You will never know your own heart until you let it speak...
Easier than to speak about mistakes, is to commit them...
Short mistake
A coward feels shy to speak about his cowardice, but he never feels shy to show it practically...
Short One liners feeling
To speak without knowledge is worse than having knowledge without speaking...
Short Witty knowledge
We must speak openly about those who kill children by chemical weapons. Misuse of chemistry is not..
Hate Life Sad Science War
If you speak your mind you'll be hated, if you say what they want you to say then they own you...
I can speak three languages: Arabic, English- I learned when I was just a little child and Silence-..
Sad Witty
High school learners' focus on Spokenology studies is practicing various topics. That familiarizing..
Education knowledge
They speak of plans; five year, ten year, even a hundred, as if they're sure Man will remain to..
Intelligence is inversely proportional (contrary) to tongue, more the intelligence, less you speak..
Funny Inspirational Life
All members of the British Parliament have fluent English unless they speak about Brexit...
Funny Politics Short
The oppressed do not speak about their oppression , but about their oppressors...
Sad Short One liners
Many times , I speak to some people for the first time , I wish it will be both, the first and the..
Funny Time One liners
A shy child puts his/her fingers in his/her mouth, but s/he must put them in his/her ears so as not..
Funny Life children
It is nice and wise to put all contradictory parts together in one time if we speak about people..
mind thought
Top 10 speak Quotes
Only those who are color blind speak of black and white- TMZPoetry
Interesting, false prophets were paid to speak, true prophets were chased away or killed..- Byron Abel
Outside classrooms , many teachers draw in air when they speak.- mohdmustafa99
People who really want to study language well need to know how to speak properly.- Luke Shen Tien Chi
The true poet should always have something to say! Should be able to speak in the light of day!- Joshua Aaron Guillory
Don't just speak but speak properly.- Luke Shen Tien Chi
Tears speak, and also give smile, but nothing is permanent- Samuelsathyadass
Our prayers are heard before we speak them.- The Quoted Iris
Don't waste your time to prove that you are the best, let your work speak for you.- Maneet kataria
There's a place in your heart where God lives.. here, they speak Love, a language heard by the deaf and seen by the blind.. you allocate for it more land.- andrew matiyenga
All speak Quotes ⇑
We teach our students to read and write but why not to speak for their self.- Areeba Noor
Observe but do not interfere, think but do not speak, look but do not touch. These are the lessons we are taught by the world in order to survive. In order to live, we must learn to defy.- Corbin Gordon
The best way to learn is to speak more with others- karthick kumar
Speak up for the Silent; you may be surprised to discover how badly they need you- stop bullying
If you don't have a parrot , don't annoy your cat by making it speak.- mohdmustafa99
If I do not speak I can not Lie, If I do speak there is possibility for the truth- Lily Athas
If you're gay, it's a sin. If you're bisexual, you're confused. If you're skinny, you're on drugs. If you're fat, you look nasty. If you dress up, you're conceited. If you speak your mind, you're a bitch. If you don't say anything, you're a punk. If you cry, you're a drama queen/king. If you have male friends, you're a whore. If you have female friends, you're a player.. You can't do anything without being criticized. Love me or hate me but you will never change me.- Martika Cherry
Speak little; Listen much- RINSHA ABDUSSALAM
That one person, where no matter how long you don't speak for you always fall for them over and over no matter how much they've hurt you, in the past- lauren bell
Actions speak so much louder than words ever will.. and the silence is deafening.. things are never as they seem.- Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
What is Love: It's when the conversation on the phone is over and you wait for the other person to speak in that silence, This feeling is Love- Farhad Dastoor
The confession must speak the truth of your heart- Frisnel Joseph
Courage is when you have the strength to speak the truth.- Mohammed Al-Diery
Humans were meant to speak in Half-Duplex- Scott A W Moore
You speak of my faults as if you have none- rex
You don't cheat yourself when you don't speak the truth that hurts others because not speaking truth isn't lying.- william anne
People should know how to speak with others. they should learn to hold their tongue while speaking to others. they should respect others first..- rakeshbabu
Do not simply speak - speak for human rights.- J B
I think it is important to speak out for human rights.- J B
Not only people will speak about your good or bad, Allah will tell his honour angels about it- Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
Lies can never hold or stand up to speak on the podium of truth because it's an abomination to tell lies when the host is truthful..- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
Her Eyes? Yeah, they speak to me a lot even in the consciousness, of their brown haze, towards my profound love for her.- Saugato Adhikary
In regards to human rights, we must speak boldly and we must act boldly.- J B
We must speak truth to power, we must speak the language of human rights.- J B
I refuse to be silent. I will continue to speak up for human rights.- J B
Yes I advice myself.. because some times I need an expert's advise.. You ain't too dumb to speak dumb truth to your self.. at least there is truth in the dumbest truth.- Richard ofem inah