Silence Quotes Pictures
I can speak three languages: Arabic, English- I learned when I was just a little child and Silence-..
Test of time is true determination of your faith, it is these moments of silence that define who you are and who you with are. Don't regret the..
-Shaila Kunwal Who You Are Don’t Regret
-Shaila Kunwal Who You Are Don’t Regret
Actions speak so much louder than words ever will.. and the silence is deafening.. things are never..
Top 10 silence Quotes
Reasons are not reasons, they are excuses. Dare not tolerate those excuses for neglecting one's heart. To follow the feeling in one's bones can be exactly what one needs. Acknowledge the hunches and obliterate the exasperating silence. To resist one's impulse is a bowl of anguish. Preservation is a limited convention. The more we attempt to prevent ourselves from falling, the closer we become to the fall. The innocent shall never win. The vulnerable shall never prosper Nonetheless the courageous are those who acknowledge the struggle that entails living. The pretentious are those who dare to breathe. And the ingenious are those who dare to love. There is no right and wrong. Whatever brings us stability and gets us through the day is always the sanest thing to do. A second of what you want can be worth a day of what you don't.- Camilla
When I needed the world and my peers to answer a question, I was answered with complete silence.- Jordan Scalice
What is Love: It's when the conversation on the phone is over and you wait for the other person to speak in that silence, This feeling is Love- Farhad Dastoor
Tongue is to use only when silence is unbearable.- Lisa Roy
To all of those citizens of the United States that have been exiled to the land of silence, scorn, disgust and disdain for your belief in freedom, Christ and wisdom, you are not forgotten by the Lord..- Byron Abel
Your silence says something is there hidden in you, your smile tells nothing is hidden in you, your eyes tell sea of water is hidden in you, your broken heart tells deep wound within you, but your breathing tells still life is in you- Anand gill
Ignorance and silence attributes to death on any issue of life!- Nancy Joan Jenkins Espe
We must acknowledge with deep regret our silence in regards to human rights.- J B
Screaming in silence expressing nothing- Dan
It's always a pleasure to feel your warmth in silence- Nova