
Mac McGovern (macmcgovern) Quotes & Sayings:
Mac McGovern

Mac McGovern

Location:Cantonment, Florida, USA
Experience on Earth:75 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 5 Years 7 Months

Mac McGovern Quotes

1-28 of total 28 Quotes
Creativity, poetic fervor, talent, and.....

what can I say?


Perfection requires no Creativity, poetic fervor, talent, and..... what can I say? Perfection requires no..

Creativity Inspirational Success

Poetry is not a written or spoken form to be feared, rather, should be the educational tool that Poetry is not a written or spoken form to be feared, rather, should be the educational tool that..

Education Philosophy Success Truth Wisdom

You may never know who your father is,


you are always your mother You may never know who your father is, but, you are always your mother's child...

Life Love Relationship Truth

It is not outward appearance whereby love does survive;
it is inner beauty takes love for the long It is not outward appearance whereby love does survive; it is inner beauty takes love for the long..

Inspirational Life Love Relationship Wisdom

In this life,
I do not lie in darkness,
I am immersed in eternal light. In this life, I do not lie in darkness, I am immersed in eternal light...

Faith Inspirational Life Love Truth

As it stands today...

Jesus called,
he did not talk about blessing America;

Jesus called,
As it stands today... Jesus called, he did not talk about blessing America; Jesus called, ..

Philosophy Relationship Truth Wisdom heart break

I remember every moment I spent in the womb and being born; I just cannot recall it. I remember every moment I spent in the womb and being born; I just cannot recall it...

Inspirational Life Love Relationship Short

“Unlike the chicken, I do not cross the road to get to the other side; I cross the road because “Unlike the chicken, I do not cross the road to get to the other side; I cross the road because..

Life Success Truth Wisdom

In a society numbering hundreds-of-millions, those upon whom they depend for protection and In a society numbering hundreds-of-millions, those upon whom they depend for protection and..

Heart Inspirational Life Truth Wisdom

The moon is our best friend,


it never turns its back on us. The moon is our best friend, it never turns its back on us...

Inspirational Philosophy Short Truth One liners

When the power of love
overcomes the love of life,
peace and contentment
extend the hand of When the power of love overcomes the love of life, peace and contentment extend the hand of..

Inspirational Life Love Relationship Success

Hatred is blind
causing light to recede
into darkness.

oblivious of the consequences
Hatred is blind causing light to recede into darkness. Hatred, oblivious of the consequences ..


When the truth slaps you in the face, you should know, you are telling a lie. When the truth slaps you in the face, you should know, you are telling a lie...

Short Truth Wisdom

When the wind blows gently through beautiful long hair lifting just enough to allow light to penetrate as it outlines each strand in scintillating
-Mac McGovern

Inspirational Life Love Relationship Success

Alcoholism, the pariah feeding on the collapse of self-control befuddling the brain Alcoholism, the pariah feeding on the collapse of self-control befuddling the brain's sensibility;..

Inspirational Life Philosophy Relationship Truth

Self Control
You starve your children not by denying them food but, through lack of discipline. You starve your children not by denying them food but, through lack of discipline...

Inspirational Life Love Relationship Short

Children Food
Why do you say, Why do you say, 'Zombies are brain dead, dysfunctional, and have no place in society?' When, Z..

Funny Life Relationship Wisdom One liners

Place Society Dead Brain
You are who you are, you cannot change what fate has made unique; you must first love you. You are who you are, you cannot change what fate has made unique; you must first love you...

Change Inspirational Life Love Relationship

Love Change
People who affront that of which they know nothing, are unqualified to attempt an opinion on that People who affront that of which they know nothing, are unqualified to attempt an opinion on that..

Inspirational Philosophy Truth Wisdom One liners

People Know
It matters not why you write, how you write, or, when you write, because, no matter what you write, It matters not why you write, how you write, or, when you write, because, no matter what you write,..

Inspirational Love Philosophy Success Truth

Love Matter
If fighting for the Constitution was good enough for Washington and Jefferson; who am I to question If fighting for the Constitution was good enough for Washington and Jefferson; who am I to question..

Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Relationship

I write, because it is a record of a long life of successes, and experiences which I leave as a tribute to the love for my family, and future
-Mac McGovern

Family Inspirational Life Love Philosophy

We mourn loved ones for a time, memories will fade with each generation, until no memory remains. A We mourn loved ones for a time, memories will fade with each generation, until no memory remains. A..

History Life Love Time One liners

Time Lost Journey History
Wisdom is not the result of time lived; it is the result of lived time. Wisdom is not the result of time lived; it is the result of lived time...

Short Time Wisdom One liners

Time Wisdom Result
Lies of deception, targeted to deceive through the indoctrination of masses, are the hallmark of Lies of deception, targeted to deceive through the indoctrination of masses, are the hallmark of..

Inspirational Life Philosophy Truth Wisdom

If, I can assist one stupid person make a common sense decision, I have attained greatness. If, I can assist one stupid person make a common sense decision, I have attained greatness...

Inspirational Life Truth Wisdom

Sense Stupid Decision
Prejudice learned now encapsulates willing souls.. until only hate survives. Prejudice learned now encapsulates willing souls.. until only hate survives...

Hate Inspirational Philosophy Short Truth

Hate Willing
What greater honor, when a person moves forward, they leave behind in each of us, the best of what What greater honor, when a person moves forward, they leave behind in each of us, the best of what..

Inspirational Life Love Relationship
