
Regan Howard (regan1991) Quotes & Sayings:
Regan Howard

Regan Howard

Location:TN, United States Of America
Experience on Earth:33 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 14 Years 3 Months
Short Bio: There's more to me, but I guess you'd really have to know me.

Regan Howard Quotes

1-9 of total 9 Quotes
It takes a great amount of courage to open a door for an unknown opportunity. It It takes a great amount of courage to open a door for an unknown opportunity. It's a risk. It could..

Dreams Happiness Inspirational Life Love

World Open Mistake Courage Opportunity
I believe I can do many great things, even on limited talent. I believe I can do many great things, even on limited talent...


Talking to strangers is like reading a new book. Talking to strangers is like reading a new book...

Change Life Philosophy Wisdom

I I've left a lot of things undone, unfinished. I just hope that I managed to care for the truly..

Death Dreams

World Care Hope
Don Don't worry about the things you can't control..

Courage Faith Failure Optimism Peace

I can open my eyes to something I I can open my eyes to something I've seen everyday and see something I've never seen in it before. I..

Change Imagination Inspirational Life Opportunity

Beautiful Open Everyday
The greatest gift you can give someone is to understand them. The greatest gift you can give someone is to understand them...

Anger Faith Friendship Relationship Short

Give Understand Gift
Freedom is what we have only in our minds. Freedom is what we have only in our minds...

Freedom Short Wisdom

Allow yourself to lose control. The hardest part of living is learning to let go. Allow yourself to lose control. The hardest part of living is learning to let go...

Death Failure Forgiveness Freedom Peace

Living Control Learning