic..

Life Love Optimism Philosophy Wisdom

Love has many dimensions and interpretations, affixed in the mind Love has many dimensions and interpretations, affixed in the mind's of every individual based on..

Faith Friendship Happiness Life Love

Beware of hypocrites who befriend you for their own selfish reasons. Beware of hypocrites who befriend you for their own selfish reasons...

Hate Life Sad Wisdom

In our classroom, happiness is your passport to success. In our classroom, happiness is your passport to success...

Confidence Education Goal Inspirational Philosophy

Inspire people to be happy so that their lives can be enriched to better serve others as they Inspire people to be happy so that their lives can be enriched to better serve others as they..

Confidence Goal Happiness Inspirational Philosophy

Mission possible is taking the leap of faith to acheive your desired expectations. Mission possible is taking the leap of faith to acheive your desired expectations...

Confidence Courage Faith Goal Success

Don Don't let adversity knock you down and out, be resilient, rebound, recharge, to achieve your..

Change Confidence Courage Hope Inspirational

The route of empowerment is to create an appreciation for effective strides to make worthwhile The route of empowerment is to create an appreciation for effective strides to make worthwhile..

Change Goal Inspirational Optimism Wisdom

"Life is a mission with a vision, which sometimes need revision". "Life is a mission with a vision, which sometimes need revision"...

Dreams Education Goal Philosophy Wisdom

Creating a bright future is to purposefully channel your spirit, mind, and body as a driving force Creating a bright future is to purposefully channel your spirit, mind, and body as a driving force..

Confidence Faith Inspirational Success Time

Mind Future Body Spirit Whatever
The power for positive change lies within all of us, emerge with confidence. The power for positive change lies within all of us, emerge with confidence...

Change Confidence Desire

Change Power Positive Confidence
Embrace your vision, so that you will have the power to conquer the impossible. Embrace your vision, so that you will have the power to conquer the impossible...

Change Confidence Desire Dreams Faith

Power Impossible Vision
Quitting whatever you are fighting for is not an option as you forge to eliminate all fears. Quitting whatever you are fighting for is not an option as you forge to eliminate all fears...

Change Faith Life Optimism
