
Logan Star (loganstar) Quotes & Sayings:
Logan Star

Logan Star

Experience on OwnQuotes: 14 Years 6 Months
Short Bio: I am a the guy that sees before real-time

Logan Star Quotes

1-12 of total 12 Quotes
Probability is the measuring tool of uncertainty. Probability is the measuring tool of uncertainty...

Age Beauty Business Change Courage

Many times we deal with our fears; the fears from our past, by attempting to influence the future in a way that brings confidence and also rectifies
-Logan Star

Beauty Courage Desire Education Faith

The fact that the self aware conciousness has contemplated the exisance of nothingness thus affirms the existance of reality and also affirms that
-Logan Star

Business Confidence Dreams Education Faith

Do not crave the opportunity to judge for self loathing and dysfunctional values of self empowerment Do not crave the opportunity to judge for self loathing and dysfunctional values of self empowerment..

I will clash swords against your barren human wasted and useless skin of weakness tormenting me to pierce it's humorous and saddening convolution as
-Logan Star

Confidence Inspirational Relationship Truth War

Time Human Open Purpose Weakness
Onward and ever forward we go. Onward and ever forward we go...


The most profound conceptual fact of mankind's self awareness concluded the creation in finite parameters of the axiom that of which states;
-Logan Star

Life Philosophy reality

Self Reality Fact Existence Energy
Many of us excel at different things but towards a cost that may not be defined by the accomplishments generally expected of the excellence but
-Logan Star


Human Different Hold
I am God until I wonder I am God until I wonder..


It is the folly of all who seek to jurisdict their fears into the utter fallacy of decadent and It is the folly of all who seek to jurisdict their fears into the utter fallacy of decadent and..


Gift Seek
Intelligence seeks to bridge the gap to the unknown Intelligence seeks to bridge the gap to the unknown..


Fear is the greatest tool of war Fear is the greatest tool of war..

War Fear

Fear War