
David L. Rose (misterdrose) Quotes & Sayings:

David L. Rose

Experience on OwnQuotes: 5 Years 8 Months

David L. Rose Quotes

1-20 of total 20 Quotes
You can You can't fix stupid but you can hide it, if you shut up and stay out of the way...

Philosophy Wisdom

If I wasn If I wasn't here, I'd just be somewhere else...

Philosophy Wisdom

C. S. A. Common Sense of America C. S. A. Common Sense of America..


I may not pick up a weapon to fight but, have no doubt, I will join the Christian Battle. I may not pick up a weapon to fight but, have no doubt, I will join the Christian Battle...

Truth One liners

LGBTQU? How about ABCD, American, Baptist, Christian, Decided! LGBTQU? How about ABCD, American, Baptist, Christian, Decided!..

Funny Short

Success is not always measured by physically tangible means, but often by intent and effort. Success is not always measured by physically tangible means, but often by intent and effort...

Philosophy Success Truth Wisdom

Success Effort
You cannot add to, nor subtract from the Truth, it just is, as it is. You cannot add to, nor subtract from the Truth, it just is, as it is...

Philosophy Truth Wisdom

If ye listen real hard, you can hear the whales. And if ye sniff a lil harder, ye can smell me If ye listen real hard, you can hear the whales. And if ye sniff a lil harder, ye can smell me..

A man that can A man that can't bridle his tongue, is a man that can't bear his own thoughts...

Philosophy Wisdom

The illness is sin, the cure is Jesus. The illness is sin, the cure is Jesus...


Live in the moment, hope for the future, ever mindful of the past, for it is the past that shapes Live in the moment, hope for the future, ever mindful of the past, for it is the past that shapes..

Philosophy Wisdom

Future Past Hope Moment
I only smoke when I I only smoke when I'm on fire, very painful, don't recommend it...

Funny Short

Never pet a burning dog! Never pet a burning dog!..

Funny Inspirational Philosophy

Be good! But, if you can Be good! But, if you can't be, at least don't get caught...

Funny Wisdom

I I'm a lot like bad whiskey, taken only as a last resort, in small doses, and very infrequently...

Funny Wisdom

A smile is the same in any language. A smile is the same in any language...

Life Love

Do your good deed for the day early, that way you can be an asshole to everyone else you meet for Do your good deed for the day early, that way you can be an asshole to everyone else you meet for..

The reason I look in the mirror so much is not because I The reason I look in the mirror so much is not because I'm vain, I just want to remember what I..


Want Look Die Remember Reason
Don Don't plan to hand out shovels if you try to make a mountain out of a mole hill...


Try Hand Plan
Patience is like a muscle, If you don Patience is like a muscle, If you don't exercise it, it won't grow stronger...

Patience Short Wisdom

Grow Patience