Die Quotes Pictures

The power of an army is not determined from the number of tanks, artillery and guns. It is instead..

I don't want to die even though I can't help it. I want to live, and while I live, I want to impact..I Want I Want To

I'd rather die, after failing a hundred times in life than live one day wondering why I never tried...One Day

We shuttle between joy and sorrow. We live, we die, and we don't even know why. We are born, and we..

We all have the Wisdom to understand that sooner or later Life will end, but we don't have the W..To Understand

Don't let that little desire in your heart die, it's never too late to make your passion your..Your Heart
Top 10 die Quotes
I used to live in Chi-town but now I live in DIE-town!- The Quoted Iris
Never ever give a chance to anyone breaking your heart. A broken heart makes a person dead in living! It's better to die than living like a dead.- Taher Rehman
In modern world, you die from your own mistakes vs someone else's.- Sandeep Aggarwal
Whoever plans to live forever should at the same time have it in mind to die now..- success song
Its better to die in happiness than to live in sorrow..- success song
I may die, but first I will live as if there was no death.- Dahlia Godfrey Allen
Why do we shuttle between joy and sorrow? between yesterday and tomorrow? it is because of our ignorance. we live, we cry and we die.- AiR Atman in Ravi
If it is indeed service to humanity why are we still killing each other to retain or get into government office, politics isn't do or die, it is service rendered to better humanity..- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
Politics isn't do or die it is for those who can manage it to better humanity..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
Biggest lie in today's world- Time will always fly but, Good relations never die!- Ananya Sardar
Death + Die Quotes ⇑
Death Quotes
Powerful emotions of human soul never die, they pass on. - Lokesh giri
99.9% of all people who eat pickles die. - Jack Brown
Where do I go when I die, I'm guessing that I won't know until I get there, and then it will be to late to tell any one. - Jack Brown
Life is to live and love is to die :) - Abhishek Thakur
Death is a natural part of life. If you fear death then you will die young but if you embrace death and except the joy and sorrow that come as a toll, then you will experience the true value that life brings and will have no regrets when the time comes to accept and return to the cycle of life. - Christopher Joesph Agruso
As a leader in combat, you or one of your people can die in a split-second; so your orders must come even faster. - Ryan James Melanz
I will never be the best, then why try if all we do is live to die - Chris Behm
I was in your life; and I always tried to spread a smile on your face. But I promise when I die, I will try not to leave a single drop of tear in your eyes. Then also I'll make you smile. I believe, you'll be glad of my death. - Afeefa Nishaat
Mother Teresa once said If you judge people, you have no time to love them.. funny I hear when we die God will judge us all - Nikola Bevanda
I could not live with you, but you can die without me - Farhad Dastoor
When I die, God, take me as I am, not how I want to be. - madison vogel
Don't die before you're dead.. - Paddick Van Zyl
I'm not afraid to die.. just that today is not a good day to die - Matthew Lee
It's nice to get a warning before you die? - Joe Cervantes
Don't be sad that you are going to die, always be happy of what you have left. :) - Connor Michael Lambeth
Those who deserve life are those having a patriotic goal to die for. - mohdmustafa99
If you want to kill me make it twice because I don't die once in seven times.. - Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
Nobody wants to die but that's the end of all things that live.. - Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
It's better to die and live like a ghost than to be alive and live like dead.. - Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
Life is like death. When you live, people talk about you a lot. When you die, they even write about you - Mr vybs live
A problem having got no sisters will die soon. - mohdmustafa99
I may die, but first I will live as if there was no death. - Dahlia Godfrey Allen
Whoever plans to live forever should at the same time have it in mind to die now.. - success song
Die not when you're living rather live when you're dying.. - success song
Those who are afraid to die are already dead alive.. - success song
All die Quotes ⇑
The future is unavoidable And its form is unchangeable; We must all be incorporated Or die alone and underrated!- Boghos L. Artinian
I won't ever die! I won't ever lie! I won't ever say goodbye to you, my love! I won't ever sigh! I won't ever cry! I won't ever dry the wetness of our love!- Joshua Aaron Guillory
Many people die prematurely because they never knew how to live.- Crysta Bourne
Just remember you're born alone. you die alone, your heart beats on its own. You don't require anyone but yourself and your mind.- Rex
I am not asking you to die for me. I am asking you to trust me.- Cleopas mlilo
Your expectations are nothing more than a poison bottle.. You die everyday you have one - Yashi mahendra
Karma and rebirth have a connection we must know. Our actions will be redeemed even after the end of the show. Our Karma vanishes when our bodies die. We will be reborn as the body who cries.- AiR Atman in Ravi
You can Just Choose to Live and Die Or start a Quest to Find who am 'I'!- AiR Atman in Ravi
How do you know you love her?' His friend asked. 'Because I would cross a hundred rivers and die a thousand suns just to be with her, ' He said. - TMZPoetry
Fight for everything or die for nothing- Jonovan Strickland
If you are born cruel, that is not your mistake; due to ignorance if you die cruel, that is definitely your mistake- KRISHNAMURTY
Live for this moment before that moment will die- Sanchi
Pride is a lie for I would want to talk about. Pride is a power for I am eager to possess. Pride is a death for I would love to die again- Phuc Phan
Everyone's life be a movie and they the hero.. where some people are supporting cast and some just make a guest appearance.. and as in the movie the heroes never die.. when they do, the movie is over- Sudha Bashyal
Hopes die with time and that's the reason people die every second- Rimmon Shoukat
Every Day, Every Hour, Every Minute and Every Second is important in life. Until day to Until we die. Everything we create and we design ours life's, good or bad come from us. Until end try to be happy and make others happy. It's just a life.- chandu reddy
Let the past die, live in the present and look forward to the future- No One
The worst day of loving someone is the day that they die, so why not think of the best days you had with them and hold on to the memories you shared. Instead of grieving, you should be thankful for the moments you spent together and to value their life's.- Zakia
Sometimes when I think too hard, Everything Seems Meaningless, Like to die, is merely to sleep eternally in our Dreams..- Abandoned Zombie
Every living being has the birth-right granted by the nature to live and die in this world without the manipulative interference of human Every living being has the birth-right granted by the nature to live and die in this world without the manipulative interference of human.- Chandrababu V S
Every living being, from ants to whales, has a right to live and die in accordance with the law of the nature. Human with the added advantage of possessing common sense, is bound to facilitate the lives of other hapless creatures rather than enslaving them.- Chandrababu V S
When politicians wage 'war on terror', people die. When the people wage war on terror, politicians die.- Anonymous
I love you. I can't live without you. I feel so incomplete without you. You are a part of me and I can't live if I don't have that part. I am not asking you to love me forcefully or something. However, I'll never be able to stop loving you, it's like breathing to me and if I stop breathing I'll die. I know that I really love you because loving you hurts a lot. And I read somewhere that the things that really, really hurt are the right things to do. Now I can say that the things that really, really hurt are real. No matter how hard I try to ignore you, I can't. And I couldn't just get away with this feeling, I had to tell you because I had to give it a try. I still don't know whether you love me or not, but here I am telling you how I feel without even knowing anything about your feelings. I think it is worth taking the chance and trying again and again in love, no matter what happens.- nadia khan
Time spent alone is time only you remember, and when you die it's lost.- Marcus Magnusson
I will always be by your side till the day I die. I couldn't stand to live my life without you. When my heart felt like it was about to break you where there to comfort me. I will love you till the end of time. You are the best.- Trystan Strawn
Dreams are always something above your high expectations, something that probably you need to reach out for. If it's too high up, then jump higher! Just keep going for that dream, no matter how hard you try just don't let it die out.- anonymous
Live by one word Die by one word- Honor, live by what others call you or Die by it - Stephen Trent Seigrist
Anyone that wants my land, should either work for it or die for it.- ajith CHEMPARATHY
It's better to die rather to live like a coward.- abbas_khan
Love is not a simple emotion nor an easy feeling, therefore not every 'I LOVE YOU means I'D DIE FOR YOU- diya ahmed azzony
Fear, it's among us all. Without fear we are nothing. Yet, with fear, we are everything. Fear is everywhere. You fear to die, you fear to live. Fear, it's what keeps us moving- Alex Ewing
In the presence of danger three things come to mind, fight for the future, die for what you believe in, and love what your heart says - Michael Amaki
Died a thousand Times , lived a thousand & One Times , I live to love you but die when we break away..- Nely
You are born. You live. Then you die..- Bethany Hope Skinner
If you want to be a winner, die for your love.- Linda Usman
Though it seems heroic to fight even when one knows he is gonna lose and die, but it's really silly, if you survive you can fight again, for even better causes- Lokesh giri
Die hard or work smart.- Lokesh giri
There are two kinds of people, those who are born to live and those who are born to die and I'm both hence the third: 'those who are bound to die'.- Matt Bill
The reason I look in the mirror so much is not because I'm vain, I just want to remember what I looked like after I die.- David L. Rose
I know we've made it, And we'll live and never die! I know we're related, And being one is no lie- Joshua Aaron Guillory
With care, I may live another 20 to 30 years. I shall spend this time making my mark. For me this means composing music and writing my novels. I know not what fortune will befall these enterprises, but I know I will die having honored my heart all the way.- Kevin B Johnston
ODIUM: If you are born odium, that is not your mistake; due to ignorance if you die odium, that is definitely your mistake- KRISHNAMURTY
Death is not permanent if so there would be no life, and life is not permanent if so there would be no death, so why work and die for that which is not permanent? Because you don't know the real worth of your brother who has been permanent from the beginning and kill those who are Able to know the difference. A fallen countenance is all you'll receive and that is death even in Life- Matthew M Roberts
The day that you will stop imagining, is the day when you will die..- Menna tamer Abdallah
Life sucks and then you die- Konnor Kish
There is so much hate in the world and too many people are dying old and young from fighting and pollution but we brought it all on ourselves. Animals suffer from litter and young children die from diseases and pills-drugs, we need help and god shall guide us through our own mess. Hope is nearly gone for us yet we steal and kill. Fellow human beings are in trouble but our selfish ways lead us away from a needy soul. Humans are greedy and arrogant, caring only for themselves and not for the welfare of others, people starve with no homes or family, children and adults just like us are lonely and need a friend and who is there for them, no one yet, we always find a way out of trouble, well they cannot find that way and they need our help. We take and take but never give. Everyone gets a time, their special time, but it is not mine nor yours so lets give it to someone who really needs help!- Bethany Hope Skinner