Place Quotes Pictures
Time is precious, Time is cruel. Time makes new memories, Time makes us crazy with thoughts. Time gives us love and laughter, Time gives heart ache..
-Candace Easton Move On
-Candace Easton Move On

Never place the burden of YOUR happiness on someone else; you will both inevitably be disappointed...

A little more compassion for the suffering people could make this world a much better place to live..

Life is what you make it. Your imagination is the only thing that will place you at a better stage..

Happiness can not be bought by money it can only be felt at the right place, with the right person..

If you want to make the world a better place, trust not in your invisible friends, but in your..If You Want
The heart's job besides to keep you alive is to make you experience strong feelings about important people in your life. Your gut is there to give..
-Paul Kaiser Your Life
-Paul Kaiser Your Life

A world where governments are held accountable for their human rights violations will earns its..Human Rights Violations
Top 10 place Quotes
It is our ability to spread happiness and joy which makes this world a beautiful place to live in.. just remember it starts with us.- Vasudeva Rao D M
Wherever you are, never forget to keep your soul in a clean place.- Sipho P Nkosi
If you didn't get 100% in primary school, the only place you will see 100% again is when your phone is fully charged- Mr vybs live
We all share one thing in common, our last breath will take us to the same place.- Allen Lazar
Africa my origin! A place I call home, a place am from, a place I sometimes wish am not from. With our dark skin the outside world sees us as dark minded people. A place where we are treated like a minority. Oh my Africa- Isele Eghosasere Elfreda
War is not a disaster but disaster may take place in war- Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
Life is like one long race, except it is the last place that wins- JOSIAH P
Waiting is not to tolerate only time but also place.- mohdmustafa99
As I grow older, depression tries to seep into every part of my life. I keep moving. I let it try to find me and when it does.. I give it a swift kick in the you-know-what.. and I move to another place.- Ms P Quotes
A Tough Journey Produces Great Results When Positive Mindset Is In place.- Samuel Okonji AKA Mc Bobby
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Don't make the tomb your dwelling place - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Everyone has life challenges, sitting at a particular place can't solve it, but inviting more continuous future challenges- Olatunji Ebenezer Lotus Dippin
Every time I want to be better, people remind me of my past and I get back to the old place- Nahid afrin
Live love laughter belong in one place.- Jacqueline douglas
Giving up on important things and people in life is another way of saying silently that it/ they weren't that important in the first place.- Casper G. Smith
Opportunity exist for those who can observe trends, for this world is a trending place.- Oscar Auliq Ice
What matters is not how long you stay in a place; it is the ability to get into a place and change it in the shortest time possible.- Soudie A Okwaro
We may go our separate ways, but in a special place inside me, is where you'll always be - Hikaru Ito
It is not simply your look in the picture that defines you, the place, the person and the cause really speaks..- Aditi
There's a place in your heart where God lives.. here, they speak Love, a language heard by the deaf and seen by the blind.. you allocate for it more land.- andrew matiyenga
I take one step forward for each two steps back. I'm constantly moving but not getting anywhere. So I start running, just to stay in place.- Brandon Kellum
I always wonder why birds stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on the earth. Then I ask myself the same thing.- Quote quest
You can't move on unless you GET THE HECK OUT of the place you are in.- Lucelly Mosquera
Earth is a beautiful place, until you realize it can get ruined by some nuclear weapons some day, that is the moment you realize human intelligence has gone too far.- Arne Holmen Fjotland
In the depths of myself I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible hope, A dream so big, that I myself can not see it. Etched into my skin, like a strand of DNA, a soul part of myself. Personal. With nothing but myself to believe in, but that moment. Standing on a windswept ridge. Or hanging by the last of my skin on a sun drenched crag, in a place where nothing works. But everything is found.- Joshua Guyer
The world is always a better place on a full stomach.- Victor Courage
There is no place in the history for those who feel cautious about revealing their aims- mohdmustafa99
If evolution is taking place, Then what is the problem with this human race, Earth is filled with intelligent life so very diverse, Yet the only planet with life in which evolution is taking place in reverse- Jerome Lashawn Kidd Jr
Someday I'll achieve my dreams and you'll be in the same place you're now, telling me I can't.- Daleen Irshaid
That agony, that pain, that struggle, that rejection takes you to the place of grasping your dreams.- Euginia Herlihy
So what if I can't have you in real life.. I will always have you in my most secret place of all.. my heart..- shiza shahid
If people could unite the way they do during funerals this world could be a better place.- Brayne Matshotshi
The mind is a mutual place to be pleasant and to be dark.- Natalia
If you think there is no place for mistakes, and you can't make sacrifices don't say I do. Marriage was made for people who can endure.- Karrella Jones
Life isn't simple. It isn't a fairy tale with happy ending, it's a mean place which wouldn't get easy on you. So you have to learn to move on from every shit that life throws at you.- isabel
Positive change can only take place in your life, when you are willing to exchange the negative for it.- Bobby Winter
In this world, the farthest place is not from state to state, not from a country to country, not from earth to space, it is from your heart and what you think about the other person- Taylor Ann
Take me to the place where honest people still exist- Daleen Irshaid
No matter you are at a wrong place at the wrong time, you always can find good friends- Farhad Dastoor
Don't be afraid to dream. Dream like there are no limits, no impossibilities, no barriers. Dream to your heart's content. For only in our dreams that we can find refuge, find a place to rebuild our hopes and find a moment to regain our inner strength to see a brighter tomorrow.- lulu topacio
Great people always leave deep scars. Never take anything for granted and don't rush into things, be patient. Every little piece will fall into its place when you least expect it.- Karolina
I Love Hugs, So hug me. You know that place in your arm and so close to your heart? There is where I long to be.- Shorouq A Hassan
The future is in the palm of your hands and you decide where you place it.- Tony Corriz
From the shimmering light to the darkest shadows, life will flow continuously, from the very moment a baby is born into the light, the light will follow till that person dies and fades into the shadows. And still life moves on, without skipping a beat, for when a person fades from this world, another shall take its place. so is the cycle of rebirth.- Christopher Joesph Agruso
There's no place I can not go.. my eyes are the vehicle and my mind is unlimited fuel..- Fransis Ardie
If we could love more than we expect to be loved, world would have been a happier place.- Lokesh giri
With the church money, these false pastors and their families go to vacation or trips to many places with Gods money and enjoy all luxury living. These people have turned the House of God into a place of greed, gluttony, merchandising, fraud, and a den of thieves and robbers.- Shaila Touchton
When you come to a place in your life where you know and remember that you are Good, because you are One with the Highest Force in The Universe, which is Complete Goodness, and no longer blame yourself, you will then know how to stop condemning the world.- Amelia Goode
They ask me how I do it!? I think peacefully, freely, Passionately, desirously, Originally, naturally! I read with speed, or any pace I choose! I never consider myself to lose! I never go amuck over a buck! I never place my faith on legal luck! I'm free, that is how it is for me- Joshua Aaron Guillory
We now need to place human rights curricula in our schools, to really learn about the critical importance of human rights.- J B
Human rights has gone beyond thought. It is now a worldwide movement. The imperative now is to place human rights at the center of everything we do.- J B
Changes can take place in life, but it's human being's responsibility to remain in- Anand gill
Human rights should be supported and celebrated, as they make the world a better place for all of us.- J B
The measures that are now in place are insufficient in addressing the needs of people. We must be able to enforce human rights law.- J B
It is critical that conditions are put in place to ensure human rights are respected, protected and fulfilled.- J B
Like a kite with a broken string, That's how my life was like.. Today I'm here, whether tomorrow takes place or not, Was my everyday story..- Mamta yadav
As a kid playing marbles like a monkey jumping from one place to another mostly in a squatted position is good for the growth and health of a kid.- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
There is no place for human rights violations in the 21st century.- J B
The best place to get a Tattoo is the Bible. Get the Word of God written upon your heart!- Susan Marie Davis SMZ3D com
Imagination can take you anywhere you want to go, to a place where anything is based by you, to a place where the story is made by you and to a place where YOU can be YOU To the realm of fantasy To the realm of dreams and wishes To the realm where anything is possible But no matter what you do.. You will end up to the place where you originally are.. In reality- No One
To succeed you must do the right thing, in the right way, at the right place, at the right time and know why and how you did it so you can repeat it and improve on the results. Most people want to make by just copying WHAT was done but they ignore the other crucial elements of WHERE, WHEN, WHY and HOW to adjust for the variances.- Cherif Medawar
Just two steps outside and that's the beginning. I sit down in a public place and see all the people's faces. Slightly scared, mentally impaired. Afraid of the world around me..- Zarah smith
There have been times, where I have felt alone. Thinking to myself, where should I go. Than I met this man who took me away, To a very happy place, where the love would never end. Into his heart, as deep as it went. Feeling the spark, feeling the life. Everything surrounding us feeling so bright. The feeling never leaves, It stays feeling high.. and still until this day we are together living our happy lives.- Magaly Toledo