
Sandeep Shankaranarayanan (sandmanrox) Quotes & Sayings:
sandeep Shankaranarayanan

Sandeep Shankaranarayanan

Experience on OwnQuotes: 13 Years 7 Months
Short Bio: To talk about one's self in the truest sense one has to understand or get the answer to the Question, "Who am I ?".It is the most difficult question for any person living in this world.Who you are is what makes you different from the "other". It is your individual identity which is different from other identities. Are you that "difference"? Another question is ,Is what you are, what you are because of the "difference" or is that difference because of what you are? We are to seek this knowledge.

Sandeep Shankaranarayanan Quotes

1-15 of total 15 Quotes
The days that you cannot forget are the days that did not remain long enough The days that you cannot forget are the days that did not remain long enough..

Family Friendship Happiness Love Truth

Forget Remain
You cannot run away from things you hate. Because it is all inside you. As long as you are there You cannot run away from things you hate. Because it is all inside you. As long as you are there..


Hate Accept Run
To let go, is probably difficult but it will bring you happiness in the long run. Holding on to the To let go, is probably difficult but it will bring you happiness in the long run. Holding on to the..

Hope Inspirational Love Optimism Relationship

Happiness Fear Bring Run
What you are is your greatest achievement and from here its the start of your greatest challenge What you are is your greatest achievement and from here its the start of your greatest challenge..

Confidence Courage Optimism

Unhappiness is an internal construct; every person's feeling and experience is unique to him/her. The feeling of discrepancy of what one 'should have'
-sandeep Shankaranarayanan

Happiness Sad

Happy Feeling Experience
Sympathy is no better than Apathy unless there is some Empathy attached to it Sympathy is no better than Apathy unless there is some Empathy attached to it..


I do some of my best works when I am asleep I do some of my best works when I am asleep..

Short Witty

We used to draw a line first then blur it, now we draw a blur and blur it further We used to draw a line first then blur it, now we draw a blur and blur it further..

Short Witty

It was not hemlock which killed Socrates, it was the Athenian disappointment and loss of hope and its fear of inevitable decadence. The fear bred by
-sandeep Shankaranarayanan

History Hope Fear

Fear Light Hope Impossible Loss
The world respects people who secretly create problems and publicly rectify them  and scorn those The world respects people who secretly create problems and publicly rectify them and scorn those..


People World Work
It is wise to be where your voice should be It is wise to be where your voice should be..


When I was climbing up When I was climbing up 'Mt. Ego', a lightening called 'Reality' jolted me down to the 'Humble' C..


To be in a secured net of the world of Imitation is to live a life imitating the 'other' or live in fear. Education means to kindle the sense of
-sandeep Shankaranarayanan

Education Freedom Fear

Life World Fear Freedom Sense
When there is truth inside you, there will be hell beside you When there is truth inside you, there will be hell beside you..


Truth Hell
'Zero' which itself means absence of any quantity. But the distinctive feature of it is in its measurability on the right side of a natural Number as
-sandeep Shankaranarayanan
