
Allen (yeechern123) Quotes & Sayings:


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Allen Quotes

1-4 of total 4 Quotes
Every mistake teaches you new things. Every failure encourages you to work hard. Every death of a loved one isn't the end, he/she is probably telling


Life Work Death Wrong Failure
Opening an unknown door with a bunch of keys is like life. Once one of the key is unable to open a Opening an unknown door with a bunch of keys is like life. Once one of the key is unable to open a..

Life Wisdom mistake

Life Open Mistake Door
Coming here to read quotes is a chance, a chance to learn new things, once a chance is lost, it may Coming here to read quotes is a chance, a chance to learn new things, once a chance is lost, it may..


Learn Lost Chance Read
Every word that comes out of your mouth determines how educated one is. Every word that comes out of your mouth determines how educated one is...

Education Philosophy Short Wisdom
