Hate Quotes Pictures

Let the blade that's lodged in your heart, tainted with hate and despair .. Be banished and wiped..
Anger Forgiveness Hate Heart Love
Your Heart
We both enjoy if we don't hate each other, We both coexist if we don't hate each other...Each Other
Top 10 hate Quotes
With hate you can't make sincere compliments.- mohdmustafa99
We hate money, particularly the very little of it..- mohdmustafa99
I hate goodbyes; but, they are inevitable.- The Quoted Iris
What Person Has Time To Hate When There are So Many Beautiful Things In The World To Explore- SunofYah913
Mother is the only one who loves you even if you hate her.- Kowsalapathy Saravanan
Mother is the only one who loves you even if you hate her.- Kowsalapathy Saravanan
Love is the path of light, hate is the path of darkness. With love you lead a happy life. With Hate you lead a dreadful life- kaleb dquarius reynolds
I hate teenagers who are 40 years old.- mohdmustafa99
Do not hate yourself or others, there is already enough hate in the world.- Victor Courage
When you love, be careful with progression. When you hate, hold nothing back.- Hunter James
Love + Hate Quotes ⇑
Love Quotes
If you can't love, don't love; don't hate. - Lokesh giri
Love is to hate to hate. - AB Baby
Don't lead me to the darkest direction if you love me, tell me at the beginning if you hate me. - Linda Usman
Love is endless it has no beginning nor ending, Hate too doesn't have a beginning but it has an ending. - Linda Usman
Love who you hate, Hate Who You Love! - Hannah Phelps
We fear people with power, hate the ones we love, and love the ones who break our hearts.. - kamia holly
If you could never feel hate, doesn't that mean you could never feel love either? - Hanorra Rainda
No matter how much I try to hate you. I always end up loving you. - Gaurav Nayal
When you love, be careful with progression. When you hate, hold nothing back. - Hunter James
Love many and many will hate you. Hate many and more will hate you. - Victor Onaola
Love with passion. Hate with passion. Don't be passionate about being between the two. - Sapna Dhandh Sharma
What you hate about them is what you love about them - jenny feraer
Only Hate, world can find out in a minute.. Otherwise It will take decades to find True LOVE - Jay Chandegra
Easy to hate who loves you, Easy to love who hates you, Difficult to hate who you love! - Tewelde G hawerya G meskel
We love we hate, we laugh we cry, we fight we cuddle, we fall we fly, we sing we shout, We are near we are far, but by heart we are one we are one.. ! - Darshil goswami
Mother is the only one who loves you even if you hate her. - Kowsalapathy Saravanan
Mother is the only one who loves you even if you hate her. - Kowsalapathy Saravanan
Love from the first glance, but hate after several glances. - mohdmustafa99
To run out of love leaves no other option than to hate. - Joe Cervantes
If love is pain then hate can never be comfort.. - success song
A Breeze of love is the straw that broke the camel's back of hate. - mohdmustafa99
Love ever hate never.. - Aye Aye
Love what others hate; and hate what others love , but keep arguments away from these choices - mohdmustafa99
To love you need no reason to hate you need one. - Kowsalapathy Saravanan
You either love or hate. Don't do both. - Velt Kidd
The love we feel for others is a sign that we are all connected and that everyone we love displays a part we like about ourselves that every human being we hate displays a part we hate about ourselves. All is connected , separation being the illusion. - Kay Yash K Hove
Life + Hate Quotes ⇑
Life Quotes
One day you will see them for who they truly are.. and you will hate their very existence - James Okeze
Love who you want to love, hate who you want to hate, be friends with who you want to be friends with, but be nice to everyone if they are nice to you - Brittany Baldwin
You arise with the mark of nature, to purify your knowledge and awareness, with all this you despise it, by going against your natural growth of birth. You turn into a machine of greed and hate, only to cause suffering to the ones around you. - Kurt Vella petroni
Don't you hate it when everyone else can have an excuse for being human except you? - Jon Byron Rangel
Never hate people who are jealous of you, but respect their jealousy. These are people who think that you are better than them - Rebecca Ann Totten
If you're gay, it's a sin. If you're bisexual, you're confused. If you're skinny, you're on drugs. If you're fat, you look nasty. If you dress up, you're conceited. If you speak your mind, you're a bitch. If you don't say anything, you're a punk. If you cry, you're a drama queen/king. If you have male friends, you're a whore. If you have female friends, you're a player.. You can't do anything without being criticized. Love me or hate me but you will never change me. - Martika Cherry
Love conquers all, hate conquers nothing - Victor Courage
Love, trust, jealousy they are all strong emotions.. But if you label them all as just 'emotions' your life might be empty, but at least won't feel pain of watching love turning to hate, trust to isolation and jealousy into pain - Djordje Peric
If your not giving out love - then you are just holding in hate.. - G Swiss
Can't HATE who you don't know or refuse to know - Babi Shakes
Is it normal to hate everyone and everything? - Rimmi
We are all going to be hurt when we hate each other - Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
See love whenever hate looks at you - Evelyn Rosario
Lust is intermediate somewhere between hate and love - Suraj Bhaskar Gholap
All hate Quotes ⇑
You cannot run away from things you hate. Because it is all inside you. As long as you are there the hate remains. You just have to accept it and move on.- sandeep Shankaranarayanan
Love never goes away, it is just covered by hate and ignorance - Kerry Deshun Tate
Many people may hate school but not knowledge- Semir Ib
It doesn't Matter how many times you say 'i hate you' it doesn't hurt Nearly as bad as when you say 'i don't love you' for even just once- nina dandrea
Hate is stronger than love! When you hate someone you give them your soul- Gabby Ramos
It doesn't help to hate on someone, love is the real solution.- Jovonta Battle
Don't hate what already exists, you'll only end up hating everything- Lokesh giri
Only people who really love you can hate you for a small thing you do unintentionally.- Marie Yolande Pierre
I hate whenever I can't solve a problem.- ENGR ABAH SULE
The reason of love is greater than the reason of hate! - Joshua Aaron Guillory- Joshua Aaron Guillory
Prejudice learned now encapsulates willing souls.. until only hate survives.- Mac McGovern
My love for everyone makes me fly and your hate for me makes you cry.- Uday Partap S Grewal
We are all going to be hurt if we hate each other.- Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
Money mends a broken heart only halfway. Only love can fully restore it to it's full potential, and hate will deteriorate the love and will be a forever growing dark void until it consumes your whole heart. Embrace the light Let it go.- Alex Miller
Some people just love hate and hate love.- Zac Ochsenbine
I don't hate idiots outside lecturing halls of a university.- mohdmustafa99
She dreams awake. Sleep-walking through hate and awakened by love.. She is, I am, a Designer's Original- L Parker
People hate you only when you have something better than them- Rahul Dogra
Don't hate the future, make the future- John Melancon
I hate being me. I hate the mask I put up. But when alone I burst in tears. Can't they see my pain can't they understand. It's hard being you when you are already broken. It's hard being you when you are an outcast, a misfit, the black sheep in the family.- lesley antwi
They hate you because you're positive. Their negativity multiplies and the result is still positive.- Nathaniel Howard
I am a bad man, I am a bad person, my whole life my mother asked that I never become like my father, nonetheless I failed her, I failed everyone in the worst way, for no matter how I've tried I've become all that I've strived not to be, I am my father, I've become my father and so much more, I will no longer bother with trying to beat it, for fighting it is like fighting quicksand, the more I struggle the deeper I am swallowed by the shadow of him, I will no longer try to love or live life, because I know I am my father, I have become what I hate most through some sick twist of fate, a card i've been dealt of which I cannot discard, like a sickness tied to my very soul, I am toxic poisoning everything in my path, like King Midas if his touch had been like the fangs of a viper rather than that of the golden touch. I now truly believe that the proverbial Apple does not fall far from the tree, almost all men are destined to grow into their father's shadows and sometimes even grow darker- chad daniel thome
Darkness cannot drive out darkness: Only light can do that. Madness cannot drive out stupidity: Only calmness can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: Only love can do that - Juniblaze
Love People and Hate Racism, that is how to Overcome it - Wendy Taylor-Hill
'I love you' and 'i hate you' have 8 alphabets each, so don't be surprised if he comes to profess his today and tomorrow you see hatred being demonstrated.- Kabirat Ahmed Salihs
My heart is no longer a prison of hate.- Joe Cervantes
I'M JUST A GIRL I love being called pretty, but I'll never believe it. I'm not always right, but hate admitting I'm wrong. I'm almost always smiling, but its not always real. I can be read like an open book, but hide so much. I work hard at things, but don't always get what I deserve. I'M JUST A GIRL.- Mymenchelle Laurent
We are well skilled to exchange hate because our Arab nomadic culture refutes the perception of love.- mohdmustafa99
To hate drugs equalizes to love diseases.- mohdmustafa99
Hate is like cancer. It's very strong but dies quickly along with its host. Love is forever and will live in the hearts of many, even long after the host is gone.- Bret Stringham
I remember when we broke up.. a month.. i'll change, I hate we broke.. we are never never ever.. getting back together you go talk to your friend talk to my friends talk to me but we are never never ever getting back together.. TALK TO ME NEVER NEVER EVER I used to think we would last for ever we are never never ever get together sad face - alisha rigby
I hate you because you make me miserable. you hate me because i make you miserable. maybe there would be less hate if we just left each other alone.- Ella
Anger and hate aren't the same when you have anger you want to yell at people and fight a lot, when you have hate you just want to stay away from every one- kyle rahmer
I love how simple words make me smile, but hate how unexpected words make me cry.- Jennifer Lujan
I point out my flaws not because I hate them, but because I accept them.- Baely Gabrielle Askins
Haters hate makes me prettier, popular and better.- Janice
There's no thought or emotion such as hate. What we refer to as hate is just something we fear or dislike that we are unable to accept or cope with.- Pieter Raubenheimer
I'll hate you today for what you'll do tomorrow- Rick Daune Gibson
Your life will take you through all kinds of pain, anger, and hate. But the more of this you experience the happier you are when it is over.- bob
Hate is such a ugly word , it makes matter even worst.- Cynthia Sanders
First came love then through hurt we learned to hate.- Amanda F. Nichipor-Cifuentes
There is no need to hate because your own past makes some of your enemies to look like saints.- larona Mokoti
I hate it when life gives you something that you never wanted, and when you are really attached to it, it doesn't just take it, it snatches it from you.- Philon Alexius
Hate is an illusion of fear- Alex Gaddini
All I wanted was just a simple way to get over you so I looked inside and found many many many reasons to hate you.- Bre Elfvin
The anger that I has stuck deep inside. Carried by the memories that linger in my head. Following me day by day, Regreting the moves that I never made, Wondering what would have changed, If I had spoken the words I felt. Hate, disgusted, embarrassed & sad. There may be a lot more that we could've had. Now our love is still beautiful, We still made it far.. I just wish you would have heard or Noticed the Hurt that I had in my heart.- Magaly Toledo
I never knew I could hate inanimate objects (keyboards) too- Rodrikus Dontavious Jenkins
I hate myself because I love everybody..- success song
I hate oppression simply becausr I like freedom in life..- success song
I hate proud people more, also I love philanthropists, not those who oppress and forget humanities..- success song
People will hate you for going to school and having qualifications while education is free- Mr vybs live
Haters gonna hate, just let them hate, they are jealous- Isaiah gatwood
All those beautiful days are deeply missed by her.. All those soothing words of him are still with her.. His love for her got converted into hate.. But still she does nothing than to 'WAIT'.- Soumya Kushwaha
I don't even see the hate, no debate, I don't believe in fate, just destiny.- James Duncan Moncrieff
I hate being angry and pissed off. I hate when people are pissed off with me and won't tell me why. I hate when someone is pissed off with a close friend and won't grow a pair and tell them what's really wrong. I also hate when you are sitting in your room just calming down from being pissed off earlier, and you hear your parents complain about something else yet again that you have done, and they think you can't hear them complain. Its even worse if you don't know what it is that you have done wrong..- Becky Kirsty Charters
Don't ever feel lonely, you know you have friends out there, you know you can make friends out there, and you know you have family out there. If none of that, you know you have God out there. You may not know that and feel that, and you may not see him there by you, but he will help and make you make a friend. Don't feel lonely, God will make you feel better right away. He knows how you're feeling right now. It's just that time in life, when you aren't with those family members, and friends. You are probably just wishing they were with you. Don't ever say you're a loner though, because that is not true. Don't cry, and don't hate yourself.- Zendaya Coleman
I hate you all and i don't need a reason- someshreddy y
No one will ever know if I really hate them or not or when I'm nervous and my stomach's tied in knots, No one will ever know what I'm really thinking or know my name unless I say it when I'm speaking, No one will ever know the real true me unless I show it you see..- Tamara Jackson
Love Me Or Hate Me I'm Still Gonna Shine - Sirena Federico
There is so much hate in the world and too many people are dying old and young from fighting and pollution but we brought it all on ourselves. Animals suffer from litter and young children die from diseases and pills-drugs, we need help and god shall guide us through our own mess. Hope is nearly gone for us yet we steal and kill. Fellow human beings are in trouble but our selfish ways lead us away from a needy soul. Humans are greedy and arrogant, caring only for themselves and not for the welfare of others, people starve with no homes or family, children and adults just like us are lonely and need a friend and who is there for them, no one yet, we always find a way out of trouble, well they cannot find that way and they need our help. We take and take but never give. Everyone gets a time, their special time, but it is not mine nor yours so lets give it to someone who really needs help!- Bethany Hope Skinner
I hate sweets, that's why I finish them all- Lokesh giri