Mac McGovern
Gender: | Male |
Location: | Cantonment, Florida, USA |
Occupation: | Author |
Experience on Earth: | 75 Years |
Experience on OwnQuotes: | 5 Years 7 Months |
Mac McGovern Quotes
1-28 of total 28 QuotesIt is not outward appearance whereby love does survive; it is inner beauty takes love for the long..
Alcoholism, the pariah feeding on the collapse of self-control befuddling the brain's sensibility;..
Inspirational Life Philosophy Relationship Truth
Self ControlYou starve your children not by denying them food but, through lack of discipline...
Inspirational Life Love Relationship Short
Children FoodWhy do you say, 'Zombies are brain dead, dysfunctional, and have no place in society?' When, Z..
Funny Life Relationship Wisdom One liners
Place Society Dead BrainYou are who you are, you cannot change what fate has made unique; you must first love you...
Change Inspirational Life Love Relationship
Love ChangePeople who affront that of which they know nothing, are unqualified to attempt an opinion on that..
Inspirational Philosophy Truth Wisdom One liners
People KnowIt matters not why you write, how you write, or, when you write, because, no matter what you write,..
Inspirational Love Philosophy Success Truth
Love MatterIf fighting for the Constitution was good enough for Washington and Jefferson; who am I to question..
We mourn loved ones for a time, memories will fade with each generation, until no memory remains. A..
History Life Love Time One liners
Time Lost Journey HistoryIf, I can assist one stupid person make a common sense decision, I have attained greatness...
Inspirational Life Truth Wisdom
Sense Stupid DecisionPrejudice learned now encapsulates willing souls.. until only hate survives...
Hate Inspirational Philosophy Short Truth
Hate Willing