
Silence Quotes, Silence Picture Quotes & Quotations

Silence Quotes Pictures

Thank You.. if You understand my Silence! Sorry.. if You Misunderstand my Words! Thank You.. if You understand my Silence! Sorry.. if You Misunderstand my Words!..

Life Wisdom

people always regret their speech.. not their silence People always regret their speech.. not their silence..


People Silence Regret
Silence is an answer, which does not need explanation. Silence is an answer, which does not need explanation...

Love Short

Need Answer Silence
If you don If you don't understand my words.. you will not understand my silence.. !..

Short heart break

Understand Silence
Jesus is powerful. Even Hitler failed to silence him. Why should we be silenced by human beings in Jesus is powerful. Even Hitler failed to silence him. Why should we be silenced by human beings in..

Truth Wisdom emotion question

Understand Silence
Silence always says something. Silence always says something...

Forgiveness Heart Love Short

You May Silence The Words Of A Person By Assaulting Them, But You Can You May Silence The Words Of A Person By Assaulting Them, But You Can't Silence Their Thoughts...

Inspirational thought

I can speak three languages: Arabic, English- I learned when I was just a little child and Silence- I can speak three languages: Arabic, English- I learned when I was just a little child and Silence-..

Sad Witty

People Speak Child Silence
If silence speaks in volume, I possess many a unpublished book within. If silence speaks in volume, I possess many a unpublished book within...

Funny Short

Book Silence
Sometimes Silence is all we have to give.. Sometimes Silence is all we have to give....

Sad Short

Give Silence
Learn to listen to the echo of silence and you will learn to speak the language of God Learn to listen to the echo of silence and you will learn to speak the language of God..

God Inspirational Life Love Philosophy

Give Silence
Silence is one of the most powerful abilities we possess, knowing when to use it or when not to use Silence is one of the most powerful abilities we possess, knowing when to use it or when not to use..

Inspirational Life Relationship Short Success

Give Silence
"Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak." "Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak."..

Love Philosophy Truth Wisdom heart break

Give Silence
"The power of silence is in its ability to awaken the soul." "The power of silence is in its ability to awaken the soul."..

Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Wisdom

Give Silence


Give Silence
Who will open their mouths when all of the voices have been silenced? Who will open their mouths when all of the voices have been silenced?..

Freedom Wisdom

Give Silence

Relationship Short Truth Wisdom One liners

Give Silence
When you hold each other When you hold each other's hands and just listen to the rain fall, when you both just sit together..

Inspirational Love Philosophy Wisdom

Give Silence
When you hold each other When you hold each other's hands and just listen to the rain fall, when you both just sit together..

Inspirational Love Philosophy Wisdom

Give Silence
I guess that there I guess that there's more than one way to silence the opposition to greed and lies...

Inspirational Love Philosophy Wisdom

Give Silence
Silence is not golden for the mute. Silence is not golden for the mute...

Inspirational Love Philosophy Wisdom

Give Silence
Silence is power.-DrTJ/ThomasJohn,MD,ABO,DTM Silence is power.-DrTJ/ThomasJohn,MD,ABO,DTM..

Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Relationship

Give Silence
“When words fail to express feelings, silence kicks in to communicate from soul to soul.” “When words fail to express feelings, silence kicks in to communicate from soul to soul.”..

Life Relationship Short soul feeling

Give Silence
Build in silence, execute in public. Build in silence, execute in public...

Life Relationship Short soul feeling

Give Silence

Top 10 silence Quotes

Not all people can be silenced.- Anthony T HincksThe silence of the virtuous is the loudest endorsement of wickedness.- Aloo Denish ObieroSilence leaves me speechless.- Anthony T Hincks~I hope our friends can understand that as we grow, things inevitably change, and our lives become more challenging. Please forgive us for being absent at times. Don't interpret our silence as a sign of indifference, we're simply navigating the demands of this unforgiving hustling life...- Carson AnekeyaCreate space for silence! The silent space is the place where we soothe and refresh both mind and body!- Adrian McGinnMusicians depict on silence !!- Vivek SahneyMusicians depict on silence !!- Vivek SahneyConflict resolution & mutual respect cultivates cohesion amongst differences. there are no resolutions in silence, hear each other out.- LYGASAnd he said... ...silence speaks volumes when the truth has been heard in harsh whispers.- Anthony T HincksThe world hides behind blasphemy to silence critics, yet it is silent on the needs to end wars, greed, discrimination and hatred. If you cannot speak up in the name of peace and harmony, then you should stay silent behind your walls of shame.- Anthony T Hincks

Inspirational + Silence Quotes

Inspirational Quotes You May Silence The Words Of A Person By Assaulting Them, But You Can't Silence Their Thoughts. - Donald Lynn frostIgnorance is Believing that Silence is Nothing. Wisdom is Knowing that silence is Everything ! - AiRLies may silence the lambs, but what do the wolves know about the truth? - Anthony T HincksOften we are scared of silence because we fear that we may find ourselves! Being with silence is being with ourselves - Adrian McGinn"In a world of noise, silence is the canvas on which introspection and self-discovery are painted." - Ramon RiveraalmenaConflict resolution & mutual respect cultivates cohesion amongst differences. there are no resolutions in silence, hear each other out. - LYGASMusicians depict on silence !! - Vivek SahneyMusicians depict on silence !! - Vivek SahneyCreate space for silence! The silent space is the place where we soothe and refresh both mind and body! - Adrian McGinnSilence leaves me speechless. - Anthony T HincksThe silence of the virtuous is the loudest endorsement of wickedness. - Aloo Denish ObieroNot all people can be silenced. - Anthony T HincksSilence is power.-DrTJ/ThomasJohn,MD,ABO,DTM - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTMWhen you hold each other's hands and just listen to the rain fall, when you both just sit together silently and do your own thing. That is silence and THAT is love. - Maddie LaVangeWhen you hold each other's hands and just listen to the rain fall, when you both just sit together silently and do your own thing. That is silence and THAT is love. - Maddie LaVange"The power of silence is in its ability to awaken the soul." - James Ng\'uniSilence is one of the most powerful abilities we possess, knowing when to use it or when not to use it! - Adrian McGinn

All silence Quotes

The world is dying and yet, so many remain quiet.- Anthony T HincksSilence separates people.- Marcquiese BurrellSilence is the power move we should all have in are arsenal.- Ramon RiveraalmenaWithin the whispers of silence, lies the untold secrets of the universe, waiting patiently for the curious soul to listen - Wisdom Isaac Oku- Wisdom Isaac OkuIt is a paradoxical but the silence breaks our peace.- Tamerlan KuzgovForgiving people in silence and never speaking to them again is a form of self care but God wants us to confront them in peace and ask for forgiveness even when we were never wrong- Harold Steadfast ZuluThe most noble way to react towards one’s harm is silence and ignorance both will help to gain back the relation- Irfan Mamoun MDSin is deceitful and it will silence the heart.- Joe CervantesSilence is no longer golden; silence only helps the victimizers- bill p resopSilence may be the 'best solution' to any problem, but it is definitely the 'worst invitation' to every problem!- Kanha yThe scariest ones are the most quiet ones.- McKenzie GibsonSometimes silence kills a lot more than the words..- Bindhu In all solace tranquility, the tick of a wrist watch is siren - Tendai BunhuLiving is not about seeing, . It's about being. Silence and acceptance can give the answers we seek. With our mouths and eyes wide open all we seem to catch at time is the dirt gathered up by others.- Darren GiardelliActions speak so much louder than words ever will.. and the silence is deafening.. things are never as they seem.- Lisa Ebersole DempseyWhen I needed the world and my peers to answer a question, I was answered with complete silence.- Jordan ScaliceWhat is Love: It's when the conversation on the phone is over and you wait for the other person to speak in that silence, This feeling is Love- Farhad DastoorTongue is to use only when silence is unbearable.- Lisa Roy

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